Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

February 21, 2008

Nagin Wants to Cold Cock the NOLA Bloggers (and everybody else with a brain)

“No-See-Um” Nagin, our transparent, or is that the invisible, Mayor took umbrage over the flap concerning his little play-time fun with “Do Nothing” Riley, our Chief of Police. He’s also bitchin’ because the media is against him and his sparkling record here in NOLA, causing Racists to come out of the woodwork and make him live in fear for himself and his family. He also talks about the “evil” Blogs, and how if he is approached wrongly he will cold cock the person(s) responsible.

Try to cold cock me you worthless piece of political trash, and I’ll sink my knee so deep in your genitals that you will sound like Minny Mouse for the rest of your life. That or I’ll stick a 7 inch pump somewhere (but you might like that, Bitch.). You always find a way to make yourself look so freakin’ silly, and by extension you soil the images of the folks here who are ACTUALLY doing the rebuilding. You are NOT an asset to New Orleans.

I was going to take this rant farther, but there are too many good NOLA Bloggers who have already weighed in on this poop:

Try Dr. Morris, or the Zombie, or DangerBlond, or Adrastos, Maitri, Think NOLA, We Could Be Famous… (and yes I know I missed some, but I’m busy hiring protection.)

And there are my pieces from last week.

I wonder if we Bloggers can get Restraining Orders against this congenital Repug lunatic?

Sinn Fein!

Update: I missed these few comments from Nagin’s interview this morning:

“Nagin: I don’t know. I’ll probably settle down and get to the business of the recovery. I’ll probably go talk to an attorney and the FBI about hate crimes and all that good stuff, but I’ll be back to business.

Roberts: Have you received any direct threats?

Nagin: I’m not going to get into that. I’m a fairly high profile person and I’ve made some pretty hard decisions and it’s made some people angry. So it is what it is.”

So I guess that “No-See-Um” Ray doesn’t believe in Free Speech, the telling of the Truth or Civil Disobedience. It’s just sad… he should return to the world of cable TV and spare the rest of us anymore of his insanity.

Curtsey to the Swampwoman for filling me in.

OMG! Colbert has us on his “On Notice” board.  Thanks Leigh! (I think…. need to get the Rad Faeries to protect me.)

February 4, 2008

“We Don’t Need No Stinking Corporate Sponsors…”

It seems that our “wonderful” invisible Mayor was trying to sell out OUR traditions to the Corporate Pigs.

Mr. Nagin, OUR city’s gov’ment ain’t no freakin’ company: it belongs to the citizens. You are not a fucking CEO, you are OUR servant. Same holds true for anyone who works for OUR city gov’ment. You work for US.

The Social Contract states that we help each other, that we care for each other, and that we arrive at a common scheme of governance. Those who are part of that governance structure obey US. Get that one you jerks?

Not one of you fuckers have the right to sell our culture, our souls, our lives to the highest bidder. We will not allow any company’s “Brand” on us. We are not serfs.  And you and those misfits you have placed in City Hall are not overlords. (Remember the term “Civil Servants”?)

There will be no “Muses, sponsored by Monsanto” or “Proteus by Phillips”. Or “Comus provided by Chevrolet”.

We are the people of this city. This is our culture, our way of living… it is our heart. It is alive, just as it’s been for three centuries. This city is ours, you corporate whack-job.  We are New Orleans, and without us all that will exist is a freak-show Disney version of the real thing. New Orleans, the city and the soul, belongs to US, not you and your corporate B/S.

In other words you SOB, we ain’t for sale.

My ancestors helped found this city, carving a place to live out of the swamps. Some of my family were “Free People of Color”. A few others were Haitians that drove the French from their island. Some of my forebearers were pirates, others fished the seas. Many are my elders that died fighting for our country and the reason for it’s existence. They lived their lives, just as I do.
“This Land is My Land, this Land is Your Land…”. Get the fucking picture you fucking corporate slaves?

Why don’t you, Mr. Nagin and gang, stop trying to brand and sell us, and instead actually do your damn jobs as OUR servants? Otherwise we will storm the Bastille, and you fucks will be toast. (Remember last year?)

New Orleans is OURS. We ain’t for sale. OUR culture belongs only to US, not your corporate masters. We will not be “Branded”.

Sinn Fein!


February 1, 2008

Bingo! Our Savior Has Clay Feet.

Just read this.

Yeppers, the new gods are just like the old gods. Fuck me with a spatula… We’ve got to do this again. *rolls eyes*
Can’t we not get fooled again?

January 12, 2008

“Protection of the Victim”?

NOPD is playing games again concerning crime reports to the citizenry. Though they post crime maps on the City’s website (two fucking weeks old), they do not believe it’s in the best interest of the people to KNOW what’s happening day-to-day in their respective neighborhoods. (Oh yes, it also protects the tourist industry here so they can claim all is “safe” in the city as they woo more folks down here to spend money.)
I call BULLSHIT on this one, trice-fucking unabashed B/S.

