Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

August 28, 2009

A Katrina/Flood Timeline-

Filed under: Federal Flood,FEMA,Fools,George Bush,Katrina,Levees,Louisiana,New Orleans,Politicians — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:08 pm

Go here.

April 24, 2009

Ban Smoking in Bars? Betty’s Response.

Filed under: Food and Drink,Fools,Louisiana,Politicians — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:37 pm

My Betty is one who loves to write letters to lawmakers who step on our liberties. The other day State Rep Gary Smith introduced House Bill 844 to ban smoking in bars. This is her response to a wingnut Rep. who represents a very polluted place. I like it.


Dear Representative Smith,

Regarding House Bill 844 you state:

“I am just trying to take the next step and bring the ban to bars” as a way to combat second-hand smoke and the illness it causes, Smith said. “Twenty-five other states have done this, some of the more progressive states, and some of the more progressive cities have done this. . . . This takes another step in trying to create a clean-air environment.”

On the surface this “sounds” like a noble pursuit. It is not. The next paragraph of the article states:

“Smith said he is not including casinos or gambling riverboats in the ban because it would put the gambling outlets in the state at “a competitive disadvantage with Mississippi’s” gambling industry.”

So on one hand you are a noble crusader for clean air but on the other you are saying that profits (but only your friends in the gambling industry’s profits) are more important than clean air. What exactly does it take to get on your list of whose profits are more important than clean air? I’m sure that the bar owners of Louisiana , whose rights you want to trample on, would like to know.

I’m sure you have handed out numerous brochures about the dangers of second hand smoke, blah blah. The truth is we live in non-sterile world and to attempt to legislate sterility in our environment is both draconian and unrealistic especially when it is designed to target only Louisiana’s bar owners. This is a large group of small business owners trying to survive in a down economy. Thank goodness we won’t be threatening the profits of your gambling friends.

The truth is that if I and a group of friends would like to meet at a bar and lets say watch a New Orleans Saints game and some of them smoke they have to sit for 3 hours without being able to. But wait a minute, there is a solution , we can go to your gambling friends‘ bars to watch the game and smoke all we want because their profits are more important than the air you say you want to clean up.

You mentioned and I repeat:

“Twenty-five other states have done this, some of the more progressive states, and some of the more progressive cities have done this. . . . This takes another step in trying to create a clean-air environment.”

Here is the reality of that situation.

When we evacuated for Katrina we stayed in California which would qualify as one of your “progressive states” which has passed a no-smoking in bars law. When we went to any of of these bars you could see large groups of people standing outside smoking. I spoke to one bar owner about the law at which time he told told us that since this law was passed he has lost somewhere in the neighborhood of $ 7,000.00 to $ 10,000.00 per week and this was just one bar. Now lets take a guess at lost state revenues from all of the California bars who, in all likelihood, are having the same experience.

This law didn’t clean up anything, didn’t stop people from smoking and sabotaged revenues for both the bar owners and the state of California.

It is bar owner’s right to decide whether he or she has a non-smoking or smoking bar it is not nor should it ever be yours.

But since you mentioned a competitive edge with another state’s businesses, what about all the people who live in areas bordering other states that still allow smoking in bars. What would stop people from just going down the road to the other state where their rights have not been infringed upon and spending their money out of state? Nothing I dare say and how much lost revenue over time will Louisiana suffer. This, of course is anyone’s guess but I’m willing to bet it will be substantial over time.

Representative Smith, your House Bill 844 is shortsighted, ill timed, accomplishes non of your stated goals, will have a detrimental effect on small business owners statewide and cost the state of Louisiana much needed tax revenue.

The only group of businesses  this bill has any benefit for is your friends in the gambling industry.

Here are some other peoples comments from regarding this abomination of a bill:

To every smoker out there, pay attention. If you believe that this will end with the bars you are mistaken. Check out the progression of this legislation in CA and the other 24 states.

