Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

May 31, 2007

“A Republic, If You Can Keep It…”

Filed under: Aside,Neo-Fascism — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:31 pm

I’ve read this article in the upcoming issue of the Nation three times, and I’m freakin’ damn affected. All I can think of is Ben Franklin saying the above words once the Republic was official.

From the Nation:

“Cindy Sheehan’s Farewell


[from the June 18, 2007 issue]

Cindy Sheehan never set out to be the face of the antiwar movement. She was a mom thrust by an ugly circumstance and a lovely faith to the forefront of a movement that was struggling to find its voice. She gave it that voice as an honest player who spoke her mind–sometimes intemperately, often imperfectly, always sincerely–and backed up her words with actions. Her unscripted activism allowed her to succeed where others had failed in touching hearts and calling the disengaged, the disenchanted and the downright angry to believe once more in the prospect that citizens can make real the promise of the American experiment.

So it was that when Sheehan announced that she was “resigning” from a role she never sought, the loss was palpable. Yes, the antiwar movement took her for granted. She was expected to show up, draw a crowd, willingly accept the outrageous attacks of critics, risk arrest–and get up the next morning and do it again. It was only when she explained in a poignant letter that she would no longer be the Sisyphus of a troubled movement that anyone bothered to think of what an essential player she had become.

“Nobody has given more to the peace movement in recent years–emotionally, physically, spiritually,” explained Tim Carpenter, national director of Progressive Democrats of America. With Code Pink and her own Gold Star Families for Peace, PDA was the group with which Sheehan most closely aligned herself during a period of nonstop antiwar activism that began after the death of her son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, in a Baghdad ambush. She became a national phenomenon when, in August 2005, she set up camp outside George W. Bush’s ranchette in Crawford, Texas, and demanded to talk with the President about her loss and about his responsibility to end the war before any more mothers suffered her fate.

On a Memorial Day weekend that fell just hours after Congress met Bush’s demand for more war funding, Sheehan reached what she described as “heartbreaking” conclusions. “The first conclusion is that I was the darling of the so-called left as long as I limited my protests to George Bush and the Republican Party. Of course, I was slandered and libeled by the right as a ‘tool’ of the Democratic Party. This label was to marginalize me and my message. How could a woman have an original thought, or be working outside of our ‘two-party’ system?” she wrote. “However, when I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards that I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode and the ‘left’ started labeling me with the same slurs that the right used. I guess no one paid attention to me when I said that the issue of peace and people dying for no reason is not a matter of ‘right or left,’ but ‘right and wrong.’”

Sheehan was not whining in her resignation letter. She was despairing for a Republic to which she had shown a patriot’s allegiance. She and I had over the past several years appeared frequently onstage together, and we talked a lot about politics. But it was only over time that I came to understand Sheehan as a Jeffersonian Democrat in the best sense of that term. She believed, as the third President did, that people should not fear their government; government should fear the people. Now, she has come to question whether the will of the citizenry will prevail.

It is reasonable to argue with Sheehan about her read of politics and assessment of politicians. She’s the first to admit she’s no expert on campaign strategy or legislative tactics. But we should recognize the troubling turn politics have taken when one of democracy’s true believers ends her intense activism by saying, “I am deemed a radical because I believe that partisan politics should be left to the wayside when hundreds of thousands of people are dying for a war based on lies that is supported by Democrats and Republicans alike. It amazes me that people who are sharp on the issues and can zero in like a laser beam on lies, misrepresentations, and political expediency when it comes to one party refuse to recognize it in their own party. Blind party loyalty is dangerous whatever side it occurs on…. If we don’t find alternatives to this corrupt ‘two’ party system our Representative Republic will die and be replaced with what we are rapidly descending into with nary a check or balance: a fascist corporate wasteland.”

We have not seen the last of Cindy Sheehan. But this may be the last we see of her as that Jeffersonian Democrat who believed so deeply and so unapologetically in America’s promise. To my mind, this is the truest measure of the darkness in which we now find ourselves.”

Yes, I AM a Jeffersonian Democrat, and my desire is to see the continuance of the Republic and Her Ideals. For the rest of the “populace”: FUCK OFF AND DIE! We don’t need or want you in our sacred place.

A Voice For Peace

Filed under: Iraq War,Neo-Fascism — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:11 pm

Cindy Shehan has left the anti-war fray. Goddess Bless her for her actions.