Try this freakin’ poop out:

“Narcisse maintained the department wants to keep the public informed and to follow the law, but he said Kahler should never have received records with victim identification and other details that could be harmful to investigations.

“The ultimate concern is protection of the victim,” said Narcisse, who also emphasized that officers must make sure that no information is released that will jeopardize making arrests.”

This from the same assholes who, after I reported being mugged by a thug at gunpoint, brought the supposed perp (along with five squad cars) to MY HOUSE for ID’ing. I reported a buffed Black man in his 20′s, and thank the Goddess they had “captured” a 70-year old man who did side work in the Marigny. But the point is that they brought the “perp” to my home, and he didn’t know where I lived when he put the 45 to my chest and forehead.

NOPD is not about policing a community. It’s only purpose is to protect the tourism, business and moneyed communities. It is not in the business of enforcing the Law, unless of course if enforcement means tickets to enrich the City Treasury and/or the tow truck companies.

The motto of every police department is to “Serve and Protect”. That motto covers All citizens, not a select few. The cops here in New Orleans don’t understand that. (Please note: I’m not peeing on the rank and file cops… they are only as good as their superiors.) Chief Riley has never understood that pledge, and for that he must be removed from his position. (And no cushy bailout job like the Majority arranged for the racist D.A. that resigned.)
If the City has to look elsewhere in the country for a real Chief of Police, so be it. If the man or woman chosen for the task isn’t Black, who freakin’ cares. We, the people of New Orleans, which keeps the City running on the real level, needs, desires, and deserves a real police department, not the shit sham piece that the Nagin Administration keeps in place.

We, yes we… the little folks of all stripes and colors, are the ones rebuilding this city, no thanks to the Naganites, and we both deserve and demand a responsible and efficient, honest and caring, police force. Nothing less will do.

Do you hear me now Mr. Nagin?

Sinn Fein

November 26, 2007

The Usual Suspects Arrive…

Filed under: Crime,New Orleans,NOLA Politics,Politicians,Racism — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 7:07 pm

Today on the steps of City Hall the usual suspects showed up to protest the fact that citizens and members of the City Council are questioning the recently signed garbage contracts. The protesters, including the loud-mouthed and worthless ministers, are calling any investigation into the garbage contracts “Racist”.

I am sick and tired of my “relatives” constantly screaming Racism and minority-bashing anytime a Black person is queried about business dealings. (Remember Oliver Thomas? Dollar Bill Jefferson?) And these fools keep claiming they are the wronged minority. Bullshit babies, you are the majority in this city and your leaders fucked all of us over with their greed.

Remember the paychecks from the School system to janitors and clerical workers that had been gone for years? What about the Brake Tag inspection centers and the damn traffic tickets mess?

The Social Contract calls for all of us to work together for the common good, not line our pockets at the expense of the others. It’s about working together… exactly what the Founders believed. I watch your back and you watch mine type of stuff.

Sadly there are certain Black folks who see Public Offices as piggy banks, and their relatives and friends get to ride on the gravy train provided by those elected. They consider it their “right”.

None of my ancestors held slaves. My New Orleans family were free people of color and my father’s line were Quakers. I’m freakin’ sick and tired of hearing the old, worn-out, litany from the Black community that if you have pale skin you are the enemy. My parents fought for civil rights for Black folks years ago. I have fought all of my life for the same principles, but now the Black cross-bearers are calling those of us who desire to know what really went down with these garbage contracts racists?
Here in New Orleans this crap has to fucking stop.

November 21, 2007

Oliver Thomas Gets Off Lightly

Filed under: Crime,New Orleans,NOLA Politics,Politicians — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:34 pm

Today Oliver “I love the people of New Orleans” Thomas, a bribe-taking ex-member of the City Council was only given 37 months in the pokey for his crimes.

I wonder how much it cost for the “paid” mourners who packed the courtroom. What about the “Good Samaritan” story? And how about Mama D’s vocalizations protesting Oliver’s sentence? (Can’t hear the latter with any combo of browsers or players… typical NOLA.COM)

Mr. Thomas betrayed the trust of the citizens of New Orleans, his constituents and his race. He accepted a bribe, copped a plea bargain, and then reneged because he didn’t want to rat out others. And the pisser is that the usual suspects came out in force (ministers, local “leaders, etc) to support you and become very “upset” that you were being treated unfairly. The Judge should have given you 10 years instead of 37 months.
Oliver, you are a wonderful example for the youth of the Black community here. Your nobility, your Christian words… your humility and sense of service. (just barfed on my keyboard) You are the shining light for that segment of the New Orleans population that are nothing more than gang-banging crackhead thugs with guns that are hurting so many in the city. I guess there will be a monument to you soon.

All Hail the Noble Oliver Thomas, anti-snitcher! (I need a bath now.)

People Get Ready has a similar take on this freakin’ farce.

November 8, 2007

Hustler to the Rescue…

Hustler to the rescue.

Hustler to the rescue.

