Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

November 4, 2009

Remember “Maine”

Just fuck me now. Yesterday  the Christa-fux voted to dis-allow Same-Sex Marriage in Maine even though it was approved by the Courts, the Legislature and the Govenor. The recognition of equal rights for all Americans was negated by a bunch of cross-wearing fools that hate lives like the one Betts and I have together. Their “religion” tells them that people like us are evil and do not deserve the Rights of being a couple and living a life together. (Same shit went down in California last year with Prop. 8.)

They have decided that they can have Rights not available to other Americans that they deem unacceptable.  People like me and mine don’t count in America. We are to be discounted as Human Beings. This is wrong.

I’m not a slave to a “burning bush”. I do not believe in a book written by Mid-Easterners from as far back as 3,500 BCE.  I am a well-educated person living in the 21st Century. I’m a scientist, an engineer and a retail manager. I know how to live in the Reality that I’m presented with.

I’m a tax-paying citizen of this country and a Veteran. I don’t over-tax the Social network because I do things on my own. How fucking dare you cross-wearing mooks deny me MY RIGHTS just because you or your holy book don’t agree with my life. (I’m not the one birthing 12 kids when I can’t pay for them)

I gave almost ten years of my life to defend this country and Her ideals. I defended your right to live your life even when I disagreed with your choices. Never, NEVER, would it be in my soul to deny you your desires or beliefs.  “Different strokes for different folks”.  What makes you better than me? What about your life outweighs the life I live? Nothing that I can see.

My life with Betty is one where we work our tushes off to support community and other efforts. We are people that believe that unless you are a criminal, just live your life. Your lives are like ours; choices. How do we differ?

I have a solution to this entire problem- we get rid of all special benefits for married couples. We eliminate all benefits for kids. Hey, we are all just individuals and none of us should get more goodies than another. And let’s get rid of the tax exemption for religious companies?Let’s level the playing field.

Can you see an equitable Future that I see?

So you fucking Christa mooks, take your filthy hands off of our lives. Do not attack us for our ways and we don’t come after you for being Stone-Agers.  Let me and mine live our lives in peace.

Me and mine will eventually have full equality in this land… you may not like it, but FUCK YOU.  We are citizens of the United States.

June 16, 2009

This guy needs a 6inch stilleto up his tush

Filed under: Fuckmooks,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,My Community — Morwen Madrigal @ 6:38 pm

This is going to be building here at OWL Central. This guy pisses me off. (trouble city) This fuckmook deserves all that will be coming.

April 14, 2009

More on the Mayor’s Office of Technology Corruption

Filed under: Crime,Fuckmooks,Greg Meffert,Nagin's Minions,New Orleans,NOLA IT,Ray Nagin — Morwen Madrigal @ 6:14 pm

Looks as if Mark St.Pierre has been called before a Grand Jury. I’m groovin’ on this.

For more background info here’s a post that has some good links.

January 31, 2009

Fuck the Poop

Filed under: Catholics,Closet Cases,Crime,Fuckmooks,Sex — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:41 pm

Here’s my reason for this statement- here.

The last thing we need is a Nazi in a dress speaking about the morals of the folks of New Orleans.

BTW Poop, how many of your freakin’ priests are pederasts?

We aren’t.

January 19, 2009

Our Friend Wendy Was Killed Saturday Night

Filed under: Creole,Fuckmooks,My Community,New Orleans,NOPD — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:55 pm

(Because have pinched nerve n my back that is bacliking it hard to type, for now here’s the links, and the suspects.

I am heartbroken and beyond anger right now.

Update- Here, here, here

January 7, 2009

13 More Days…

Filed under: Barack Obama,Campaign 2008,Economy,Fuckmooks,Politicians,Progressive News — Morwen Madrigal @ 10:38 pm

I can’t fucking wait to get that fuckmook Bushite out of office and see him hide away in his posh new Dallas enclave.

(I also wonder if the Feds will allow Cheney to keep his bunker since his coffin and grave dust is there.)

January 6, 2009

Jindal Vs. LGBT/Progressive Folks

Well, Jindal has finally started showing his hand when it comes to Civil Liberties when it comes to the B/S concept of “Family Values”. Here’s something he started last month-

“In December, Jindal announced the formation of the Louisiana Commission on Marriage and Family, billed as “an entity within the executive department that serves to propose programs, policies, incentives and curriculum regarding marriage and family by collecting and analyzing data on the social and personal effects of marriage and child-bearing within the state of Louisiana.”