In CA specifically there are groups fighting to ban smoking in apartments, condos, multi-family dwellings and any residence that is close enough for a neighbor to smell the smoke. They are also trying to ban smoking in private vehicles.

Those that rant about socialism and marxism should be screaming about this whether they smoke or not.


Next thing you know they are going to tell us adults that we can’t drink alcohol in bars either.

Adults go to bars under their own free will and know that there may or may not be smoke there.

Is this going to be like “Demolition Man” and we will be stuck with Taco Bell?


Please, does Louisiana really have to join the growing ranks of nanny states? Grown adults can decide for themselves whether to smoke or not, and those who don’t want to patronize bars that allow smoking don’t have to. There are already several bars around NOLA that don’t allow smoking, and that’s fine. The state meddles in people’s lives enough… let bar patrons and owners decide for themselves.


Why NOT the casinos? It can’t be about money, can it?!

IF this ban passes, smokers and non-smokers alike should insist that casinos are included. If our government REALLY cares about the health of the people (and not the money) then ALL public places should be included. Let’s see how far this would get..

BTW, this message is from a smoker.


Rep. Gary Smith,

Make Norco smoke free first! And lets see how that works out for you!



There are many more just like these and you can read them for yourself at

Representative Smith we don’t need you as our Big Brother and we don’t want you as our Big Brother.

Do the right thing and rescind this fraudulent, ineffective and disgraceful piece of legislation before it does far more harm than good.

The erosion of our civil rights and rights of business owners has to stop somewhere. Stop it here. Stop it now.

Representative Smith, if you truly want to crusade for a cleaner environment I have some suggestions that will help you accomplish this without trampling on the rights of individuals and business owners state wide.

Lets take a look at your own district of Norco.

Using this legend I count:

3    discharges into the water system
14  Hazardous waste sites
1   Toxic release site
7    Air Release sites (and I know how important clean air is to you)
13  Sites which produce multiple types of discharges

Representative Smith, you have your work cut out for you. Since, as a representative your first duty is to serve the people in YOUR district Id say you should start cleaning up your own back yard before trying to mess up everyone else’s.

Best Regards,

Betty Anne Davis

February 25, 2009

For Bubba Jindal- Rushed to the Port of New Orleans

Filed under: Bobby Jindal,Economy,Fools,Louisiana,Politicians — Morwen Madrigal @ 6:17 pm

This is from SoCalDem over at the Democratic Underground and I couldn’t resist-

December 11, 2008

Snow Closes Down State Offices?

Filed under: Fools,Fuckmooks,New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 9:02 pm

Oh spare my fucking tush… the drivers in NOLA can’t deal with a little snow? Fuck you idiots.

I have driven through 5′ of snow in a Mazda MX-6 and had no probs. Are you folks that clueless? Bridges are closed? Screw you mooks. It’s just snow. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I’m living in the midst of a bunch of mooks. May the Goddess help me.

I’m sorry, but only congenital idiots can’t deal with 2″ of snow. (Hell, they can’t deal with rain on the CCC)

November 17, 2008

I Lost an Idol Today…

Filed under: Aside,Elitism,Fools,Fuckmooks,Gore Vidal,Insanity,Racism — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:05 am

This piece was started days ago, but I kept arguing with myself about finishing it. Much of my belief system stems from what I learned from this man, but only now do I see that my hero has feet of clay…

I lost a beloved hero today- Gore Vidal. In an interview with Andrew Gumbel who asked him about Obama as president, Vidal replied “Slaves have a hard time making poetry,” he said, relishing the shock factor, “unless it’s got a beat.”

Now Vidal makes pithy statements all of the time. It’s one reason I liked him. He has a wonderful mind and the ability to see through the B/S that befuddle others, but this time he showed his fucking soul- he’s an aristocratic, Racist fuckmook.

