Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

November 12, 2008

National Protest Against Prop 8

Filed under: American Culture,LGBT,New Orleans,Social Mores — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:08 pm

This Saturday 11/15, come and join the impact. All across America LGBT folks and their supporters will protest the removal of our Court sanctioned rights in California. The site gives you links to protests in your area.

For my Gentle Readers in the New Orleans area, go here. The event goes down at 1300 Perdido St, The New Orleans Courthouse, from 12:30 to 3:30 pm. Be there and not be square. This is about my tribes’ right to be treated equally under the Law. It’s about our rights as Human Beings.

We are all embarking on a journey to a new and more rational Society that started on November Fourth. Change is in the air. Please come and share your support for a portion of our culture that has been slapped down for the umpteenth time.

November 10, 2008

Prop 8 and Hatred

Filed under: American Culture,Family Values,Fuckmooks,LGBT,Religious Reich,Social Mores — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:33 pm

I’m still reeling from the passage of Prop 8 funded by the Catholics and Mormans and actualized by the Black community.

My query- how the Hell do I threaten your lives ?

I have my honey. I curl up with her when we go to bed. I scream at her when I think she’s on the wrong page and I hold her when she is hurt. She does the same for me. That is love.

Tonight Kieth Olberman did a special comment concerning this issue. I wound up crying because this is how I see my relationship with Betts.

Yes, I can get angry with her, but every moment I’m thinking of her and wondering what’s  going down. It matters to me if something bad happens to her. This is the person I trust to lay next to me at night. This is the person I trust with my life and my health care. Betty is my friend, and I trust her.

This is what Olberman was talking about- we are friends and live as a couple. We share a life… we have friends.

Never in my life have I felt so secure.

Never in my life have I felt desired and loved as I do now.

There is nothing that the two of us has that endangers what you others have. We laugh and cry together. We scream at each other. Some nights I sleep on the sofa, but in the end we have love for each other. What is wrong with that?

Why do I need the approval of some mythical creature in order to sleep and feel safe?

Why do I need to have the approval of Humans for that which I believe is Hallowed? That which my Goddess and my heart tells me is right?

What does it matter that I chose Betty as my partner? Any skin off your ass? Did it kill your Jesus?  No, it didn’t. I found someone I dearly love, and she is the light of my life. Hers will be the last face I will see as I die. She will be the last person who touches me as I head to another world. My soul is safe in her embrace.

So for you fuckmooks who voted for Prop 8 in Cali, and for the rest of you who only know what your minister tells you, I live in the holiness of a bond that can only be achieved by two people who are in love. Can only happen when YOU make that decision to love unconditionally.Maybe one day you can reach that standard.

So babies, curl up with your honeys tonight. And tell the cross-wearers to STFU and get out of your lives.

November 6, 2008

Well… America Has

Filed under: American Culture,Family Values,Fuckmooks,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:41 am

a Black President now. World is changing. Freedom rings across the Land. All is well, except…

The LGBT community came out in great support of Barack Obama nation-wide, but in California the Black community, at the urging of their ministers, voted for Obama and voted down the chance for Same-Sex couples to be married. They took away that which the Supreme Court of California granted us as citizens of the State and of the Nation. My community chose wisely as per a leader, and others chose their prejudices when it came to Social policy and their filthy religion.

I’m gonna tell you this now- most Black LGBT folks hang with the Whites because of their Black connections being so much enslaved to what their minister tells them. Black folks scream for tolerance and acceptance for their folk, but if one is Queer… fuck you.

This girl can never accept that viewpoint. I’m a colored person and I am Trans. I have fought for Racial rights for almost 4 decades. I never questioned my decision. Now I must.

If I support a community in America, and doing so by conviction, can I accept that community’s rejection of my folk? No Darlin’s, I can’t.Though I try to focus on many issues, my primary focus must be New Orleans and my tribe. I must grow where I’m planted. I must answer Truth to the multitude.

