Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

May 8, 2008

Only in Looziana

Filed under: Fools,Insanity,Louisiana,Politicians,Seccession,Sinn Fein — Tags: , , , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:09 pm

My fucking head hurts.

I was reading some news about the bat-shit lunatics and their antics in the old Lege, and then ran across this poop. My brain started screaming, “But they just passed a measure that would allow Higher Education students to carry guns to school”!

How do these fat-assed rednecks get these kinds of burrs up their butts? What kind of twisted childhood must they have experienced? Are their parents congenital idiots? Why am I even asking these questions… these creatures are from the bulk of the State that we here in the south-east swamps must secede from.

Yes, my fucking head hurts.

I think that when we pass the Act Of Succession for the Isle d’Orleans, we should follow in South Carolina’s mold and do a tactical nuclear strike on Baton Rouge, preferably when the Lege is in session. (Our last gift to the rednecks of Looziana before we split away)

My fucking head still hurts.

Sinn Fein!

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