It’s up to the rest of us to continue. (Lyrics from Dan Fogelberg’s “A Voice For Peace”:


A Voice For Peace

You know that everybody has a voice
And how they use it is their own free choice
In your glory I will not rejoice
If you choose the ways of war
If you choose the ways of war

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
My country ’tis of thee; in God we trust
But how much longer will He shelter us
While we choose the ways of war
While the winds of war rage on

Let mine (oh let my small voice) be a voice for peace
Oh let mine(oh let my small voice) be a voice for peace
Oh let mine (oh let my small voice) be a voice for peace
Let it start here with me–oh let mine be a voice for peace

The good book tells us thou shalt not kill
The truth came shining and it’s shining still
But how much blood upon this earth must spill
Before we lay our weapons down
Let us lay our weapons down

Let it start here with me, oh let mine be a voice
And in the face of the beast, oh let mine be a voice
Until the breaths in me cease, oh let mine be a voice for peace

Let mine oh let my small voice be a voice for peace
Oh let mine oh let my small voice be a voice for peace
Oh let mine oh let my small voice be a voice for peace
Oh let mine oh let my small voice be a voice for peace
Raise your voice up, raise your voice up
Raise your voice up and sing for the promise

Sing as a round with the last (Chorus) 

Let’s Hear it For Mike Rogers…

Filed under: Trans-Feminist — Tags: — Morwen Madrigal @ 10:56 pm

From my “Closet”

May 30, 2007

Freret Street Festival

Filed under: Event,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:37 pm

The Festival is this Saturday from 11 am til 7 pm.

May 28, 2007

“I’m Burning (Books) For You…”

Filed under: Books,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:18 am

Interesting piece about a bookseller with too many books.

“Tom Wayne amassed thousands of books in a warehouse during the 10 years he has run his used book store, Prospero’s Books. His collection ranges from best sellers like Tom Clancy’s “The Hunt for Red October” and Tom Wolfe’s “Bonfire of the Vanities,” to obscure titles like a bound report from the Fourth Pan-American Conference held in Buenos Aires in 1910, didn’t sell. But wanting to thin out his collection, he found he couldn’t even give away books to libraries or thrift shops, which said they were full. So on Sunday, Wayne began burning his books [to] protest what he sees as society’s diminishing support for the printed word.” 

This story just rips my heart apart: I spent twenty years running bookstores. I had a massive personal library that took decades to amass. (Alas, it’s gone now.) I miss being around books.
One thing we need in the City is another good new/used bookstore.  Anyone out there that would like to help an old bookseller build her dream for New Orleans? It’ll be a place that covers the normal stock, but would specialize in NOLA cultures and have an Antiquarian book search from Hades. It would survive here… promise! (I never had a losing P & L.) The place can even hold it’s own against Barnes and Nobles or Borders… I opened stores for both of them.
I even have some names for the place: Diluvian Books, Dark Rose Books, or Between the Covers.  It would need to be in Gentilly (since I don’t drive), and authors would be encouraged to come and talk about their works… I’ll even set up a library replenishment drive for the City, have readings for kids, carry local art…

This idea is viable here at this time, and it beats me having to train cooks for the restaurant that Betts wants to open. (Mongolian BBQs are not copacetic with make-up… trust me)

May 26, 2007

Oh Poop! Another Blog w/ Catz!

Filed under: Aside,Catz,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 9:27 pm

Okay, I’m generally a curmudgeonly sort, sorta like a crotchety old lady, but I do have my soft spots: Plants, catz, Owls and toys.

Now I start posting about the Catz….

Cali Kat, Picachu & Patch

Mascara, Chelsea & Grey Bear

Mr. Spunk (Grandma’s boy)

Opal the Siamese, Pikachu & Chelsea

I still need pics of Le Petite Button, Spikette, Dennis (the Kitchen God). Mascara and Mr. Spunk need better shots too.

As you might be able to divine, I’m not used to playing with Flicker. Guess this is a new thing to learn, ‘eh?

Krab Fu

Filed under: Aside — Tags: — Morwen Madrigal @ 8:31 pm

This video piece is bizarre.

Thank Goddess that our Blue Claws are calmer than this Japanese one… NOT!

May 22, 2007

Our Raised House

Filed under: New Orleans,Rebuilding — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:19 pm

House raised to 9 foot

As our friend Cat puts it, “It was a hard birth at 21 months…”.

The pic shows the gang from Rubion Shoring taking pride in their one-day raising.

May 18, 2007

NOFD Fundraiser This Sunday

Filed under: Firemen,Infrastructure,New Orleans,Rebuilding — Tags: , , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:34 pm

Be there, or be square, un-hip, clueless, etc.

A curtsey to the Traveling Mermaid

May 15, 2007

Rev. Falwell is Dead

Filed under: Aside,Religious Reich — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:05 pm

Moral Majority Founder Jerry Falwell is dead.

I wanted write a quickie on how Dr. Falwell’s work had a great influence on my life, but it’s way too early in my day to really do justice to this topic. I will abstain from doing so at this time. (One question though: did he ascend, or did the Earth swallow him up?)

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