Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

February 13, 2008

Just Had to Share This…

and I think I should open a “special” kind of store *wink, wink*.

From the Village Voice:

A classic from the Pucker Up vaults
“It’s an open thread and let’s hear those reactions folks!”
I now crawl back into my lair.

December 31, 2007

And This is My Congressman?


I wouldn’t let him do me with someone elses’ dick.

Curtsey to Adrastos for this.

December 10, 2007

Zebra Fish Prof Claims Discrimination

Filed under: Religious Reich — Tags: — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:16 pm

All I’m going to say is that I need more crosses and nails…. Here.

November 27, 2007

I’ve been waiting for this one…

Filed under: Crime,Family Values,Fools,Religious Reich — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:19 am

Yeppers, it’s about my favorite types of folks.

Too bad I’m not on the jury.

November 21, 2007

Don’t Tell Me….

Filed under: Fools,New Orleans,Religious Reich,Theocracy,Witch Stuff — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:01 am

the Churches are still utilizing slave labor for their Gift Shops? When did this horrid event occur? I AM TOTALLY FREAKIN’ SHOCKED! (well, not really… figured these jerks out before I was 9.)


I do work a form of Spirituality that can do things… cement relations amongst a multitude of folks, get  concepts across, make a difference in the Timeline. Not perfect yet, but things seem to going in a certain direction. The way is so strange… ya’s wind up connecting in ways that couldn’t have happened prior to the Flood.

Your soul was far away in many cases, but your hearts were here when the Floodwalls broke. You know what happened, the assault on our Culture and just what the Crescent City truly means. A shared Reality amongst many in a small area… freakin’ priceless. Conviction times many equals the ability to shape Reality in accordance to Will.

There is no superstition or the need for relics or “blessed” tools. “The Power resides in yourself or nowhere, and the tools? They are just focus points… you are the source via the One”.

So can that church junk, get a fleur de lis, some beads, candles, incense, munchies, etc., and meditate on New Orleans and Her people. Who needs trinkets when you have the real experiences?
I thought this poop had ended.

November 19, 2007

Self-Deluded Minister Wants to Take Over Microsoft

Filed under: Family Values,Fools,LGBT,Religious Reich,Theocracy — Tags: , , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:24 pm

The Right Reverend Ken Hutcherson, formerly of the Dallas Cowboys, has decided that Microsoft’s defiance of his edict to exit the Culture Wars by eliminating their diversity program that allows partnership benefits for Lesbians and Gays. (This battle has been going on for over two years.)

“I consider myself a warrior for Christ. Microsoft don’t scare me. I got God with me.”

“I told them that you need to work with me or we will put a firestorm on you like you have never seen in you life because I am your worst nightmare. I am a black man with a righteous cause with a whole host of powerful white people behind me.”

“Microsoft stepped out of their four walls into my world so that gives me the right to step out of my world into their world,”

Kennie Boy, it’s ALL of our worlds existing within one big polyglot country, and I take umbrage that you think it’s your right to fuck with other people’s lives just cause your “playbook” doesn’t agree with them. What’s next? Taking over the country? Oh yes, your kind has already tried that and failed.

It’s time for you to STFU!

October 18, 2007

Another Reason Jindal Is BAD…

and a rabid cross-wearing and faith-based fruit bat:

“The candidates also differ on gay rights, where Jindal is the only candidate who said he would not renew a 2004 executive order by Blanco barring state agencies and outside contractors from discriminating in their hiring practices on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation or disabilities.”

“Jindal said that although he does not believe in discrimination, he fears the executive order’s potential effect on nonprofit groups that contract with the government. Jindal said such groups should be allowed to discriminate in their hiring practices while still receiving tax dollars.

“I’d want to make sure we weren’t driving out faith-based providers from state government, from providing state services,” Jindal said.”

“Jindal, meanwhile, is the only candidate to call for the repeal of hate-crimes laws, which provide added penalties for crimes motivated by animosity toward a particular person or group based on race, age, gender, religion or sexual orientation.”

And of course a statement by a spokesperson from one of Bobby’s loyal supporters showing that excessive religious self-indulgence severely lessens the mind’s capability toward rational thought:

“Gene Mills, director of the Family Forum, said the term “sexual orientation” could be broadly construed to include pedophiles as a protected class of worker in state government.

“If one describes his propensity for minors as a sexual orientation and it says there should not be grounds for firing, then you arguably have a legal dilemma there,” Mills said.”

Sexual orientation is defined as to which sex one is attracted to. Pedophilia refers to one who has sex with children. Almost 98% of reported cases of this sickness is attributed to adults, and most of them are bat-shit crazy religionists. The rest are just sickos.

Homosexuals aren’t into this type of thing… many of them have suffered during their childhoods at the hands of the creatures mentioned above. The last thing on their minds is to commit the same atrocities inflicted upon their bodies.

As for the Trans folk, never would that kind of desire cross our minds, but we are about gender identity and not orientation. Yet all of us are painted with a “heterosexual crime” brush wielded by the hands of morons who ARE NOT in touch with themselves, their identities or their sexualities.

Next thing these nut-jobs will want is to be allowed to burn witches. Oh shit! That’ll be strike three for me! Just bugger me with a telephone pole.

October 1, 2007

Another Reason to Nuke Alabama

Filed under: Fools,Neo-Fascism,Religious Reich,Theocracy — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:54 pm

Well the Supremes delivered their filthy decision today.

I’m getting real sick and tired of Xtians. Wednesday I’m going to buy a huge dildo just to piss those assholes off.

September 13, 2007

Kathy Griffin is My Kinda Girl!

Filed under: Aside,Fools,Neo-Fascism,Religious Reich — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:35 pm

From Firedoglake… (I really need to learn how to do YouTube stuffs on this Blog. Sheesh!)
Now Bill Donahue (wanna-be American Pope) is after her.

Billie Boy, why don’t you just get back to bagging Altar Boys and leave the interesting commentaries to those of us who ARE NOT part of your freakin’ illusion. (Remember what Ninja Jesus did to you on South Park , you little boy-twiddler.)

August 26, 2007

“Hurricane George” is Coming This Week…

Or “How to FUCK an entire region in one easy lesson”.


Curtsey to Suspect Device.

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