From Mother Jones we have an article entitled “Hail Mary”. Here is another way that the uber-rich Theocracy is attempting to co-op the Progressive culture of our country.
Here’s an example of the town they are building Ave Maria outside of Naples, FL:
“Now only partially built, the future Ave Maria University sits amid a flat, swampy, and desolate expanse of tomato fields and orange groves 30 miles northeast of Naples. A brawny, 100-foot-tall, arching Gothic oratory is already rising, soon to be flanked by the nation’s largest crucifix and encircled by an entire Catholic community, Ave Maria Town, which will welcome 25,000 residents. In keeping with the tenor of Naples, where the average home costs $1.95 million and Republicans outnumber Democrats by nearly 4-to-1, the town will not be a hive of spartan monks’ cells. Rather, it will feature a mix of “affordable” $175,000 town houses, $665,000 condos, and far more palatial Corinthian-columned manses equipped with lavish swimming pools. The golf course will be “championship” caliber, and the retail core will be at once walkable and pious. “Our plan,” Monaghan told a gathering of Catholics last year (sending constitutional lawyers into a kerfuffle), “is that no adult material will appear on the town’s cable system, and the pharmacy will not sell contraceptives.”
Essentially, Monaghan plans to draw a line in the sand against a trend he deems evil. Even as the rapidly growing church lists right worldwide and a few rock-ribbed Catholic orders—most notably Opus Dei—are surging, American Catholics are becoming ever more progressive. Thirty-seven percent favor an easing of the church’s abortion policies, according to a recent cnn/USA Today/Gallup Poll, and fifty-five percent support the ordination of women. Meanwhile, several Catholic universities—among them Holy Cross and St. Scholastica—have gone so far as to play host to the dread Vagina Monologues.”
“To conservatives, Monaghan is a deep-pocketed savior. Florida governor Jeb Bush, a converted Catholic, made Ave Maria Town a special tax district like Disney World, giving the self-appointed Board of Supervisors (run by Monaghan’s development partner) wideonging powers and exempting the town from state and local laws.”
It seems to me that if you are a member of the Theocracy, ya’s don’t gotta pay most taxes and your parents are pretty rich. This kind of enclave is a great place to indoctrinate and program un-discriminating “thought modules”.
BTW_ this is all being financed by the Founder of Dominos Pizza, Tom Monaghan.
For all of you left-leaners and Progressives: Did you ever think that the pizza, pot, and booze confabs we engaged in for decades might just lead to the destruction of our world view?
Now you’ll understand when I proudly state that I have never eaten a Dominos pizza. I warned you all long ago about this.
Yes, I’m a little late for this post. Crucify me…