“Slaves”? Fuck you and your supposed airs. Fuck the fact that you have perfect diction and a good mind. Fuck the assertion that your forebearers helped “shape” this nation since 1690 (and we have seen where that “shaping” has brought us.). Fuck you for believing that you are the ne plus ultra and the rest of us are chattel.

Believe it or not Mr. Vidal, you are a symptom of the sickness that is “Real America”. Your white-bread roots are not America… those of us who toil each and every day taking care of our lives and families are the true Americans, not your effete “distinguished” bloodlines. Even though you rail away about the classicism of America, you consider yourself to be a Patrician. Sorry Darlin’, you are not. You are not far removed from the Racist rednecks that hang or burn Black folk.

My people have been here in New Orleans since the early 1700′s. My father’s line came over with William Penn to create Philadelphia and Pennsylvania (In fact my ancestor was Penn’s estate manager). My folks were farmers, artisans and fishing people. None of my line were famous, but all of them lived honorable lives. People like them are the true elite of America, not your kind of “elite”. (and no, this is not “Joe the Plumber” shit)

Elitists? I consider my self in that “class”. I am educated, experienced and continue to grow further in that segment of my life. I know much of the World because I have been there, on the ground and in the grind. I have also worked hard to provide service and keep my life together. My life has as it’s main focus to help those who are trying to grow and become, no matter what that entails. I have served my country proudly, but not for the likes of you and yours… I did it for the folks that I truly believe are the heart and soul of America. Often I disagree with them on many social issues, but they have my respect for being just who they are- American folk.

So Mr. Vidal, where the fuck do you get off deriding Barack Obama’s self-made life by that fucking statement, “Slaves have a hard time making poetry, unless it’s got a beat.”? And you consider Harry Truman to be a helot?

You Mr. Vidal, with all the respect that I have left, are just like what my tribes call Triple A Gays- those who look down at most of the community and constantly trashing us. Those mooks couldn’t be bothered to help for the community’s rights, and none of us mattered personally to them. We are just worker bees to the queens. (Examples are evident in the “Tales of the City” series.)

You sir are nothing more than an effete, snobbish, over-educated, connected boor. Yes you know things, many of them, but you come to wrong applications of your knowledge when viewing your fellow Human Beings. I believed that you possesed a spirit that cared for others by telling truth about History and the matters of Culture.

I now know I was wrong. There is something missing from your pronouncements- you hold Humanity in a sense of contempt because we are not you. We are bugs to the likes of your kind. Your kind is the wheat and we are the chaff.

My mother used to say that you can know everything and yet not be wise. Wisdom comes from true experience, not something read in a book or told to you. Wisdom is the harsh gift that comes from facing the daily grind, the murders, deaths from illness and the fight required to live a life in this country. In other words, wisdom comes from real experience, not a slide-show. Life cannot rely just on one’s score on a class exam, it comes from what you do with what you have learned.

And that in turn depends upon the content of your character and the bent of your heart. Remember that we are judged by our works. It ain’t a Bible thing, but a thing those of us who really live use as our guideposts in negotiating the currents of Life. I saw you as a beacon. Now all I see is a shallow, educated  but unknowledgeable fool.

So today we part paths. You just observe, but I live Life. Your sight is only of pages or a screen from your tower… what I see is my hands in the muck and the blood trying to understand and accept it all. The feel, the smell, horror, joy and enjoyment of just being is my gift, but all of those things escape you. The world you inhabit is a fairy place floating in the clouds.

Those of us who live have our feet on the ground.

November 13, 2008

Methinks They Doth Protest Too Much

More fun and games down at City Hall and our idiot Mayor’s administration. The other day the City Council held a budget hearing concerning the Sanitation contracts and the huge cost it is to the taxpayers. Council woman Stacey Head got into with Sanitation Director Veronica White over White’s lies to the Council.

Today Mayor “No-See-Um” Ray Nagin sent an email to the Council. He berated them for mistreatment,  Racial verbal assaults and profanities. The tape recordings show no such things. Nagin admitted later that he hadn’t listened to to the recording.

