Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

November 4, 2009

Remember “Maine”

Just fuck me now. Yesterday  the Christa-fux voted to dis-allow Same-Sex Marriage in Maine even though it was approved by the Courts, the Legislature and the Govenor. The recognition of equal rights for all Americans was negated by a bunch of cross-wearing fools that hate lives like the one Betts and I have together. Their “religion” tells them that people like us are evil and do not deserve the Rights of being a couple and living a life together. (Same shit went down in California last year with Prop. 8.)

They have decided that they can have Rights not available to other Americans that they deem unacceptable.  People like me and mine don’t count in America. We are to be discounted as Human Beings. This is wrong.

I’m not a slave to a “burning bush”. I do not believe in a book written by Mid-Easterners from as far back as 3,500 BCE.  I am a well-educated person living in the 21st Century. I’m a scientist, an engineer and a retail manager. I know how to live in the Reality that I’m presented with.

I’m a tax-paying citizen of this country and a Veteran. I don’t over-tax the Social network because I do things on my own. How fucking dare you cross-wearing mooks deny me MY RIGHTS just because you or your holy book don’t agree with my life. (I’m not the one birthing 12 kids when I can’t pay for them)

I gave almost ten years of my life to defend this country and Her ideals. I defended your right to live your life even when I disagreed with your choices. Never, NEVER, would it be in my soul to deny you your desires or beliefs.  “Different strokes for different folks”.  What makes you better than me? What about your life outweighs the life I live? Nothing that I can see.

My life with Betty is one where we work our tushes off to support community and other efforts. We are people that believe that unless you are a criminal, just live your life. Your lives are like ours; choices. How do we differ?

I have a solution to this entire problem- we get rid of all special benefits for married couples. We eliminate all benefits for kids. Hey, we are all just individuals and none of us should get more goodies than another. And let’s get rid of the tax exemption for religious companies?Let’s level the playing field.

Can you see an equitable Future that I see?

So you fucking Christa mooks, take your filthy hands off of our lives. Do not attack us for our ways and we don’t come after you for being Stone-Agers.  Let me and mine live our lives in peace.

Me and mine will eventually have full equality in this land… you may not like it, but FUCK YOU.  We are citizens of the United States.

March 7, 2009

Dignity of All Life?

Filed under: American Culture,Inter/Trans-Sexed,Social Mores — Tags: — Morwen Madrigal @ 6:07 pm

Okay, Obama signals that he wishes that embryonic stem cell research can go forward and the religious freaks come out of the woodwork screaming about the “dignity of all Life”.

Where were the “defenders of Human Dignity” back in 1957 when MY person was violated for Societal norms? Did the cross-wearers protest to allow me to live within the constraints of my Nature-given form? Was I even asked if their manipulations to my tiny body was acceptable to what I desired for my life?

The answer is “NO”.

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, called the expected announcement “a deadly executive order” and “a slap in the face to Americans who believe in the dignity of all human life”.

I repeat the question: “Where was the dignity for my Being?”.

The answer is- Morwen, you are a Teritology (monster), and since your Being what you are upsets our apple cart, we will remake you to fit our norms. Our Polar viewpoint of Life is violated by the appearance of such a creature as yourself. You had to be “fixed”, made “correct”.

Sorry Tony, your kind should have killed me when you had the chance. I survived, educated myself and then learned the truth about the horrors your predecessors visited upon my body and soul. I spent 13 years of nightmares every night that related to those “corrective” surgeries. Had to live through decades of a conflict of what my soul felt and the systems that fucks like you wish to perpetuate, all for your bat-shit belief system. Yes you motherfucker, I have been through Hell and back, and I ain’t going to stop now.

I want retribution, but I’m willing to accept an apology and the promise that your kind will no longer block our efforts to improve the lives of people afflicted with conditions that destroy their abilities to live a good life. I know this will never come.

My desire is to also witness the death of that filthy belief system that cast me and so many others into a living Hell. Following the “Word of God” did not give you permission to do what you did to me and mine. Many Humans are as Nature made them, and not even your “God” can contradict Nature.

But I digress… now we come to retribution.

Stem cell research is vital in our efforts to heal the living of so many problems- organ regeneration, nerve damage repair… the elimination of many horrible health disorders, and yet mooks like you decry these efforts in order to claim that your kind are defenders of “Human Dignity”. It’s time for your kind to STFU and vanish from the stage of Life. It’s over, and ya’s lost the war. Get over it.

