Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

May 16, 2008

Same Genitals Marriage?

On Thursday morning the California State Supreme Court struck down current laws concerning same-sex marriage. Now the fuckmooks who are so very opposed to people not like them having equal rights are pledging to fight against the decisions of the Court. They desire a popular vote instead of the rule of law to determine who has what Rights. Fuck them…

Here is the ONLY proper definition of Individual Rights:

“Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).” Ayn Rand

Sounds strange for a Progressive Trans-Lesbian Feminist to quote Rand ‘eh? (She got some things right about Democracy) We all come into this incarnation as individuals. It is only later that many of us are assimulated into the Hive Mind of the Borg (and the Borg comes in many types of groupings). This basically amounts to the killing of our most precious gift in this life: our Being.

Don’t get me wrong, there are times when all of us must work with others for many of the needs of living and culture. As Spock puts it in Star Trek III, “Sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”, but this does not mean ending the basic natures of the participants.

I’m a Gender-variant person, but that didn’t mean that Society couldn’t use my mind and abilities in working for the General Good. I’ve been an engineer, mechanic, teacher, cook and a decent person. I have sat with the dying in hospices and hospitals in order to salve their pains and fears. I have done what any upstanding member of a culture should do, but my right to my own Being is constantly under attack by the “Borg”. We are not beasts of burden or slaves to the prevailing societal mores. All of us have the right to be ourselves, just as Nature gave us, working together without having our lights being extinguished by bigotry and hypocrisy fueled by “mythologies” that cannot relate to Life in the 21st Century.

It doesn’t matter if one is Hetero or Homo or Trans… same goes for brown, black, white or purple folks. You can be short or tall, or have different eye colors… FUCK! this holds true even if one is a box turtle. All of us are who we are, and what we are not, and no power in the ‘Verse can take that away from even a single one of us. These are our birth-rights for being here at this point in time and space.

There is a meaning in each and everyone of our lives, whether it’s from God, the Goddess, the One or Nature. To DENY these things is tyranny and and a form of soul death. The “Borg” don’t really get this: they are destroying their own Souls by trying to recreate all folks into their “vision”. As always, we shall be judged by our works.

I’m going to close this out with a portion of the Wiccan Rede (my right-less partner and I have things to attend to for our lives):

“And do what you Will be the challenge, so be it Love that harms none.” Doreen Valiente

My name is Morwen, and I’m a Human Being. Are you?
“Greater than scene…is situation. Greater than situation is implication. Greater than all of these is a single, entire human being, who will never be confined in any frame” Eudora Welty

May 8, 2008

Only in Looziana

Filed under: Fools,Insanity,Louisiana,Politicians,Seccession,Sinn Fein — Tags: , , , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:09 pm

My fucking head hurts.

I was reading some news about the bat-shit lunatics and their antics in the old Lege, and then ran across this poop. My brain started screaming, “But they just passed a measure that would allow Higher Education students to carry guns to school”!

How do these fat-assed rednecks get these kinds of burrs up their butts? What kind of twisted childhood must they have experienced? Are their parents congenital idiots? Why am I even asking these questions… these creatures are from the bulk of the State that we here in the south-east swamps must secede from.

Yes, my fucking head hurts.

I think that when we pass the Act Of Succession for the Isle d’Orleans, we should follow in South Carolina’s mold and do a tactical nuclear strike on Baton Rouge, preferably when the Lege is in session. (Our last gift to the rednecks of Looziana before we split away)

My fucking head still hurts.

Sinn Fein!

April 27, 2008

Thou Shalt Kill, But Not Look At “Skin”

The Religious Reich and their Conservative allies never cease to amaze and piss me off. I am so tired of these throwbacks to the 3rd millennium B.C.E..

Take a look at this and then let the comments fly.

I hate these un-Human fuckmooks.

March 11, 2008

Let’s Send Sally Kern Back To the Dustbowl.

Here’s a petition urging the Oklahoma House to impeach Sally Kern for being many things, but just not Human.

A curtsey to Heather for the head’s up.

March 9, 2008

What Rock Did Sally Kern Crawl Out From Under?

