Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

July 19, 2008

Under Attack Again

Filed under: Fools,Fuckmooks,Insanity,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,Theocracy — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:14 am

Sweet zombie Jesus! Its Friday night and our enemies are at again.

What is it about these mooks that they keep demonizing my tribes?  Look bitches and cross-wearing bastards… come at me, one who has ALL the parts. Come at me, one who represents the Diety of Humanity’s earlist form of Spirituality. Come at me with your bigotry and hatred. Come and see what the Intersexed/Trans woman can serve you. Come and see what this little girl thinks about your religion’s fucking mutilation of my body for your bat-shit insane “belief” system.  Come and ask the woman that could never have children because of your “choice” about her Future.

Here’s a quote from these congenital idiots-

“In other words, if a ‘transgender man’ or, say, employee at a McDonald’s believes his supposed ‘gender’ is really a woman, so he wears a dress and high heels, he should be able to use the female restroom. That surely would do wonders for the productivity and workplace environment of female employees and customers at a small business, including all those local McDonald’s franchises!” LaBarbera said.”

You fucking dick, I have a uterus and ovaries.You are going to restrict my life and freedoms when I have the same parts as a woman? (That’s right, women don’t get a “choice”.  Lets just say, “Jack, you ignorant slut!”. I will not back down.

When the Hell will these shits understand that not everyone came out of a cookie-cutter? That Humanity encompasses a spectrum?  That many people don’t fit your unreal ideal?

Some research says my tribe is 1 in 4,500… other research states that we are 1 in 1,000.  I chose the latter figure and I can back that up. We exist.

You wish to deny or minimize my Goddess-given rights as a Human Being? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

My life has meaning and I have friends. Fuck you if I don’t fit your ignorant pre-conceived notions. (You never mattered in the first place). We have been here from the Beginning, and we shall be here to the end of Time. My friends, and my life, have meaning. We are also Sacred outside of the cross-wearers B/S. We are the ones that can cross the barriars. This is the Gift given to those who “walk between the worlds”.

If you have to go to your “book” to refute me, kiss my panty-clad tush. Ya’s ain’t gonna find the reference. And yes you fucks, I have studied the literature.

I am more than ready to handle your childish and sophmoric shit. I can tear your “book” apart in a few minutes. It ain’t rocket science.

Leave us alone you ignorant fools. Fuck off and die.

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