Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

July 10, 2007

Sin-nator Vitter’s “Past”?

When I posted last night on this breaking news, I couldn’t go much farther than just the current scoop. I’d heard rumours about Saint David Vitter, but had no real sources to verify them.

Here’s the best round-up of these sources, Oyster over at Your Right Hand Thief gives us the smoking gun. (Or is that a “dripping” gun?)

Ah Sin-nator? For the good of our State, and especially for those of us who are trying to rebuild our homes after the Federal Flood of 8/29, I ask that you now resign from your office, and resign yourself to your fate which will be meted out by your wife. For all of us impacted by your hypocrisies, it would be for the best. You ARE NOT the kind of person we need at this point in time. (Or at any time… )

Update- WDSU has some more on Vitter’s dealings with the Canal Street Madam.

July 9, 2007

Sin-nator Vitter Is Coming Clean?

Filed under: Louisiana,New Orleans,Politicians,Religious Reich — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 9:17 pm

I’m having a hard time with laughing myself silly over tonight’s revelation that Vitty-Cent has sinned with the DC Call-Girl ring.

“Family Values” my tush!

DC Madam’s website. (Prepare to wait awhile for a connection)

July 3, 2007

Hidden Titheing For Christian Groups in New Orleans

This is a post I never wanted to write (even though I’ve seen the signs of it for several years), and I must apologize to my friends who are good Christians for what I’m doing right now: I’m attacking the “business” of religion, the subtle ways in which “Christianity” is milking American taxpayers for their own needs, even when the taxpayers are NOT of that faith. This is not an attack on someone’s personal Spiritual beliefs.

In today’s T-P is an article concerning Xavier University and 21 properties that it owns. I’ve been following the circumstances of many house demolitions on Squandered Heritage since the Blog was established. I’m seeing that many of these homes slated for Federally-payed demolition belong to various Christian organizations, and that most of these properties owned by these organizations have been their properties for years and they have let them rot.

They are now demanding their pound of flesh from all of America’s taxpayers for these demolitions, even if some of us are not “believers”. This is NOT right.

Also, consider the loss of property taxes when these “companies” buy up land.

Our property taxes pay for city services that we count on to keep our locale clean and safe. Remember what our city was like prior to the Flood: rotting streets and houses, crap for police protection, decaying playgrounds and a failed education system that should have produced educated people instead of the criminal element that we all have lived with for years. (yes there were crooked politicians, but I’m looking for a bigger culprit.)
That was the cost to all of us in New Orleans when around 60% of the properties here were considered “tax exempt”. Nothing has changed on that front except that now… Federal money is being demanded to tear these places down, and the “companies” reap another harvest of money from those that are not theirs. They don’t have to pay for their failures of purpose. (If they were failures, which I really doubt.)

The answer is that it shouldn’t come out of the purses and wallets of those not involved with those “businesses”. I gain nothing from the product offered, and yet I must pay for their stuffs?

(One glaring example is St. Francis Cabrini Church in Gentilly: expensive to the Arch Diocese to maintain prior to the Flood, and boarded up with no mitigation post-Flood. It was left to the Feds to foot the bill for removing a building that the Archdiocese didn’t want when Holy Cross decided to rebuild there.)

This is the same Archdiocese that owns many properties in the city that have been moth-balled, so to speak, before the infamous Flood.

These parcels should be owned by families and businesses. They should contribute to the common welfare. They could be assets to the community as a whole, not sink-holes that community money disappears into for their “needs” one morning per week. The monies required for the “businesses’” schemes rightfully belong to the PEOPLE that lived here and are trying to rebuild their lives and communities.

These are the people and the causes that the Christ believed in, not the creations of those of power and money.

In the New World the playing field shall be leveled: no business, including the religious ones, will have tax-exempt status. We are a polyglot culture, very diverse, and there is no reason for those of us who aren’t believers to be tithed for that which means nothing to us and gives nothing to the entire community.

This is one of the basic tenets of our Republic, and we must live by that.

May 15, 2007

Rev. Falwell is Dead

Filed under: Aside,Religious Reich — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:05 pm

Moral Majority Founder Jerry Falwell is dead.