From Oklahoma comes yet another fucking B/S screed maligning people of the Queer tribe. From Pam’s House Blend comes a good discussion of this homophobic bitch’s viewpoint on her constituants. (and the YouTube piece… )

(And now comes my cunning plan… )
So with this in mind the Church of Our Lady of Gentilly will now sponsor the Queer Consortium. The QC will be our infiltrative arm of the movement to totally subvert the Hyper-Conservative movement and the Religious Reich’s “Hit” Contract on America and Her peoples. The QC cannot allow domestic terrorists such as Sally Kern to destroy our Republic or the freedoms all Americans enjoy. Ridicule, rotten eggs and risque dress are our Three-Rs. There is no battleground on which we will not fight the amoebiac-minded creatures that wish to return our culture to the days of the Dark Ages.

Our ultimate goal is to move all of Humanity into the 21st Century C.E. from the enemy’s roots of the 10th Century B.C.E.. To help Humanity grow up and flower.
Please send your contributions for this noble venture care of my Blog. This will help us provide stylish uniforms, berets, dozens of rotten eggs and the appropriate leather/metal gear our warriors will require. (And of course, a dance track.) We also desire appropriate aircraft (hot-air balloons, helicopters and planes) with which to dump the proper amount of horse dung upon our enemies as the situation requires. (This may require several thousand horses and land to allow us to be properly vigilant and drop on schedule.)
If you value your lives, loves, fetishes and inebriants, please enlist for the Glorious War against the agents of Conservatism and Stone-Age living. Defend the Right of just being who you are and the Golden Rule. Aid us in ushering in the Age of Homo Futuris. (And have a damn good time in doing so.)

Welcome to the New World…

(The Church of Our Lady of Gentilly is a non-denominational Congregation devoted to all that Life can bring. Clothing is optional, but you must check your moralities at the door. Services are by invitation only. All Rights Reserved. In Goddess We Trust. Made in the USA. All Sales Are Final. Organically Grown.)

Update: The YouTube link is here… I’m finally placed something like this on my Blog. Color me shocked.

February 29, 2008

Raise the Drawbridge! Release the Gators to the Moat!

The peasants are revolting! (or they might not be… depends on your point of view.)
Lonely is the head that bears the crown. The Defender of New Orleans paces wearily upon the the ramparts of the Fortress of Orleans pondering the rumors that have been brought to light by his operatives in the Kingdom. He looks out into the fog-shrouded night for the glow from and armed crowd. He tries to listen for the creaking wheels of siege engines being moved into position, the sounds of marching feet or the whoosh of an arrow flying by, but alas, there are no sounds such as these tonight just as there is only the glow of street lamps.

The noble Defender stands guard through the night knowing that one day the end is coming. His End and the ending of all of the magnificent works which he so generously gave to the people of the Kingdom. Tears run down his cheeks as he wonders what went wrong…

I call B/S on the above narrative. Our Invisible Mayor is beefing up security at City Hall months after the fracas that accompanied the City Council Meeting that voted for the demolition of the Projects, but only a week after he informed the World that his picture is now on the Aryan websites. (I wonder if that’s what all the new cop toys must be for: protecting the his castle.)

Yes violent crime is up in the City, but since the Flood there have only been the aforementioned skirmish in the Council Chamber in December and the 5k+ March on City Hall to decry the upward spiral of murders here in Jan. ’07. Nothing bad happened at the march, and the probs during the skirmish was limited to a few “outside agitators”. Outside of the fact that City Hall is a bitch to get to work for your needs, it’s a fairly peaceful place (amazing, ‘eh?)

So why the beefing up of security at this time? Is King Amon-C. Ray going to spring some new crap on us in the near future? Will his minions announce the start of more stupid Nagin tricks upon the city? Or did he sell us to Disney?

I really wanna know.

Sinn Fein!

(Note to self: stock up on Greek Fire and arrows. Should get some more torches and pitchforks. Get boots… flats just won’t do for the assault upon anti-logic. Where’s my Captain’s hat? Hitch teh Katz to my chariot!)