Go Larry Flynt, go, go…

Our Sin-nator, Mr. Vitter to be exact, is part of a major article in this month’s Hustler mag, the primary reading material for most of America’s male population. I wonder if the teen boys will learn the “Successful secrets of seeing a hooker without getting caught”. (The lesson seems to have flaws.) Maybe he has a centerfold spread (EEEEWWWW!!!!)

November 4, 2007

The Hand of Fate or Come-uppance?

Filed under: New Orleans,NOLA Politics,Progressive News — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:35 am

Hie thee to Oyster’s latest at Your Right Hand Thief.

November 1, 2007

Trash Talk…

I’ve been waging a battle with the garbage collectors over the last two months here in slum-lord land. Two weeks ago an “official” can was delivered to our real home in Sugar Hill (and our contractors are there and they are armed), but I have not received a city-sanctioned can for the hovel that we currently reside in. (And yes I will have to buy another can for my rentals since we don’t have two street numbers, but we own half a block.)

Here’s some accounts.
I’ve called many times to get an official can for this rental, but to no avail. Now the “workers” won’t pick up my cat litter bags (must be the 25# rule thanks to our City Council members in April). They took the lid off my trash can two weeks ago in a pouring rain and now it is a Superfund Site. I have two bags of litter on my stoop that the “boys” can’t find the energy to throw into a truck.

So this is the result of contracting with minority-owned businesses? Satellite tracking for garbage cans? A 25# limit on trash weight? Trash cans that can hold 120#s easily, but it will exceed the weight limits?

(Yeppers, here comes the tirade, but do remember that I am Black and White, Creole if you please, and everything else that percolates in New Orleans outside of the Asian folks. I only take the side of the common person… the Commons so to speak.)

So we have a Black-based administration making contracts with “minority-owned” businesses for City services. First off, if the majority of the populace in New Orleans is Black, how does a Black-owned business become “Minority-owned”? How is it that we as citizens are paying twice the amount we used to pay for garbage removal and then we find out that anything above 25#s is not acceptable to be taken from our curbs?

Betts and I pay to have the debris removed from our home from our rebuilding. This stuff is not storm material, but the trash from making the place right. This is a cost that we accept because we do strive to be good citizens (unlike the folks that filled our dumpsters with their crap that they weren’t willing to pay to be removed. Yes… my Black relatives.) That amounted to $450 a pop from our purses, and no “Thank You” from the majority in our neighborhood that “used” us.

Still, we will continue to be good neighbors on our part. That’s just how we are.

So where the fuck am I going with all of this? There are basically two kinds of people in this world: those who only can “see” that which is colored or has the same thought-process they live by, and the rest of us who are part of the polyglot society that this Republic was founded for.

We, the polyglot culture, evaluates folks on their character, not skin color, religion (I’m sadly lacking here, but I have my reasons) or philosophy. People are people, and we have to live with each other in this world. Let’s play nice, okay?

Here in New Orleans we have the chance that most places will never have: we have to rebuild our homeplace. The populace of this place must remove the Race-blinders and embrace the all that is trying to rebuild this area. (Well fuck the gang-banger/crack assholes and the White money-pigs) What we do here and now determines the Future of our Nation. This is the proving ground. This is where America learns it’s next lesson.

This place is where the Future begins, and all of us here have a front-row seat. WE DETERMINE THE FUTURE OF AMERICA. We here in NOLA, at this point in time and space, control the destiny and path of a Nation. Never doubt that one kids. This is the place where the Social Contract comes into play, and it’s up to all of us to reaffirm our support of what this country is to be… black, white, yellow… doesn’t freakin’ matter. We are all equal in the One’s eyes.

So how did I get from a shitty trash contract to this pronouncement?

It is time here to end the Negro Administration of the City. Black, White, Asian and Creoles need to become the moving force in this area. No more Class-warfare, no more Race crap. This is all of our homes and lives, and it’s time that all of us take control of our city. I “see” the possibilities, I know that we are capable, but I doubt the courage of conviction…

Prove the old Swamp Witch wrong darlin’s. Let’s create the New World.

And meanwhile we must deal with the mess that our disgraced Negro D.A. left us concerning his Racist actions.  (Once again my relatives disgust me.)

October 30, 2007

Da “Hat” Has Left the Building

Filed under: Crime,Eddie Jordan,Fools,New Orleans,NOLA Politics,Racism — Tags: , , , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:51 pm

One bad aspect to going to sleep after the sun rises is that ya’s miss the news that comes around in the morning (but you do catch the stories that the rest of the world sees hours later as the have their coffee).

So this is what I find upon rising from my resting place in order to start another day of luring souls to Hell: Eddie “The Hat” Jordan has resigned as our District Attorney.

Of course the taxpayers are still on the hook for the court judgement for his Racist actions, but maybe now we will see prosecutions coming from the D.A.’s Office and the scum will get scraped from our streets and deposited elsewhere. (Imagine the sight of the gang-bangers and crack dealers packing up and driving into the sunset…. tres kewl and more than worth the $3.7 million for the removal of Jordan’s B/S).
Goodbye Mr. Hat… you’re just another peon (and a failed one at that) now.

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