Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

January 13, 2009

And Now the Mooks Want Secrecy

Filed under: LGBT,Sex,Social Mores,Trans-Feminist — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:55 am

It’s no freakin’ news that I hate the Religeous Reich and their duped followers. Now they wish to shield those who donated monies to push Prop. 8 through in California a few months ago.

But they will want to see how much I donated in order to stop them.

“Our supporters should not be discriminated against for their beliefs, ” ” Sorry, but your kind attacks any person or group that aids our side”,

I’m an Intersexed woman. I have ovaries, a uterous, tiny Testes and a man-made penis… all done for the glory your God and your social systems’ Polar constructs.

You and your kind made my life a living Hell for almost forty years. Your kind refers to me as damaged , but it’s your surgeons that did the nasty on my body. I can’t feel that which most people feel all because you and your philosophy was going to “cure” me. It didn’t work assholes… I’m still here and I do know the truth about what you did to me and my sisters.

You fight against folks like me to have a loving relationship and the same perks you “married” assholes enjoy. You think you are sanctified and people like me are damned to Hell.

Sorry you worthless pieces of flesh. My Goddess has spoken and Betty’s Lord consecrated our union. No one can stand against the Word of the One.

In the fullness of Time I will see the destruction of your thought patterns and what you consider your “lives”. My wish is to be the one that pushes the button that removes you from what we others consider Life.

I desire revenge for what you and your filthy beliefs made of my life. My pain, nightmares, my inability to just be Human are not the causes of my revenge,  I wish to help those like me to come be able to have a full rich life. My wish is that I will be the last one so afflicted. That I may be the last of my tortured kind.

That’s the only price/ransom I desire.

I want to know who spends money to continue my Hell, and I want them to know of those who fight against their B/S.

I want the enemy to stand face-to-face with me, and then we will find out who is stronger,

Bring it on mooks. I am Hers, and there isn’t anything I can’t beat.

And I now go to Blessed sleep. May the New World never hurt another child like the old one did to me.


  1. You state and I respectfully quote each and every syllable “You fight against folks like me to have a loving relationship and the same perks you “married” assholes enjoy.”

    Are you fucking out of your mind?????????? I can’t even relieve myself while watching The View (in HD of course) because “somebody” says “that’s disturbing”.

    Be careful for what thou wishes.

    Comment by D-BB — January 13, 2009 @ 11:39 am

  2. Darlin’, I love you to death.

    Yes I’m married and some days I look at my butcher knives and contemplate a different life path.

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — January 13, 2009 @ 8:49 pm

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