Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

June 24, 2010

A Message To Judge Feldman Concerning the Drilling Moratorium

Filed under: Gulf Coast,Louisiana,New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:29 pm

Your decision to block the Department of the Interiors’s moratorium on deep sea drilling is based in fallacy. An accident has occurred on a relatively new technology that has no answers for errors when it comes to their mistakes. There are no real back-up plans. Where are the Real Life solutions to disasters such as the Macondo disaster?They didn’t plan, or maybe they just didn’t care, yet our World, our lives and dreams are in danger.

There aren’t any solutions at this point in time. There are no solutions forthcoming from the industry that has caused this calamity. I find this deeply troubling. It smells  of “Who cares about those people”.

It stinks to the Heavens.

There are no plans for something like this, but your lifting of the deep drilling moratorium opens us to more of what Macondo has gifted us: children cannot wade in the Gulf waters, people cannot fish, many animals will die from either the oil or the chemicals that are supposed to quell the problem. The air stinks of petro chemicals even 100 miles away.

And as far as those who claim that the moratorium will, “put thousands out of work”, and “There are millions of dollars that will not be coming in” are somewhat false.

There are over 3,300+ rigs running in the Gulf near Louisiana. They need to be served, personnel transferred and materials be delivered. This moratorium will not kill the drilling industry, only put on hold on one aspect of it that is proving itself not safe at this point in time.

Don’t let these companies and the chimps they fund as elected officials lead you down the wrong path. These corporations that will attempt to go into risky ventures in order to make more money will do anything, anything, for the dollar, even if it means wiping out the livelihoods and meaning of cultures for their own gain.

What the Hell, they aren’t part of that which is being destroyed.

So I’m going to speak plainly to you Sir:

Your Honor, please don’t believe their lies when it comes to the economic impact of the moratorium on the Gulf states. It will be minimal. They don’t care what happens to us. Look at what they have done to the wetlands of Louisiana over many decades in their unbridled search for money disguised as oil/gas exploration: destruction of wetlands that protected major population centers and the poisoning of our environment. They are “helping” America at the expennse of the Americans who live in the effected areas.

Now they seek to “own ” the Gulf as their private money pit and the people of this region, well… who cares about them? It’s about energy self-reliance (B/S), or it’s about Progress,  it’s all about profit and control. They destroy the Gulf for those who live here and then there is only one option left: turn it into a petrochemical mine.

This is not the notion of a Nation I fought to protect. This not the America I believe in.

Sorry Your Honor, I can’t abide by that decision. This is OUR Coast. These are OUR waters. This region is a treasure for the Nation, and I’m not talking Black Gold or Gas. This is OUR home.

The real treasure for the Nation is our cultures, the natural world, beauty and a sense of harmony with Nature.

We live with the cycles of Nature: spawning seasons, tides. The stock market means little to us as we bait our crab nets, tong the silt for oysters or chase the shrimp runs. When we sit down to eat we are ready for the bounty that Nature, in Her bounty, delivers to us, and we are grateful. We live the old way. There is no other way for us to live and be real.

Our lives, no matter what we are doing in the present are based on the patterns our ancestors followed, and in a major way we must follow them. It is intrinsic to our beings. It is what we on the Coast are… creatures who in many ways must live within our sphere, our nature. It’s Nature’s way. To go elsewhere is a violation of our being.

This is our our World, and the current BP oil spill, no matter the reasons or the blame, are putting us and our World in danger.

Right now under the current situation, we have become an endangered species. My extended family’s boats are idle, as are my friend’s jobs in the restaurants of New Orleans. People are canceling their trips to the Coast… a place we love to show off as a wonderful place to be. Our economy is threatened by this unbridled wildcat drilling with no protections for mistakes. This is wrong.

What if the spill happened off the coast of the Everglades? How would you explain to the people and the creatures that it was okay? What would you say if another wetland area was sentenced to die all for the oil/gas industry and it’s earnings for shareholders that didn’t work for the money?

We are talking about people who just live their lives.

So Your Honor, I ask that you reconsider allowing the deep drilling moratorium to stand so that we, as a country, our engineers and planners, can get a handle on what is needed just in case another Deepwater Horizion event does occur.