In other words, Jindal’s Commission is going to be looking at – and making recommendations regarding – marriage and family issues within the state. And a quick look at some of those appointed by the Governor to serve on the panel leaves no doubt that, in the end, the line-up will do nothing more than promote an extreme, anti-gay agenda that sets back, blocks and battles any attempts to recognize or respect Louisiana’s same-sex families.”

Jindal has brought in Tony Perkins(Family Research Council), Gene Mills (the fanatic behind the Louisiana Family Forum) and the excrable Mike Johnson (council for the Alliance Defense Fund).

These are the fuckmooks that are attempting to control our Society and place all of us under Biblical Law, laws that have no place in a modern polyglot culture. Our dear little Bobby Jindal is aiding these mooks in providing a governmental platform for their backwards philosophies. Jindal has already rolled back State protections of the LGBT crowd that ex-Gov. Blanco  had made as an Exectutive Directive. He is aiding our (LGBT folks’) enemies in their battle to undermine our rights and their pogram to “correct” us. This cannot stand.

I respect the true followers of the words of Jesus, but there is no way in all the Hells that I can stand for the Fundie crowd to attempt to strip away my freedoms and life to suit their twisted mores.

It’s time to be hammering Jindal on this shit- 225-342-0991. It’s only a matter of time before they will go after the protections Orleans Parish has for our tribes. Please don’t let that happen.

January 2, 2009

Paint Party at David’s House

Silence is Violence and NoLA Rising are teaming up for a Paint Party in order to protest the ineffectivness of NOPD and the D.A.’s Office on matters of crime within our city. This protest will take place at the home of Willow and Feather who have created a wonderful memorial to Willow’s son David who was murdered in ’01.

The reason for the choice of venue is outlined in an article from today’s T-P.

I think the neighbors, the Taylors, who so much want to have Willow remove her expressions of love are true fuckmooks, especially when they moved into the neighborhood years after Willow started on her memorial to her lost son. They feel it hurts their property value, but did they not notice the house next to the one they were purchasing at the time?

Yet another example of outsiders coming in, smacking down $$$ for a home in an old neighborhood and then going bat-shit insane when they finally realize that the culture they were surrounded by wasn’t exactly their cup of tea. And then they attempt to stop our cultural expressions to suit their desires. They will not win… you either “get” New Orleans or you don’t. If the latter is true, get the Hell out of our city.

To see pics, go here.

Sinn Fein

December 29, 2008

They Want to “Stop & Go” Again on Fuel Sources…

Filed under: Environment,Fuckmooks,Louisiana,New Orleans,Oil & Gas — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:40 am

My first words would come out as “BE VERY FREAKIN’ AWARE of these fuckmooks and what the Future may hold.

Here is a good article from Today’s L.A. Times. It concerns Big Oil & Gas wanting to open our country to the results of their “exploration/development” schemes for oil shale.  From using all of some States allocations of Colorado River water to the poisoning of lesser aquifers to require communities to engage in massive purification processes… the People don’t win, only the Fat Cats (some who have received a portion of the $700B bailout from the Feds) will win.

So for the folks on the West side of the Rockies, my advice would to be to learn about what Big O&G did to the Louisiana Coast in their repacious search for oil and gas  (= $$$)  and what has has been the results of their activities. Our wetlands (i.e. storm protections) are greatly diminished. Our Natural world has been altered. The things that for us were a given are washing away all for greed.

For the West Rockies folks, you’re not going to wash away since you are going to be shattered by dehydration. The oil shale concerns have many plans, but it involves many acre feet of water every minute to operate the procurment and refinery processes.  Your landscapes will be altered by strip mining. Wells may dry up or have a mineral report that has massive amounts of Selenium/Arsenic/heavy metals or Uranium. (I know much of this area well having hiked it and done my reading.) This will happen.

Never trust the Oil & Gas companies when it comes to extraction- they will extract the minerals and all, and they will also extract the joy of the living in your own land.

Just beware.

December 19, 2008

Save the Mid-City New Year’s Bonfire

I mentioned this topic yesterday.

Now there’s a petition to Save the Bonfire. Go and sign it please. We can’t allow the fuckmooks and Nagin’s Minions to destroy our way of life.

Sinn Fein!

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