Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

November 29, 2007

Transsexual CAN Sue the Library of Congress

Filed under: Family Values,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,Trans-Feminist — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 7:04 pm

Back in the Summer of ’05, prior to the Federal Flooding of New Orleans, I was raging on the Trans E-Lists concerning the Library of Congress’ B/S treatment of Diane Schroer when it came to an offered, and accepted, job.

She sued.

The Library of Congress contended that she wasn’t protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and a Federal judge just ruled that Schroer’s suit can go forward because the actions of the Library of Congress amounts to sex discrimination under Title VII. Once again Title VII covers Trans individuals by decree of the Courts.

When will people stop trying to hurt us?

The decision we have to make in our lives as Trans is to accept the bio-chem nature of our Reality and go with it. It can take years and a great amount of personal pain and personal loss. Often times we are destroyed because of all of the Societal poop that surrounds the perceptions of our lives.

This case is another that can equal the playing field for my brothers and sisters that are discriminated against each and every day. (Especially from that sub-Human group known as the Jezoids.)

November 16, 2007

2007 Trans Day Of Rememberance

Filed under: Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,New Orleans — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:01 pm

This Sunday, November 18th 6 PM.

We will meet at the LGCCNO (Decatur at Frenchmen) and then hold our candlelight march to the Statue of St. Joan for the reading of the names of our brothers and sisters killed during the year for living their lives.

Afterwards there will be refreshments and conversation at the community center.

October 18, 2007

GLBT Minus “T” = “Barney the Dinosaur’s” ENDA

“You see here tonight a man named John Aravosis, a Gay man, totally divorced from Reality and History, vainly trying to understand why his world is not what it is. He is confused and afraid. Past the STOP sign, next turn to the left and ahead… there stands the Trans-woman. AIYEEEE!” Welcome to the AAA Gay Zone. (Also called the Balls of Confusion.)

(No… I’m not going to play nice. Being PC to thine enemies is the worst form of hypocrisy and lunacy.)

My desire at this point in time is to go “postal” and not stop for days and days. The fight for Gender Identity has gone on for over a century and a half, and just as this recognition under law comes almost to our finger tips (yes, the Bushite’s gonna veto either version of the bill), it is being yanked away by men who do not want us around.

Here’s the opener for an opinion piece by Susan Stryker in Salon a few days ago:

“Pity poor John Aravosis, the gay rights crusader from AmericaBlog whose “How Did the T Get in LGBT?” essay, in reference to the controversy over gender identity protections in the pending Employment Non-Discrimination Act, was published on Salon a few days ago. To hear Aravosis tell it, he and multitudes of like-minded gay souls have been sitting at the civil rights table for more than 30 years, waiting to be served. Now, after many years of blood, sweat, toil and tears, a feast in the form of federal protection against sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace has finally been prepared. Lips are being licked, chops smacked, saliva salivated, when — WTF!?! — a gaunt figure lurches through the door.

It is a transgender person, cupped hands extended, begging for food. Seems somebody on the guest list — maybe a lot of somebodies — let this stranger in off the streets without consulting everyone else beforehand, claiming he-she-it-or-whatever was a relative of some sort. Suddenly, what was supposed to be a fabulous dinner party starts surreally morphing into one of those OxFam fundraisers dramatizing third-world hunger whose sole function is to make the “haves” feel guilty for the plight of the “have-nots.”

And this:

“Aravosis isn’t questioning the place of the T in the GLBT batting order; he’s just concerned with properly marking the distinction between “enough like me” and “too different from me” to merit inclusion in the categories with which he identifies. His position is a bit like those kerfuffled astronomers not too long ago, scratching their noggins over how to define Pluto’s place in the conceptual scheme of the solar system. Sure, we’ve been calling it a planet for a good number of years because it’s round and orbits the sun just like our Earth, but now it appears that if we keep doing so we’ll have to let a bunch of the bigger asteroids into the planet category, as well as some other weird faraway stuff we only recently learned about, which stretches the definition of “planet” into a name for things we don’t really think of as being much like good ol’ Earth, so let’s just demote Pluto instead. In Aravosis’ homocentric cosmology, men may not be from Mars, nor women from Venus, but transgender people are definitely from Pluto.”