I wanted write a quickie on how Dr. Falwell’s work had a great influence on my life, but it’s way too early in my day to really do justice to this topic. I will abstain from doing so at this time. (One question though: did he ascend, or did the Earth swallow him up?)

May 11, 2007

Rush Tackles the Fundies

Filed under: Aside,Music,Religious Reich — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 6:12 am

“Now it’s comes to this
Wide-eyed armies of the faithful
From the Middle East to the Middle West
Pray, and pass the ammunition

So many people think that way
You gotta watch what you say
To them and them, and others too
Who don’t seem to see the things the way you do

Now it’s come to this
Hollow speeches of mass deception
From the Middle East to the Middle West
Like crusaders in unholy alliance

Now it’s come to this
Like we’re back in the Dark Ages
From the Middle East to the Middle West
It’s a plague that resists all science”

These are some of the lyrics from Rush’s new album “Snakes and Arrows”. No, I haven’t heard the album, but I do know the works of Rush, and all I need to do is read the lyrics. I’m ordering one right now.

Interesting review, and yes this guy is usually on target. You’ll get a taste of the thoughts related via the songs.

BTW-Rolling Stone turned 40 this month, but not that I would care… it’s meant for the great unwashed masses.

April 9, 2007

The Religious Reich Rises Again… Unlike Their Pizza

From Mother Jones we have an article entitled “Hail Mary”. Here is another way that the uber-rich Theocracy is attempting to co-op the Progressive culture of our country.

Here’s an example of the town they are building Ave Maria outside of Naples, FL:

“Now only partially built, the future Ave Maria University sits amid a flat, swampy, and desolate expanse of tomato fields and orange groves 30 miles northeast of Naples. A brawny, 100-foot-tall, arching Gothic oratory is already rising, soon to be flanked by the nation’s largest crucifix and encircled by an entire Catholic community, Ave Maria Town, which will welcome 25,000 residents. In keeping with the tenor of Naples, where the average home costs $1.95 million and Republicans outnumber Democrats by nearly 4-to-1, the town will not be a hive of spartan monks’ cells. Rather, it will feature a mix of “affordable” $175,000 town houses, $665,000 condos, and far more palatial Corinthian-columned manses equipped with lavish swimming pools. The golf course will be “championship” caliber, and the retail core will be at once walkable and pious. “Our plan,” Monaghan told a gathering of Catholics last year (sending constitutional lawyers into a kerfuffle), “is that no adult material will appear on the town’s cable system, and the pharmacy will not sell contraceptives.”

Essentially, Monaghan plans to draw a line in the sand against a trend he deems evil. Even as the rapidly growing church lists right worldwide and a few rock-ribbed Catholic orders—most notably Opus Dei—are surging, American Catholics are becoming ever more progressive. Thirty-seven percent favor an easing of the church’s abortion policies, according to a recent cnn/USA Today/Gallup Poll, and fifty-five percent support the ordination of women. Meanwhile, several Catholic universities—among them Holy Cross and St. Scholastica—have gone so far as to play host to the dread Vagina Monologues.”

“To conservatives, Monaghan is a deep-pocketed savior. Florida governor Jeb Bush, a converted Catholic, made Ave Maria Town a special tax district like Disney World, giving the self-appointed Board of Supervisors (run by Monaghan’s development partner) wideonging powers and exempting the town from state and local laws.”

It seems to me that if you are a member of the Theocracy, ya’s don’t gotta pay most taxes and your parents are pretty rich. This kind of enclave is a great place to indoctrinate and program un-discriminating “thought modules”.

BTW_ this is all being financed by the Founder of Dominos Pizza, Tom Monaghan.

For all of you left-leaners and Progressives: Did you ever think that the pizza, pot, and booze confabs we engaged in for decades might just lead to the destruction of our world view?

Now you’ll understand when I proudly state that I have never eaten a Dominos pizza. I warned you all long ago about this.

Yes, I’m a little late for this post. Crucify me…

April 3, 2007

Blog Against Theocracy

Filed under: Religious Reich — Tags: — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:50 pm

Wearing a cute Playboy bunny outfit, this girl plans to leave some ripe ones for the Religious Reich crowd.

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