What a fucking utter moron.

Nagin’s minions are unqualified for their positions. That’s one reason they cannot, or will not, answer questions about the the details of their departments. The other reason may well be the interesting contracts and questionable dealings of the Administration and certain contractors. Just read the stuffs the American Zombie has been posting for years. (I refuse to list all the links to the posts because there are just way too many of them.)

If someone is the head of a Department, they had well better know what is happening on their watch. Their inflated paychecks come out of our wallets and purses. I’ve run major businesses and if I responded to the company as these mooks do to our elected Council, I’d be out looking for another job or facing an indictment.

We who live and are rebuilding our damaged city cannot wait until 2010 to see the departure of our bald, demented, punch-drunk fool of a Mayor and the trash he has brought into City Hall. All of them must go.

UPDATE- Eli over at We Could Be Famous has his take on this.

October 31, 2008

Ignorance = Bliss?

Spare my panty-clad tush. Ignorance is preferable to knowing or at least attempting to “know”?

This explains the whack-job Repugs who are still trying to rule our country. It explains “Voo-Doo” economics, home schooling and the need for a leader to be anointed by some mythical creature. (Yes, a Phouka guards me at all times, but I’d never let him run an entire Nation.) In this day and age people who ascribe to this “Ignorance is Bliss and Sanctity” shit are utter fucking morons. “I have Faith” does not work in a technological world. (In the nuclear Navy some folks just couldn’t get the physics, so the instructors created the “I Believe” button. Thank the Goddess I didn’t have to serve with those fools.)

Don’t get me wrong- I do have faith in people. I have seen this each and every day in my life the goodness, tenacity and heart of many, many folks. They aren’t stupid like the fools that fawn incessantly upon mooks such as McCain and Palin. The folks I like to be around are the ones who actuate themselves and their lives. We may fuck up once in a while, but we can admit the mistake and move forward. The Repug faithful cannot do this- it’s either Fate or an act of God.

So Gentle Readers, where the Hell am I going with this? Well try this one- “The Triumph of Ignorance”.

Here’s a snippet-

“On one level, this is easy to answer: Ignorant politicians are elected by ignorant people. U.S. education, like the U.S. health system, is notorious for its failures. In the most powerful nation on Earth, 1 adult in 5 believes the sun revolves around the Earth; only 26 percent accept that evolution takes place by means of natural selection; two-thirds of young adults are unable to find Iraq on a map; two-thirds of U.S. voters cannot name the three branches of government; and the math skills of 15-year-olds in the United States are ranked 24th out of the 29 countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.”

1 in every 5 adults believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth? Sweet zombie Jebus! Didn’t ya’s learn anything from Copernicus or the Space Program? I have no idea how many of these congenital idiots still believe the World is flat. (Psst… for you morons, I’ve sailed the World, She ain’t flat. Never did our ship go over the lip of the plate you think is our world.)

“But this merely extends the mystery: How did so many U.S. citizens become so dumb and so suspicious of intelligence? Susan Jacoby’s book The Age of American Unreason provides the fullest explanation I have read so far. She shows that the degradation of U.S. politics results from a series of interlocking tragedies.

One theme is both familiar and clear: Religion — in particular fundamentalist religion — makes you stupid. The United States is the only rich country in which Christian fundamentalism is vast and growing.” (My emphasis)

99% of the World’s population does not live in the Middle East. We haven’t witnessed burning bushes or had a volcano god hand us golden tablets. (Or in the case of Mormonism, Joseph Smith having golden tablets dropped on him. That had to hurt.) Our World is not the world of 3,500 B.C.E.. We have toilet paper and ‘puters.