This is my life-

Alright, we do lie to each other (what couple doesn’t), Yes we play games just as much many of you do. We fucking live a life. And ya’s know what? It’s freakin’ good. We are friends, we are lovers, and nothing on this planet can alter that. In many ways, I think our community is is more realistic than the “Straight World”.

And our commuinty is more unaccepting of the B/S handed out by Christian ministers. Why is it wrong to kiss my baby Good Night? Why is wrong to worry about were she is going? When I can’t catch on her cell…

I’m sick and tired of this battle. If I fight for you, then it should work in reverse. That’s called the Social Doctrine the Contract. It’s what many of us in America live by. Welcome to  America kids, my tribe just got fucked again by the Bible-thmping fuckmooks.

I no longer will honor my Black ancestory. I will not vote for those that harm my community. Stick your minister and crosses up your asses. There is no reason why I should care for the likes of you.

I am White and Black. The line is drawn- I fight for my community. Fuck you if you don’t get it. You fucks wish for a new world, ya’s better accept us. We are your best allies.

October 27, 2008

I Think Validation Has Arrived…

Filed under: LGBT — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:34 am

My Gentle Readers know that I’m a Transgendered person. (actually, I hate that term) In reality I am Intersexed since I was born with, and most of them still are in me, the boy and girl parts.

Over the years when I would lecture or discuss Transexualism, I’d do my “Hormone Imbalance in Utero” song and dance. It explained the possibillities on gender developement for a developing fetus. If the Testosterone pulses did’nt occur or were muted, the fetus stays with the fail-safe option which is female.  These pulses, two in fact, have different purposes- one affects brain structure and the other affects the Gonadal developement. (BTW- I’m only describing the scenario for Male-to-Female Trans folks. I really don’t understand the reverse, but I do have some friends that went that route,)

So imagine my pleasure at seeing research from Australia concerning my sisters and their conditions this weekend. This is a tentative validation for my little tribe, and maybe now the Religeous Reich will stop demonizing us.

Our lives are not a choice. The only real choice we have is to live as we see ourselves or to live a tortured (internally) existance.

I salute my sisters who accepted themselves and made the right choice. You gave me the courage to do what I had to do.


October 13, 2008

No More McDonalds For Moi

Last March I was tickled pink (of course) over McDonalds decision to make a donation to the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC. I ended an eight year hiatus of eating their junk food in order to be supportive of the company’s outreach to the LGBT community.

Today I must swear off spending money at McDonalds- They caved to the American Family Association’s (AFA) boycott concerning the “The Big Mac attack on family values.” The Church of Our Lady of Gentilly has now black-listed McDonalds.

I guess that the rabid cross-bearing fanatics eat mainly fast food, because that boycott would not have worked if they frequented these kinds of eateries in a manner which intelligent people do- which is rarely.  These people must be so short on time to home-cook meals due to their rabid attracts on anything/one that does not swallow their Cultural donkey poop.

I guess I’ll just have to wait until clogged arteries and obesity claim the fools at the AFA. (Maybe this is McDonalds secret and cunning plan- kill the Religious Reich by poisoning them. One can only hope…)

September 16, 2008

The Roll of the Dice

Filed under: LGBT,Trans-Feminist — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:16 pm

I, like so many of my Trans sisters and brothers, we are awaiting a decision on this case. Will Title 7 become our protection/liberataion? I hope so.

September 6, 2008

Republican Ticket = Lies

Yes, I did get to see some of last speaches from that dung-heap called the Repug Convention. McInsane’s words were boring, but Sarah Palin’s bullshit pushed me over the edge. If, and only if, the Repugs win the Presidency and McInsane dies in office, this bitch will be trying to roll back so many of the gains of Women’s and LGBT Civil Rights gains over the last 40 years.

We have fought too long and too hard to allow the forces of ignorance to destroy our lives and freedoms. We do not wish to enter the Dark Ages again. Never again the Burning Times. Never again to be ruled by religious mooks that hate who and what we are.