Now you mis-begotten pieces of protoplasm claim to “defend” life. Yea right fuckmooks, it’s past time for you to truly do so.

Respect Nature’s actions. Honor Her possibilities and the healing of hurts that may come. Stop attempting to be “God”.

Even though your kind wears crosses, you have no control of the vertical or the horizontal. Nature is what it is, and you might stymie Her for a time, but there are those of us who will fight you in this. Humankind will always seek ways to heal and create better lives.

Get the Hell out of our way.

I was tortured so that their skewed vision of Humanity would not be troubled.

I AM trouble.

February 22, 2009

Another Toke Over the Line

Filed under: American Culture,Progressive News,Social Mores — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:07 pm

Ron Paul may be certifiable, but I do have to agree with him from time to time. This is from Raw Story and Real Time with Bill Maher.

I’ve already started writing about efforts to end the prohibition of Cannibus here. When I really feel like getting around to it, I’ll write about how a little green flower saved my life and ruined many a doctor’s night’s sleep wondering why yours truly didn’t die on their schedule. (I am a contrarian bitch)

January 14, 2009

Reconstruct This…

Filed under: American Culture,Neo-Fascism,Religious Reich,Social Mores — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:14 pm

“I was talking ’bout the State of the Union, How there’s no one now in power thinking of me…”

Oops! There are people thinking about folks like me. They are “dom, dom dum dum”, the Christian Reconstructionists.  For some reason our Nation’s Constitution seems to be sorely lacking in their eyes, and they really have probs with those who just get on in their own groove. They are trying to use their monies to commit treason against our form of government and our vision of Life in the 21st Century. They despise the evolution of Humankind into self-realized, self-actualized beings. They wish to turn the clock back to a time when a camel was considered the only means of traveling.

I mean, do I desire to live in a sandy desert, with no phones or ‘puters? No escargot or sushi? No freakin’ way. Though our culture has it’s problems, it’s head and shoulders better then when folks pooped and peed into pots and then threw it into the streets. We have hot baths, and that is a blessing. We have machines that fly and boxes that cook food in minutes instead of hours, and creatures like these mooks want to drag us back into the Stone Age? Here’s some info on one of these mooks, and these asses, or this fool.

We the people have traitors in our midst.  These are creatures that have never sworn allegience to the miracle that is the American Promise. I, and many others have researched and guarded the gates against these enemies of the Modern World for decades. I personally have invested 30 years in keeping watch over these traitors. Back in ’75 I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and Her citizens. That oath is binding . There is no going back.

These are people that oppose the doctrine of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. We are suppossed to goose-step to their tune. We must not let them win.

January 13, 2009

And Now the Mooks Want Secrecy

Filed under: LGBT,Sex,Social Mores,Trans-Feminist — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:55 am

It’s no freakin’ news that I hate the Religeous Reich and their duped followers. Now they wish to shield those who donated monies to push Prop. 8 through in California a few months ago.

But they will want to see how much I donated in order to stop them.

“Our supporters should not be discriminated against for their beliefs, ” ” Sorry, but your kind attacks any person or group that aids our side”,

I’m an Intersexed woman. I have ovaries, a uterous, tiny Testes and a man-made penis… all done for the glory your God and your social systems’ Polar constructs.

You and your kind made my life a living Hell for almost forty years. Your kind refers to me as damaged , but it’s your surgeons that did the nasty on my body. I can’t feel that which most people feel all because you and your philosophy was going to “cure” me. It didn’t work assholes… I’m still here and I do know the truth about what you did to me and my sisters.

You fight against folks like me to have a loving relationship and the same perks you “married” assholes enjoy. You think you are sanctified and people like me are damned to Hell.

Sorry you worthless pieces of flesh. My Goddess has spoken and Betty’s Lord consecrated our union. No one can stand against the Word of the One.

In the fullness of Time I will see the destruction of your thought patterns and what you consider your “lives”. My wish is to be the one that pushes the button that removes you from what we others consider Life.

I desire revenge for what you and your filthy beliefs made of my life. My pain, nightmares, my inability to just be Human are not the causes of my revenge,  I wish to help those like me to come be able to have a full rich life. My wish is that I will be the last one so afflicted. That I may be the last of my tortured kind.

That’s the only price/ransom I desire.

I want to know who spends money to continue my Hell, and I want them to know of those who fight against their B/S.

I want the enemy to stand face-to-face with me, and then we will find out who is stronger,

Bring it on mooks. I am Hers, and there isn’t anything I can’t beat.