And this:

“Transgender people have their own history of civil rights activism in the United States, one that is in fact older, though smaller and less consequential, than the gay civil rights movement. In 1895, a group of self-described “androgynes” in New York organized a “little club” called the Cercle Hermaphroditos, based on their self-perceived need “to unite for defense against the world’s bitter persecution.” Half a century later, at the same time some gay and lesbian people were forming the Mattachine Society and the Daughters of Bilitis, transgender people were forming the Society for Equality in Dress. When gay and lesbian people were fighting for social justice in the militant heyday of the 1960s, transgender people were conducting sit-in protests at Dewey’s lunch counter in Philadelphia, fighting in the streets with cops from hell outside Compton’s Cafeteria in San Francisco’s Tenderloin, and mixing it up at Stonewall along with lots of other folks.”

In summary:

“Aravosis and those who agree with him think that the “trans revolution” has come from outside, or from above, the rank-and-file gay movement. No — it comes from below, and from within. The outrage that many people in the queer, trans, LGBT or whatever-you-want-to-call-it community feel over how a gender-inclusive ENDA has been torpedoed from within is directed at so-called leaders who are out of touch with social reality. It has to do with a generation of effort directed toward building an inclusive movement being pissed away by the clueless and the phobic. That’s why every single GLBT organization of any size at the national and state levels — with the sole exception of the spineless Human Rights Campaign — has unequivocally come out in support of gender protections within ENDA, and has opposed the effort to pass legislation protecting only sexual orientation.”

Me and mine may be from Pluto or the Oort Cloud, but with people like the AAA Gays on this planet, I think the Oorts are wonderful, especially this time of year, but I’d rather spend my time in New Orleans.

Another Reason Jindal Is BAD…

and a rabid cross-wearing and faith-based fruit bat:

“The candidates also differ on gay rights, where Jindal is the only candidate who said he would not renew a 2004 executive order by Blanco barring state agencies and outside contractors from discriminating in their hiring practices on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation or disabilities.”

“Jindal said that although he does not believe in discrimination, he fears the executive order’s potential effect on nonprofit groups that contract with the government. Jindal said such groups should be allowed to discriminate in their hiring practices while still receiving tax dollars.

“I’d want to make sure we weren’t driving out faith-based providers from state government, from providing state services,” Jindal said.”

“Jindal, meanwhile, is the only candidate to call for the repeal of hate-crimes laws, which provide added penalties for crimes motivated by animosity toward a particular person or group based on race, age, gender, religion or sexual orientation.”

And of course a statement by a spokesperson from one of Bobby’s loyal supporters showing that excessive religious self-indulgence severely lessens the mind’s capability toward rational thought:

“Gene Mills, director of the Family Forum, said the term “sexual orientation” could be broadly construed to include pedophiles as a protected class of worker in state government.

“If one describes his propensity for minors as a sexual orientation and it says there should not be grounds for firing, then you arguably have a legal dilemma there,” Mills said.”

Sexual orientation is defined as to which sex one is attracted to. Pedophilia refers to one who has sex with children. Almost 98% of reported cases of this sickness is attributed to adults, and most of them are bat-shit crazy religionists. The rest are just sickos.

Homosexuals aren’t into this type of thing… many of them have suffered during their childhoods at the hands of the creatures mentioned above. The last thing on their minds is to commit the same atrocities inflicted upon their bodies.

As for the Trans folk, never would that kind of desire cross our minds, but we are about gender identity and not orientation. Yet all of us are painted with a “heterosexual crime” brush wielded by the hands of morons who ARE NOT in touch with themselves, their identities or their sexualities.

Next thing these nut-jobs will want is to be allowed to burn witches. Oh shit! That’ll be strike three for me! Just bugger me with a telephone pole.

September 23, 2007

Where Do You Stand (Or Kneel) In This Society?

From the GG’s Closet.

July 27, 2007


A piece from my Closet.

April 26, 2007

Mike Becomes Christine

Filed under: Inter/Trans-Sexed,My Community — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:14 pm

The Trans community never ceases to amaze me. Our lives are mainly about internal doubt and pain… often we don’t really live because of the dilemma we face not just in this culture but also what we will face even when we accept what we are. I can tell you that the person I was in 2001 was a tortured person… one who only desired to be herself and enjoy being with other folks for once. My heart aches with joy whenever another person finds their way out of the maze that is our lives as I did.
In today’s L.A. Times one of the sportswriters came “out” as a Transsexual. It is a well-written piece, and I am so proud of our new sister. Please read her column. She is an example of what our little tribe is all about: soul-searching, bravery and the quest for living our truths.

Hello Christine baby! Pink cigars for everyone!!!

