Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

January 25, 2008

Tax Prebate… Fuck Me Now

Filed under: Aside,Family Values,Fools — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:23 am

The Bushite regime and my cowardly Demo friends in Congress have come up with a plan to stimulate the economy.

$300 to $1,600 in a rebate? Our freakin’ Master Carpenter gets $900 a week. How the Hell is this crap going to help us?

Me? I’ll get nothing. I’m on SSDI, and I don’t have to file. The “Family Plan? It ain’t going to help since the Family Values fucks won’t let Betts and me “tie the knot” legally. Yes, we are part of the Satanic Queers christian America hates. (and I’m not a Satanist, thank you very fucking much.)

$300 to $1,600 in a rebate? Shit babies, that’s almost nothing. How about stopping “outsourcing”… keeping jobs here in our country. Maybe we could control energy prices. (Oops, forgot that we can’t upset the Patriarchal Arabs.) How about limiting the “children excuse” for everything?

Screw me for not being a “Family Values” type of person. My family are my friends. I don’t do what my military friends did: “My wife she” or “My child it”, leaving the work to us poor shits that didn’t choose that route in Life. I live day-to-day… I’m not anti-children, but I do have a major problem with the B/S that you have to have kids before you can get cut a break with the taxman. Many of us in the Queer community don’t have kids. The PTB don’t want us to raise children.

Hell, Betts and I can’t get “married”. I’m a fucking co-owner on the house. I can not have any say for her involving medical treatment… the same goes in the reverse. The same holds true concerning utilities and insurance. When did we stop being Human Beings? What revoked our “Human” card? (I do know the answer, but I don’t want to go there right now.)
Speaking for myself, I wanted kids, not for the tax breaks, but for their shining faces, their voices and watching them grow up in the World. That was taken away fifty years ago. I envy those folks who have children. I crave the thoughts of answering questions and pointing them in the right direction. We have catz, but it’s not the same.
But I am degressing.

The point is: this “economic stimulus” package is a freakin’ dodge. It won’t really help anyone.. anyone, but it looks good on paper.

My dear Lady, can’t we get rid of these Governmental shits?

We have no one in power thinking of us. This bullshit is just more of the same. The last from CTA’s “State of the Union”

January 23, 2008

I Need A Room, Puleeeeease!

Jefferson Parish just passed a rule that outlaws rooms by the hour.

I guess David Vitter has to go back to Canal Street now. Stock up on the diapers girls!
Thanks Jefferson Parish for pushing your perverts to come to New Orleans for their sexual pleasures. (God damn David Duke supporters… perverts all.)

November 29, 2007

Transsexual CAN Sue the Library of Congress

Filed under: Family Values,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,Trans-Feminist — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 7:04 pm

Back in the Summer of ’05, prior to the Federal Flooding of New Orleans, I was raging on the Trans E-Lists concerning the Library of Congress’ B/S treatment of Diane Schroer when it came to an offered, and accepted, job.

She sued.

The Library of Congress contended that she wasn’t protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and a Federal judge just ruled that Schroer’s suit can go forward because the actions of the Library of Congress amounts to sex discrimination under Title VII. Once again Title VII covers Trans individuals by decree of the Courts.

When will people stop trying to hurt us?

The decision we have to make in our lives as Trans is to accept the bio-chem nature of our Reality and go with it. It can take years and a great amount of personal pain and personal loss. Often times we are destroyed because of all of the Societal poop that surrounds the perceptions of our lives.

This case is another that can equal the playing field for my brothers and sisters that are discriminated against each and every day. (Especially from that sub-Human group known as the Jezoids.)

November 27, 2007

I’ve been waiting for this one…

Filed under: Crime,Family Values,Fools,Religious Reich — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:19 am

Yeppers, it’s about my favorite types of folks.

Too bad I’m not on the jury.

November 19, 2007

Self-Deluded Minister Wants to Take Over Microsoft

Filed under: Family Values,Fools,LGBT,Religious Reich,Theocracy — Tags: , , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:24 pm

The Right Reverend Ken Hutcherson, formerly of the Dallas Cowboys, has decided that Microsoft’s defiance of his edict to exit the Culture Wars by eliminating their diversity program that allows partnership benefits for Lesbians and Gays. (This battle has been going on for over two years.)

“I consider myself a warrior for Christ. Microsoft don’t scare me. I got God with me.”

“I told them that you need to work with me or we will put a firestorm on you like you have never seen in you life because I am your worst nightmare. I am a black man with a righteous cause with a whole host of powerful white people behind me.”

“Microsoft stepped out of their four walls into my world so that gives me the right to step out of my world into their world,”

Kennie Boy, it’s ALL of our worlds existing within one big polyglot country, and I take umbrage that you think it’s your right to fuck with other people’s lives just cause your “playbook” doesn’t agree with them. What’s next? Taking over the country? Oh yes, your kind has already tried that and failed.

It’s time for you to STFU!

November 8, 2007

Hustler to the Rescue…

Hustler to the rescue.

Hustler to the rescue.

Go Larry Flynt, go, go…

Our Sin-nator, Mr. Vitter to be exact, is part of a major article in this month’s Hustler mag, the primary reading material for most of America’s male population. I wonder if the teen boys will learn the “Successful secrets of seeing a hooker without getting caught”. (The lesson seems to have flaws.) Maybe he has a centerfold spread (EEEEWWWW!!!!)

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