This article stirred an old memory in me. Kept thinking that this had happened before, and yes, I found it- The “Know Nothing” party from the 1850′s. They started in the early 1840′s and merged with the Republican Party in 1860. Here’s Paul Krugman’s assesment of this in current time-

“Economist Paul Krugman, in a New York Times opinion piece dated August 7, 2008, writes

[K]now-nothingism — the insistence that there are simple, brute-force, instant-gratification answers to every problem, and that there’s something effeminate and weak about anyone who suggests otherwise — has become the core of Republican policy and political strategy. The party’s de facto slogan has become: “Real men don’t think things through.”

Though I take umbrage about the fact Krugman uses the term “men”, he’s freakin’ spot-on with his thoughts. As far as being effeminate goes, the saying “being a girl does not mean you’re a pussy” really has to become a mantra of ALL THINKING PEOPLE. The milk-toast mooks who are trying to run our world and lives from their stupid superstitions and fears are just cowards. They aren’t ready to face the World, that multi-cultural, multi-race Tech-driven World. (and tech is what raised us out of the realm of apes, thank you. Well, except for the Chimp-In-Charge.)

It is time for Reason, thoughtfulness and responsibility to become our virtues. “God” has nothing to do with this. If this belief messes with your mind, so be it. I am after all an intellectual, escargot eating Elitist.

October 27, 2008

The Ugly America

Filed under: American Culture,Campaign 2008,Fools,Insanity,John-McCain,Politicians,Sarah Palin — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:40 pm

I’ve been watching that bitch Sarah Palin whip her supporters into insanity, usually by blaming those of us on the Left for the wrongs in America. She can kiss my panty-clad tush and head back to Wasilla.

Here’s a great essay from Mike Farrell concerning the “Ugly America”. ( Gentle Readers, he isn’t referring to us… )

And here’s a snippet to wet your appetite for Repug bashing-

“Yet today, unable to rise to the challenge of hope, would-be-president McCain chooses expediency over country, placing the priestess of parochialism, a barb-tongued, inanity-prone neophyte, a heartbeat away from his Oval Office. Schooled in “Who Wants to Be A Millionaire” and “American Idol,” she energizes the pitchfork mob, dividing “real America” from the rest, reviving faint echoes of white superiority and “manifest destiny” as her sponsor deafens himself to it all.”

As a member of the World Community, I praise Mr. Farrell’s wonderful words. The winds of Change are coming…

So mote it be.

October 7, 2008

Is 2012 The End of the World ?

Well, there are those mystics who believe that something fantastic will occur in late August ’12. It is to be an Awakening that will move us forward in Enlightenment.  There are others who think it means the end of the World. Since I have a metaphysical bent and love pouring over the information from all sides of the debate, I side with the former.

Late last night I was nodding off at the ‘puter and then a Terrible visage/message appeared in my vision- “Palin 2012″.  ‘Twas scary… take a look-

Is this the Great Beast talked about (ad nauseum) in the Book of Revelations? I know it’s supposed to arrive from the East, but what if that was the origination point and not the travel route. It could cross the Bering Straits and sneak in our back door. (You betcha! wink,wink)

A Warning from the Church of Our Lady of Gentilly- Break out your black candles, sea salt and sage. Hie thee to an armory and choose thy sword. The Great Beast Palinix is slouching it’s way to Washington. I can see her oil smokes from here…

H/T- Huffington Post

October 6, 2008

“Sterilize the Poor” Rep. Bumped From House Committee

Filed under: Fools,Fuckmooks,Insanity,Jefferson Parish,John LaBruzzo,Politicians,Racism — Morwen Madrigal @ 6:23 pm

Well our boy “Eugenics” LaBruzzo over in Jefferson Parish just got spanked for his B/S over his sterilize poor folks on Welfare-

“Rep. John LaBruzzo, R-Metairie, who created a public furor last month with his proposal to pay poor women to be sterilized, was removed Monday from his position as vice chairman of the House Health and Welfare Committee.”

The Fuckmook is getting what he rightly deserves.

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