Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

January 6, 2009

Jindal Vs. LGBT/Progressive Folks

Well, Jindal has finally started showing his hand when it comes to Civil Liberties when it comes to the B/S concept of “Family Values”. Here’s something he started last month-

“In December, Jindal announced the formation of the Louisiana Commission on Marriage and Family, billed as “an entity within the executive department that serves to propose programs, policies, incentives and curriculum regarding marriage and family by collecting and analyzing data on the social and personal effects of marriage and child-bearing within the state of Louisiana.”

In other words, Jindal’s Commission is going to be looking at – and making recommendations regarding – marriage and family issues within the state. And a quick look at some of those appointed by the Governor to serve on the panel leaves no doubt that, in the end, the line-up will do nothing more than promote an extreme, anti-gay agenda that sets back, blocks and battles any attempts to recognize or respect Louisiana’s same-sex families.”

Jindal has brought in Tony Perkins(Family Research Council), Gene Mills (the fanatic behind the Louisiana Family Forum) and the excrable Mike Johnson (council for the Alliance Defense Fund).

These are the fuckmooks that are attempting to control our Society and place all of us under Biblical Law, laws that have no place in a modern polyglot culture. Our dear little Bobby Jindal is aiding these mooks in providing a governmental platform for their backwards philosophies. Jindal has already rolled back State protections of the LGBT crowd that ex-Gov. Blanco  had made as an Exectutive Directive. He is aiding our (LGBT folks’) enemies in their battle to undermine our rights and their pogram to “correct” us. This cannot stand.

I respect the true followers of the words of Jesus, but there is no way in all the Hells that I can stand for the Fundie crowd to attempt to strip away my freedoms and life to suit their twisted mores.

It’s time to be hammering Jindal on this shit- 225-342-0991. It’s only a matter of time before they will go after the protections Orleans Parish has for our tribes. Please don’t let that happen.

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