February 24, 2008

A Tightly Wound Spring…

Filed under: Aside,Gentilly,Insanity,New Orleans,Our House,Rebuilding — Tags: , , , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:26 am

These last several days have been very, very tiring for me: getting the house fixed enough to get us out of this “dumpster” we been living in for two years, deciding how I’m go to pack stuffs and have it moved to the house… when do we get the girls fixed so they can roam the courtyard and then, how will the catz act through the entire process. There are mounds of papers and files all through the hovel (must not lose them…. that’s Grants and SBA poop). And then there are the tools and the kitchen.

Setting up the offices are first, but I need the Contractor’s map of all the wiring in the house to bring it all together in order for Betts to be able to function on the next workday. Four ‘puters need to be networked right away and the three extra terminals must be ready for the cottages and the gameroom. (have two new 8-point routers and 16 lines running through the place.) Must get Cox in so Betts can have her phones. Still need to get Entergy up there in order to put in the new gas and electric meters.

Our guys are doing great work, but weather (humidity) and final probs keep cropping up. (The ceiling in the offices had the beams a little warped when the tidal wave from the canal walls lifted one end of the house, and the resulting ceiling looked like the surf at Moloki.) The plumbers put the drain collection pipe for our bedroom potty in a strange place, and I want that fixed. The first part of the back deck must be built next week… I want a back staircase and the generator landing ready soon.

And there’s things we should be attending to, but it’s hard to get out of here early enough to get them done. Betts’ biz is hopping, so we can’t bug-out of the office in order to take care of things like buying the appliances (they don’t take payment over the phone), getting the last few fixtures and buying/making curtains. The rains force us to stay in since the sidewalks have 8″ of water on them and we can’t get out, or the traffic starting around 3 PM is so bad we can’t make it to where we need to. (Still haven’t picked up Opal’s ashes.)

The rains are also slowing down the cementing of the new connection to the sewer main, and that means we still have a huge hole in front of the only garage that we can get to at this time. The gravel for that one drive cannot be laid yet, and that means slogging through a mud pit to get into and out of the place. The sewer drain for the FEMA trailer still needs to be moved to our side yard connection so’s the dumpster can be put in place and we can move forward on finishing (and re-finishing) the drives.

Still awaiting the delayed House Elevation Grant and the next infusion from the SBA. Both will come through, but waiting and worrying is taking it’s toll on both of us. Things would have been pretty much done now if the grant would have hit last Summer as promised… the State had to find a way to screw up what we were to get months ago. This kept our worker count lower than expected so we could keep them doing our house instead of running off and starting other projects (thus putting us on the back burner).

It seems like the only times we leave this dump are for food, household stuffs and buying building materials. We have only played one tournament since right after Thanksgiving. Going to the bar to socialize doesn’t really happen anymore: we show up at odd times once in a while, and it’s almost always that the two of us are the only folks there. Shopping for some nice clothes is out: no place here to store them. (I’ve learned to mix and match various warm weather clothes in layers with my short supply of winter stuff to stay warm)

I’m just rambling and peeved that with all we have done to rebuild here, it is still like slogging through 4′ deep mud. I can’t do Psych meds because they either do nothing or they knock me out for the day. There’s only so much I can drink (and not become a total lush). Betts and I alternate with bouts of stomach attacks. I’m lucky to have a decent night’s sleep one a week… most of the nights are spent laying there with my mind racing over the entire ‘Verse. The only thing in my mind are how’s this affect the Coast, or the city, then Gentilly and lastly our home. It is like living in the center of a merry-go-round that never stops, and the characters are always changing on each spin.

Alright, enough bitching and moaning. We ARE the lucky amongst many in this city. We are almost home, though it seems like that promise changes daily. Many folks here haven’t even started on rebuilding. (I don’t know how they are keeping it together in the face of all this shit)

And I just made a decision: I’m waking Betts up from her nap in a few minutes, and we are going to the Starlight for a few drinks as we should have done earlier. Thank the Goddess that the bar is open all weekend nights. Maybe I’ll get to see the Sun rise as we leave with our to-go cups make it home and fall into a deep sleep.

“Bartender? GROG! NOW! Aaarrrggghhh me maties. We have returned… “ 

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