It is only fair for those who have no part in these “explorations/exploitations” of our lands and seas by corporations that are only looking for treasure. We LIVE in these places, and our lives have meaning. Our lives, connections, history… the feeling of belonging to a place. These things must matter. Otherwise, the United States is a sham. It will be seen as a shell for money to do what it will and American citizens will have to grin and bear what comes their way. And just maybe will be seen as, “Since you bought us in 1804, we are your chattel”. Ever think about that one?

This is not the Country that I gave many years of my life to defend. Not the Nation that I swore to protect. It is definitely NOT what I was taught, and steeped in, to protect.

The true treasure to be found here is in living in the cycle of Life here and the coming of the tides.

And I will stand for the Gulf Coast and you have much to answer for concerning your decision about the drilling moratorium. Who is the real American Sir? That which places themselves amongst the people, or that which is tangled up with business?

It is your turn to answer.

May 11, 2010

I Miss My Boat

Filed under: Coastal Restoration,Gulf Coast,Oil & Gas — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:25 pm

Decades ago I owned a boat. No one knew that because it was one of my secret places to just be. (I had other activities that was about me, but I never told a soul about them either). My boat was of wood, and she was 16 foot long.  I hid Her in the swamps. She was my safe place.

Some days I would get down to Her and cast off into the Gulf.  I’d anchor and just have my lunch, read my books and be rocked to sleep by her gentle movements with the waves. The birds landing on Her made Life very interesting. One day I had 3 pelicans sitting on the side… They liked my French bread and left before they swamped me. And I fell asleep with the rocking of the boat.

I’d fish and then let them go. I just wanted to be a part of the ecosystem.  I needed to feel as a part of the Whole that folks down here lived with. Me and my boat rocking on the waves.

I can’t do that anymore. I wish to have a 16 foot schooner to sail again, but how can I sail the lake and the Gulf knowing what BP did? Will I be able to smell the waters?  Can I sleep rocking on oil-infested waters?

Can I rest knowing what has happened? Will the birds come to my little boat and see me as an ally or the enemy?

We have known since the 70′s of the dangers that our current culture presented.  Many of us warned about the possibilities. We have told you what must be done.

You didn’t listen, and I can’t sleep in my little boat anymore.

I’m Crying Tears of Oil

I’m watching the projections of the BP oil spill’s reach and I’m seeing visages of times along the Coast. I see my extended families standing on their 40 ft boats happy with their harvest of the Gulf’s bounty. I see me and my Grand Dad catching crabs from the pier. I feel the nets as I pull them in from the boat. I feel the weight of the oyster tongs.

I feel the rod jerking as I hooked another King Mackeral. I feel the slickness of mud between my toes as I harvested mudbugs. I smell the air and remember.

I remember the night fishing when we held gigs and torches wading through the waters. You had to see the seabed and decide if it was a soft-shell crab or a flounder. I see my Grand Dad’s face as I handed him a bag of soft-shells. I was also afraid of sea snakes.

I’m afraid that I will not see those moments again in my lifetime.

My little World, our World, has been sacrificed for the oil greed of Amerika. 20,000 miles of canals dug through our wetlands and a no questions asked drilling policy. We stand naked before the storms that will come, and our greatest gift to the Nation is being poisoned. And it was all for oil.

I have had a minimal carbon footprint for decades. I have preached for many years about the ways of this culture. I have done my best and now the oil that many of you so depend upon is technically at my door.

My World is dying.

August 31, 2009

Protecting Coastal Communities

Filed under: Coastal Restoration,Gulf Coast,Levees,Louisiana,New Orleans,Rebuilding,Wetlands — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:37 pm

This is how the Dutch do it. America can do it too if only it wanted to.



July 4, 2009

Dear America, Have a Happy Birthday!

Well Darlin’s this day makes Year 233 A.R. (After Revolution).  We all should be proud of the fact that somehow the strange collection of folks that have lived through those years managed to keep it all together (The War Between the States was a major blip on the screen…), and so much has been done by the people of this Nation. I can’t say by the Nation because the people are the Nation. It has always been up to citizens to create, build and advance our lives here and to provide for the ones to come.

