Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

January 12, 2008

“Protection of the Victim”?

NOPD is playing games again concerning crime reports to the citizenry. Though they post crime maps on the City’s website (two fucking weeks old), they do not believe it’s in the best interest of the people to KNOW what’s happening day-to-day in their respective neighborhoods. (Oh yes, it also protects the tourist industry here so they can claim all is “safe” in the city as they woo more folks down here to spend money.)
I call BULLSHIT on this one, trice-fucking unabashed B/S.

Try this freakin’ poop out:

“Narcisse maintained the department wants to keep the public informed and to follow the law, but he said Kahler should never have received records with victim identification and other details that could be harmful to investigations.

“The ultimate concern is protection of the victim,” said Narcisse, who also emphasized that officers must make sure that no information is released that will jeopardize making arrests.”

This from the same assholes who, after I reported being mugged by a thug at gunpoint, brought the supposed perp (along with five squad cars) to MY HOUSE for ID’ing. I reported a buffed Black man in his 20′s, and thank the Goddess they had “captured” a 70-year old man who did side work in the Marigny. But the point is that they brought the “perp” to my home, and he didn’t know where I lived when he put the 45 to my chest and forehead.

NOPD is not about policing a community. It’s only purpose is to protect the tourism, business and moneyed communities. It is not in the business of enforcing the Law, unless of course if enforcement means tickets to enrich the City Treasury and/or the tow truck companies.

The motto of every police department is to “Serve and Protect”. That motto covers All citizens, not a select few. The cops here in New Orleans don’t understand that. (Please note: I’m not peeing on the rank and file cops… they are only as good as their superiors.) Chief Riley has never understood that pledge, and for that he must be removed from his position. (And no cushy bailout job like the Majority arranged for the racist D.A. that resigned.)
If the City has to look elsewhere in the country for a real Chief of Police, so be it. If the man or woman chosen for the task isn’t Black, who freakin’ cares. We, the people of New Orleans, which keeps the City running on the real level, needs, desires, and deserves a real police department, not the shit sham piece that the Nagin Administration keeps in place.

We, yes we… the little folks of all stripes and colors, are the ones rebuilding this city, no thanks to the Naganites, and we both deserve and demand a responsible and efficient, honest and caring, police force. Nothing less will do.

Do you hear me now Mr. Nagin?

Sinn Fein

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