I’m still digging dirt on Palin, and yes I will be very active during the last two months of this campaign, but I just had to tell you about this collection of Palin’s actions and lies.

Curtsey to the Humid Haney Rant.

August 20, 2008

Gays Liked Bush More Than McCain… Spare me

Filed under: Barack Obama,Campaign 2008,John-McCain,LGBT,Politicians — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:06 pm

So it seems that the LGBTQ community doesn’t like McCain very much. In fact the Bushite had more backing from the community than Sen. Walnuts is getting.

Well, first off, what’s to like about McInsane? He’s delusional, lacks concrete knowledge of History, especiallly the section he has lived through and he’s just a nasty, old, cute butt and money guy on the prowl.  “Baby? Wanna see my scar from when I was a POW?”. The S.O.B. dumped his first wife, devoted as she was because of the effects of a horrible accident, in order to marry an heiress and a “looker”.

Overwhelmingly supporting Senator Obama over Senator McCain in the presidential election according to results of a Harris Interactive poll released this morning, it is also predicted that McCain will garner less of the LGBT vote than President Bush did in 2000 and 2004.”

Now if we sane Queers can just change the minds of of brothers and sisters who still support the “Shit Talk Express”.

July 19, 2008

Under Attack Again

Filed under: Fools,Fuckmooks,Insanity,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,Theocracy — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:14 am

Sweet zombie Jesus! Its Friday night and our enemies are at again.

What is it about these mooks that they keep demonizing my tribes?  Look bitches and cross-wearing bastards… come at me, one who has ALL the parts. Come at me, one who represents the Diety of Humanity’s earlist form of Spirituality. Come at me with your bigotry and hatred. Come and see what the Intersexed/Trans woman can serve you. Come and see what this little girl thinks about your religion’s fucking mutilation of my body for your bat-shit insane “belief” system.  Come and ask the woman that could never have children because of your “choice” about her Future.

Here’s a quote from these congenital idiots-

“In other words, if a ‘transgender man’ or, say, employee at a McDonald’s believes his supposed ‘gender’ is really a woman, so he wears a dress and high heels, he should be able to use the female restroom. That surely would do wonders for the productivity and workplace environment of female employees and customers at a small business, including all those local McDonald’s franchises!” LaBarbera said.”

You fucking dick, I have a uterus and ovaries.You are going to restrict my life and freedoms when I have the same parts as a woman? (That’s right, women don’t get a “choice”.  Lets just say, “Jack, you ignorant slut!”. I will not back down.

When the Hell will these shits understand that not everyone came out of a cookie-cutter? That Humanity encompasses a spectrum?  That many people don’t fit your unreal ideal?

Some research says my tribe is 1 in 4,500… other research states that we are 1 in 1,000.  I chose the latter figure and I can back that up. We exist.

You wish to deny or minimize my Goddess-given rights as a Human Being? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

My life has meaning and I have friends. Fuck you if I don’t fit your ignorant pre-conceived notions. (You never mattered in the first place). We have been here from the Beginning, and we shall be here to the end of Time. My friends, and my life, have meaning. We are also Sacred outside of the cross-wearers B/S. We are the ones that can cross the barriars. This is the Gift given to those who “walk between the worlds”.

If you have to go to your “book” to refute me, kiss my panty-clad tush. Ya’s ain’t gonna find the reference. And yes you fucks, I have studied the literature.

I am more than ready to handle your childish and sophmoric shit. I can tear your “book” apart in a few minutes. It ain’t rocket science.

Leave us alone you ignorant fools. Fuck off and die.

July 14, 2008

More On the Wrongs of the Church

Filed under: Fools,Insanity,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,Religious Reich,Theocracy,Witch Stuff — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:42 am

As an Intersexed woman, a Lesbian and a Priestess to the Goddess, I expect to be burned at the stake by these freaks.

Here’s the take from Aussie-land.

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