I am proud to be an American.  I’m proud of the service I rendered in the Navy to help protect this country. But…  I am upset with the Government for the slow, and possibly non-existent rebuilding along the Gulf Coast after Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Ike.  Many private people stepped up to the plate to help all os along the Coast out from the devastation, but the Government has been sorely lacking, especially for those of us in New Orleans who lost almost everything from the failure of the Federally  designed and built floodwalls and levees.  Betty and I lost 95% of our pasts and four years of our lives fighting to rebuild our little world. Many others have lost and they have yet to be able to get to the restoration point that we have reached. Along the Coast many of us feel as if America, the Government, has forgotten us.  We know that America the People didn’t.

The Church of Our Lady of Gentilly wishes many Blessings to the American People. Party hearty!

Sinn Fein

Check out- Odd Bits of Life in New Orleans for his take.

January 13, 2009

Aacckkkkk!!!! Bush Squeeks about NOLA and Katrina

I have spent all day listening to the Bushite referring to his Admins’ response to the damage from katrina and the Federal fuck-up we here call the Flood. Response? I don’t remember a true response.

Response? When 9/11 happened he sat staring a a child’s book for some minutes, but Katrina and the Flood? It took days before he did a “fly over” the disaster zones.  One of the oldest cities in the U.S. was drowning, many of those who wanted to return to rebuild were in freakin’ exile, and the bastard couldn’t land his plane and get his hands dirty digging out the remains of a dying city?

His excuse was that he didn’t want to interrupt the police from doing their jobs?

Fuck me! You have the Secret Service and you are the Commander-In-Chief of our military forces and you are worried about fucking up the cops in a devastated/depopulated zone? Are you fucking serious? Do you actually remember that week? How many fingers am I holding up? (wrong… I was just holding up my middle finger you mook.)

What exactly did you invest in the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast Mr. Lame Duck President? We sank almost $300K in rebuilding our part of the city and that still isn’t enough. We veterans still don’t have a true, full fledged hospital to honor the pledge made to those of us who gave up years of our lives in service to the country. The poor have no place to live since your HUD allowed the destruction of the Projects.

Mr. Bush (I never voted for you and you ain’t Prez in my book),  I happen to hate your guts. Fuck your storied Racist ancestors or that worthless bag of bones called your father (Gotcha! Thought I was referring to Babs ‘eh?) We are one of the oldest parts of this Nation and we have bled, not only in blood but in oil and gas for this country. We have been carved apart (physically) by the very companies you praise to fuel a Nation at the detriment of us losing the very soil underneath our feet, and you think we should be thanking you?

George baby, you are the worst creature I’ve ever run across, and I have seen the scum of the Earth.

Just STFU and vanish from the scene. We’ll find a way to have you takened to the World Court for war crimes and please forgive us if we yawn when they give you that lethal injection. (I’ll have a whiskey tonic and then just shrug.)

Sinn Fein

August 29, 2008

Waiting For Gustav

Filed under: Gulf Coast,Huuricane Watch,New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 7:27 pm

Well Gentle Readers, I think my thoughts on this hurricane’s path is right- we are now seeing more of a westward trend for landfall. Here’s the current NHC track on the storm-

Now let’s see the National Guard or the NOLA Gestapo drag me out of thie Fortress.

Sinn Fein Darlin’s… it’s up to us to keep the faith and protect our city.

Third Anniversary

There is nothing else to say.

August 18, 2008

Senator McCain is Stupidly Evil or Evilly Stupid

Some days ya’s just think that ya’s woke up in an alternate ‘Verse.

Anyone who votes for John McCain is a fuckmook. Here’s his take on the housing crisis-

Watch this.

If one extrapolates his statements on the above topic, just imagine what he WILL NOT Do for us in New Orleans and the Coast.

“Friends do not let friends vote for McCain”, that or we just have to shoot you, okay?

July 8, 2008

Yes, I Freakin’ Hate Republicans

Filed under: Federal Flood,FEMA,Fools,Fuckmooks,Gulf Coast,Insanity,Katrina,Louisiana,New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:43 pm

Here’s their latest crap concerning the FEMA trailers used on the Gulf Coast.

I must get an elephant gun, and tons of ammo.

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