Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 8, 2009

I Am Beyond Pissed Off-

We are getting screwed over and over. Hundreds of millions of dollars over 40 years and our floodwalls collapse flooding 80% of the city. Four years down the line, and many hundreds of millions more, the Corpse of Engineers says that they will have to close the gates on the London Ave Canal at 2.5 feet?

I thought these assholes spent those millions of $$$ to make the floodwalls stronger.  I believed that these people gave a shit about us.  I thought that they cared…

Obviously not.

Well, we are at 9+ foot and worst-case scenario is 8.5 foot for flooding.  We have a back-up generator and soon solar, to keep us going. We have enough food for 2 months and we can purify water, but what about the others that couldn’t pull off what we did?

They are fucked, plain and simple.

They repaired their flooded slab-on-grade houses trusting in the Corpse, but to no avail. Many of us warned them, but they wouldn’t listen. Now it’s time to see the possibilities of the Future.

The Federal and State Guv;mits don;t care about US. The Port and the oil yes, but not about us who live in this wonderful city. (well they do love the brothels…)

I’m going back in time to Ashley Morris- we must secede from the Gret Stet and take our royalties from the gas/oil industries and then hire the Dutch to save us.  Middle America does not care about us. Our ancestors were sold along with the land two centuries ago, and our way of living is abhorrent to thier supposed minds.

We are New Orleanians and this country must pay reparations for the damages to our homeland and our people.

Sinn Fein!

August 28, 2009


Filed under: Corps of Engineers,New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:56 pm

July 4, 2009

Dear America, Have a Happy Birthday!

Well Darlin’s this day makes Year 233 A.R. (After Revolution).  We all should be proud of the fact that somehow the strange collection of folks that have lived through those years managed to keep it all together (The War Between the States was a major blip on the screen…), and so much has been done by the people of this Nation. I can’t say by the Nation because the people are the Nation. It has always been up to citizens to create, build and advance our lives here and to provide for the ones to come.

I am proud to be an American.  I’m proud of the service I rendered in the Navy to help protect this country. But…  I am upset with the Government for the slow, and possibly non-existent rebuilding along the Gulf Coast after Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Ike.  Many private people stepped up to the plate to help all os along the Coast out from the devastation, but the Government has been sorely lacking, especially for those of us in New Orleans who lost almost everything from the failure of the Federally  designed and built floodwalls and levees.  Betty and I lost 95% of our pasts and four years of our lives fighting to rebuild our little world. Many others have lost and they have yet to be able to get to the restoration point that we have reached. Along the Coast many of us feel as if America, the Government, has forgotten us.  We know that America the People didn’t.

The Church of Our Lady of Gentilly wishes many Blessings to the American People. Party hearty!

Sinn Fein

Check out- Odd Bits of Life in New Orleans for his take.

January 8, 2009

Save Bayou Saint John!

Filed under: Bayou St. John,Corps of Engineers,Environment,Levees,New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:31 pm

From PreserveNewOrleans-

http://fsjna. org

Bayou St. John Conservation Alliance

The Bayou St. John Conservation Alliance

has a new website.  Please visit

http://www.savebayo and learn more

about our organization and our objectives.

This is a critical period in the history of

Bayou St. John.

Decisions will soon be made by the Corps

and various authorities that will affect the

bayou for many years to come.  Get involved

and click on the “Help the Cause” link for EZ

email instructions to help achieve those


The Southeast LA Flood Protection Authority

East will hold a public meeting at

9:30am on Thursday, January 15, 2008

at the Yenni Office Building, 1221 Elmwood

Park Blvd., Harahan. They have requested

Bayou St. John presentations from both the

LSU AgCenter and the Corps of Engineers.

The Alliance is also on the agenda to present

our resolution and provide input.

Your attendance and support is critical.

Bayou St. John Conservation Alliance

P.O. Box 820134

New Orleans, LA 70182

On the web: www.savebayoustjohn .org


Robert Counce

Phone: (504) 606-3214


August 29, 2008

Third Anniversary

There is nothing else to say.

January 30, 2008

“My Hands Are Tied”…

Well Federal Court Judge Duval ruled that the ACOE, though guilty of negligence in the design and construction of the Flood walls for our outfal canals was immune from prosecution due to a 1928 Law.

Here are some of his words: “In his ruling, Duval said he was forced by law to hold the Corps immune even though the agency “cast a blind eye” in protecting New Orleans and “squandered millions of dollars in building a levee system … which was known to be inadequate by the Corps’ own calculations.”

In my way of seeing things, this is no longer a Civil case, but a Criminal case.

More from Judge Duval: “The byzantine funding and appropriation methods for this undertaking were in large part a cause of this failure,” Duval said, referring to the politics-riddled process Congress has for funding Corps projects.”

I understand Judge Duval’s reasoning on this. This case will have to climb the judicial ladder to the Supremes in order to get a just decision. This will most definitely have to go to the Congress. The ACOE committed criminal actions, but the U.S. Congress is also to blame. The point of our Gov’mental system is to aid our citizens, not cheap out their protections that all of us Americans desire for each other and ourselves. (The Social Contract, remember?) We are all in this together, ‘eh?

And today this from California.

As an engineer myself, though not an ACOE-type, it’s beyond time to cleanse house and actually do the J.O.B. they are paid to do, period. As a citizen, and a Veteran, I want to see the ACOE cleaned out and some form of responsibility concerning the building of protections for our Country’s people to be straightened out so there is way for reparations when the Feds fuck up.

That which is authorized by, and paid for by, the citizens of this country must be freakin’ applied properly in each and every instance.

November 20, 2007

Managing Projects: Not the ACOE’s Longsuit

Why doesn’t the ACOE dig big holes in Georgia so that they have reservoirs for the next batch of rainstroms, and just “dispose” of the clay wastes into our levees?

It’s not rocket science you medaled boys and girls of the Army Congenital Order of Engineers. I just saved you billions 0f Dollars, and you can do two good things at once. (Ya’s can do two things at once, right?)

Wanna bet the Feds will find a regulation about this idea that fucks it up?

November 6, 2007

Bush Veto on WRDA Overidden in the House Of Representatives

” A veto last week by President George W. Bush of a popular water projects bill was overridden by the House of Representatives on Tuesday, moving Congress closer to enacting legislation that would authorize $23 billion for nearly 900 projects across the United States.”

Full Article.

Now it’s up to the Senate tomorrow to do the same.

August 23, 2007

Former Corps Employee Accepts Bribe

Freakin’ just color me surprised. The jackass is from Houston too!

From WWL.

Update: The T-P seems to have the straight skinny on this criminal.  (Thanks Sandstep!)

Greg Palast on the Drowning of New Orleans

Once again Palast digs the freakin’ dirt on the assholes who fucked New Orleans when the levees failed under conditions that were way below spec. Read it and weep America… one day soon this kind of dog and pony show may just visit your locale.
Here’s a snippet:

“That leaves the big, big question: WHY? Why on earth would the White House not tell the city to get the remaining folks out of there?

The answer: cost. Political and financial cost. A hurricane is an act of God – but a catastrophic failure of the levees is a act of Bush. That is, under law dating back to 1935, a breech of the federal levee system makes the damage – and the deaths – a federal responsibility. That means, as van Heeden points out, that “these people must be compensated.”

The federal government, by law, must build and maintain the Mississippi levees to withstand known dangers – or pay the price when they fail.”

Link to his article.

Curtsey to Ana Maria for this.

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