And I now go to Blessed sleep. May the New World never hurt another child like the old one did to me.

January 6, 2009

Jindal Vs. LGBT/Progressive Folks

Well, Jindal has finally started showing his hand when it comes to Civil Liberties when it comes to the B/S concept of “Family Values”. Here’s something he started last month-

“In December, Jindal announced the formation of the Louisiana Commission on Marriage and Family, billed as “an entity within the executive department that serves to propose programs, policies, incentives and curriculum regarding marriage and family by collecting and analyzing data on the social and personal effects of marriage and child-bearing within the state of Louisiana.”

In other words, Jindal’s Commission is going to be looking at – and making recommendations regarding – marriage and family issues within the state. And a quick look at some of those appointed by the Governor to serve on the panel leaves no doubt that, in the end, the line-up will do nothing more than promote an extreme, anti-gay agenda that sets back, blocks and battles any attempts to recognize or respect Louisiana’s same-sex families.”

Jindal has brought in Tony Perkins(Family Research Council), Gene Mills (the fanatic behind the Louisiana Family Forum) and the excrable Mike Johnson (council for the Alliance Defense Fund).

These are the fuckmooks that are attempting to control our Society and place all of us under Biblical Law, laws that have no place in a modern polyglot culture. Our dear little Bobby Jindal is aiding these mooks in providing a governmental platform for their backwards philosophies. Jindal has already rolled back State protections of the LGBT crowd that ex-Gov. Blanco  had made as an Exectutive Directive. He is aiding our (LGBT folks’) enemies in their battle to undermine our rights and their pogram to “correct” us. This cannot stand.

I respect the true followers of the words of Jesus, but there is no way in all the Hells that I can stand for the Fundie crowd to attempt to strip away my freedoms and life to suit their twisted mores.

It’s time to be hammering Jindal on this shit- 225-342-0991. It’s only a matter of time before they will go after the protections Orleans Parish has for our tribes. Please don’t let that happen.

December 18, 2008

What Love Is…

Filed under: Social Mores — Morwen Madrigal @ 9:45 pm

From A at First Draft- here.

I love this woman and her viewpoints.

November 12, 2008

National Protest Against Prop 8

Filed under: American Culture,LGBT,New Orleans,Social Mores — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:08 pm

This Saturday 11/15, come and join the impact. All across America LGBT folks and their supporters will protest the removal of our Court sanctioned rights in California. The site gives you links to protests in your area.

For my Gentle Readers in the New Orleans area, go here. The event goes down at 1300 Perdido St, The New Orleans Courthouse, from 12:30 to 3:30 pm. Be there and not be square. This is about my tribes’ right to be treated equally under the Law. It’s about our rights as Human Beings.

We are all embarking on a journey to a new and more rational Society that started on November Fourth. Change is in the air. Please come and share your support for a portion of our culture that has been slapped down for the umpteenth time.

November 10, 2008

Prop 8 and Hatred

Filed under: American Culture,Family Values,Fuckmooks,LGBT,Religious Reich,Social Mores — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:33 pm

I’m still reeling from the passage of Prop 8 funded by the Catholics and Mormans and actualized by the Black community.

My query- how the Hell do I threaten your lives ?

I have my honey. I curl up with her when we go to bed. I scream at her when I think she’s on the wrong page and I hold her when she is hurt. She does the same for me. That is love.

Tonight Kieth Olberman did a special comment concerning this issue. I wound up crying because this is how I see my relationship with Betts.

Yes, I can get angry with her, but every moment I’m thinking of her and wondering what’s  going down. It matters to me if something bad happens to her. This is the person I trust to lay next to me at night. This is the person I trust with my life and my health care. Betty is my friend, and I trust her.

This is what Olberman was talking about- we are friends and live as a couple. We share a life… we have friends.

Never in my life have I felt so secure.

Never in my life have I felt desired and loved as I do now.

There is nothing that the two of us has that endangers what you others have. We laugh and cry together. We scream at each other. Some nights I sleep on the sofa, but in the end we have love for each other. What is wrong with that?

Why do I need the approval of some mythical creature in order to sleep and feel safe?

Why do I need to have the approval of Humans for that which I believe is Hallowed? That which my Goddess and my heart tells me is right?

What does it matter that I chose Betty as my partner? Any skin off your ass? Did it kill your Jesus?  No, it didn’t. I found someone I dearly love, and she is the light of my life. Hers will be the last face I will see as I die. She will be the last person who touches me as I head to another world. My soul is safe in her embrace.