March 23, 2007

I’m Going to Be on Internet Radio…

Yes… I’m going to do an interview with Ethan on his TransFM Network at 6 PM CDT on Sunday. He wants to hear about New Orleans and I’m going to be playing catch-up on the Trans community. I think this will be educational for all of the listeners.
Betts and I have an Internet station based here in the city, but we have yet to do the live broadcasts that we dreamed of. Advice, talks, tech help would be wonderful in getting another stream of voices and hearts from New Orleans out there to the rest of the world.

February 14, 2007

Not My Normal “Potty” Post…

Filed under: Inter/Trans-Sexed,My Community,New Orleans — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 7:49 pm

Here’s a subject that is near and dear to all Trans-folks hearts: the Public Potty. My friend Cyndi up in Chicago (She’s a nice Chicagoan, okay?) posted this on my TransNewOrleans group:

“Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman” sang Tammy Wynette, never imagining how many diverse ways those lyrics would be interpreted a few decades later. Unless you never, ever venture from the “friendly confines” of “home, sweet home”, it’s not exactly a newsflash to hear about one of the biggest hassles trans-women go thru on a regular basis. Of course, I’m referring to the public use of that holiest of holies - the lavatory; otherwise known as the restroom, the washroom, the bathroom, the powder room, the outhouse, the water closet, the commode, the toilet, the head, the loo, the crapper, the pisser, the throne, the john (or jane?), to list but a few common terms for my favorite “undisclosed location”. 

  It seems as though whenever all else fails, the forces of darkness can always inspire the most primal fear known to mainstream society by invoking the spectre of “trannies in the bathroom!” Now clearly, any reasonably intelligent trans-woman recognizes this rubbish as the non-issue it truly is, but it still represents one of our biggest obstacles to cultural acceptance. Trans-people have been rebuked, beaten up and even arrested simply because of where they chose to perform their bodily functions.

  Well folks, help is on the way. There’s a new group out there that’s actually doing something (as opposed to just talking about it) to mitigate this problem. Reading the report below was welcome relief (no pun intended) to a situation we ALL face on a regular (no pun here either) basis. Pull up a seat (okay, maybe this one) and consider what YOU can do to help expand their database. The link to this useful website is in the article below. Read on, true believers.   >>> Cyndi 

I plan to personally fill in this Org to where all the safe potties are in NOLA. This means that I need to go out on drinking adventures that will introduce me to the other areas of the city to round out my Potty Picks. (Hint, hint) I need to bring back the New Owleans By Night site for Trans folks who visit the city. (O.W.L. stands for the Order of Wild Ladies, BTW)

November 20, 2006

TDOR in New Orleans 2006

Filed under: Inter/Trans-Sexed,My Community,New Orleans — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:15 pm

Well, we observed the Trans Day of Remembrance yesterday evening here in the Old City. Betts and I arrived at the Community Center which held a few of the usual suspects and some new folks. There were eight of us. The candles were lit as folks read over the entire list of our dead and a wonderful poem by an unknown that I cannot find a cyber reference for.

Whilst we waited for the Minister (Rev. Marta, Bless you hon!), a group of volunteers from Maine showed up because they wished to take part of our ceremony. Suddenly we were up to twenty, and it was time to brave the cold/wind for the six block trek to the statue of St. Joan d’Arc. It was an interesting collection of folks walking down Decatur Street: Denims, sweats, massive cold gear and yours truly in her black dress. (Yes I was freakin’ freeezing, but I always wear that dress for TDOR, and it survived the Flood.)

Once at the statue, near Jackson Square with traffic whizzing on three sides of us, we read the names and said our prayers for those of our little tribe that were taken away from us this past year. We then headed back to the Center for relief from the cold air. Once there we shared talk and goodies. (I met a girl that I had passed at the hospital some months ago: only been here a year and looking for people to know here. Believe it or not- I can be shy around folks I don’t already know, especially in a Trans meeting. I do have a rep that is not always tolerated by some brothers and sisters.) Those of us from the pre-Deluge days just caught up on current progress around the city.

Next year things will be different for TDOR: I want torches and a Trans flag flying as we go along. I want people to know what they are watching, and I want handouts to give them when they ask what we are doing. It is also my desire to have more drama in the presentation of the names of the murdered. Yes we alone can do this quietly, but where is the education of outsiders to the reality of our situation? We are here in New Orleans, and we must attract their attention. (You just know it’s going to be Witchy.)

We Trans folk are still here and healing, and we cannot wait for the day when we are no longer tortured and killed due to bigotry, ignorance and hatred. (nor any Human being for that matter.)

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