So for you fuckmooks who voted for Prop 8 in Cali, and for the rest of you who only know what your minister tells you, I live in the holiness of a bond that can only be achieved by two people who are in love. Can only happen when YOU make that decision to love unconditionally.Maybe one day you can reach that standard.

So babies, curl up with your honeys tonight. And tell the cross-wearers to STFU and get out of your lives.

October 31, 2008

Ignorance = Bliss?

Spare my panty-clad tush. Ignorance is preferable to knowing or at least attempting to “know”?

This explains the whack-job Repugs who are still trying to rule our country. It explains “Voo-Doo” economics, home schooling and the need for a leader to be anointed by some mythical creature. (Yes, a Phouka guards me at all times, but I’d never let him run an entire Nation.) In this day and age people who ascribe to this “Ignorance is Bliss and Sanctity” shit are utter fucking morons. “I have Faith” does not work in a technological world. (In the nuclear Navy some folks just couldn’t get the physics, so the instructors created the “I Believe” button. Thank the Goddess I didn’t have to serve with those fools.)

Don’t get me wrong- I do have faith in people. I have seen this each and every day in my life the goodness, tenacity and heart of many, many folks. They aren’t stupid like the fools that fawn incessantly upon mooks such as McCain and Palin. The folks I like to be around are the ones who actuate themselves and their lives. We may fuck up once in a while, but we can admit the mistake and move forward. The Repug faithful cannot do this- it’s either Fate or an act of God.

So Gentle Readers, where the Hell am I going with this? Well try this one- “The Triumph of Ignorance”.

Here’s a snippet-

“On one level, this is easy to answer: Ignorant politicians are elected by ignorant people. U.S. education, like the U.S. health system, is notorious for its failures. In the most powerful nation on Earth, 1 adult in 5 believes the sun revolves around the Earth; only 26 percent accept that evolution takes place by means of natural selection; two-thirds of young adults are unable to find Iraq on a map; two-thirds of U.S. voters cannot name the three branches of government; and the math skills of 15-year-olds in the United States are ranked 24th out of the 29 countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.”

1 in every 5 adults believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth? Sweet zombie Jebus! Didn’t ya’s learn anything from Copernicus or the Space Program? I have no idea how many of these congenital idiots still believe the World is flat. (Psst… for you morons, I’ve sailed the World, She ain’t flat. Never did our ship go over the lip of the plate you think is our world.)

“But this merely extends the mystery: How did so many U.S. citizens become so dumb and so suspicious of intelligence? Susan Jacoby’s book The Age of American Unreason provides the fullest explanation I have read so far. She shows that the degradation of U.S. politics results from a series of interlocking tragedies.

One theme is both familiar and clear: Religion — in particular fundamentalist religion — makes you stupid. The United States is the only rich country in which Christian fundamentalism is vast and growing.” (My emphasis)

99% of the World’s population does not live in the Middle East. We haven’t witnessed burning bushes or had a volcano god hand us golden tablets. (Or in the case of Mormonism, Joseph Smith having golden tablets dropped on him. That had to hurt.) Our World is not the world of 3,500 B.C.E.. We have toilet paper and ‘puters.

This article stirred an old memory in me. Kept thinking that this had happened before, and yes, I found it- The “Know Nothing” party from the 1850′s. They started in the early 1840′s and merged with the Republican Party in 1860. Here’s Paul Krugman’s assesment of this in current time-

“Economist Paul Krugman, in a New York Times opinion piece dated August 7, 2008, writes

[K]now-nothingism — the insistence that there are simple, brute-force, instant-gratification answers to every problem, and that there’s something effeminate and weak about anyone who suggests otherwise — has become the core of Republican policy and political strategy. The party’s de facto slogan has become: “Real men don’t think things through.”

Though I take umbrage about the fact Krugman uses the term “men”, he’s freakin’ spot-on with his thoughts. As far as being effeminate goes, the saying “being a girl does not mean you’re a pussy” really has to become a mantra of ALL THINKING PEOPLE. The milk-toast mooks who are trying to run our world and lives from their stupid superstitions and fears are just cowards. They aren’t ready to face the World, that multi-cultural, multi-race Tech-driven World. (and tech is what raised us out of the realm of apes, thank you. Well, except for the Chimp-In-Charge.)

It is time for Reason, thoughtfulness and responsibility to become our virtues. “God” has nothing to do with this. If this belief messes with your mind, so be it. I am after all an intellectual, escargot eating Elitist.

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