Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

May 6, 2008

Update- Second Lines Broken Up

Well it seems folks are getting more informed concerning the breaking up of a Second Line 10 days ago.

Jarvis DeBerry weighs in here. The T-P editors put this one together. Some of us on the NOLA Blogger’s e-list are trying find out more concerning this incident. Right now the opinion of most is that it was a rogue cop who just decided to break up the Second Line. As NOPD is slowly collapsing under Chief Warren Riley’s ineptitude, we still can’t get a real answer. No competency in leadership always results in chaos, and that is what Riley has done as the head of our police force.

Riley must be removed and a real leader put in place to turn this poop around. He is a true fuckmook.

Sinn Fein!

May 3, 2008

The Second Time on the “Second Lines”…

Last Saturday, a major dissing of our Cultures and Traditions here in New Orleans went down: Da’ NOPD broke up a Second Line, a Jazz Funeral, in the Treme last Saturday. (Of course the local paper didn’t report on the event until the wee hours of the morning today.) This was as the mourners had finished and were walking to a place to share the Repast at a Community Center.
For those of you unfamiliar with the concept of this kind of funerary rite, here’s what it entails:`a procession heads toward the ceremonial place of passing (could be a business, a fishing hole, a certain park or the cemetery.) A brass band leads the folks playing dirges. When the selected place is reached, the words are said and the departed is ready to move on. Then the band strikes up a different beat and the mourners start to dance in order to help their friend move on to the other World. “Dancing them Home” is also a way to stop the tears and just remember our friend as we continue through day-to-day life. We are a Family. We take care of our own.
Once the Second Line is done, the folks gather in places and share food, drink and stories about the departed. Some members of the “Family” might be at one place, others at others. But this is usually how it goes down.
This is a Sacred ritual. It is rooted in Culture and Tradition, Respect and Humanity. This act is seen as essential by many of us as part of our Heritage and our City. Events such as this define us as a people and a Culture, the continuation of what has been for many, many years. As a Native I will say now: “This is part of our Birthright, our being a part of the Life that moves through the heavy damp air as it sways the Spanish Moss on the oak trees. Here is where we came from and in the fullness of time where we shall return. The muddy waters of Old Man River, the clays in the swamps… the scent of cypress trees… all of these things are also part of us. We dance the Dance of Life, knowing full well the fragility of the living, and we will not give our ancestral ways up. This is our home and these are our Traditions. This is OUR Dance.”.

This is why what happened last Saturday is an attack and an affront to the Culture of New Orleans. It is orchestrated by those of money and power. Our city is badly damaged by the Federal Flood, and they want the land for speculation, for those who would buy a condo near the French Quarter in order to “celebrate” three days once every year at Mardi Gras. To break the back of the old Cultures in order to be able to schedule and charge for every little thing we locals do as a matter of course. To make their way our way. These are the desires of malignantly evil creatures.

These are the carpetbaggers, those who swoop down when the we are hurting and gnaw on our bones even as we die. They only see New Orleans as a cash register, not the living entity that it truly is. Our Life, our city’s Life, is something they can never know. The Spirit of Place can never enter them because they cannot “feel”.

New Orleans belongs to Her people and they to Her. Native or adopted, it doesn’t really matter: we are all infected with Her elixier… the “Water of Life”. Our strange little anachronistic bastion of the Old World infused with the desire to just be ourselves in the midst of American Culture gone crazy. The reminder of what could be, if only one accepts it.

One paragraph of the above article caught my eye:

“Snuffing Saturday’s parade was an “attack on the culture,” the same culture that gave birth to the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, said Wilson’s longtime friend, Jerome Smith. He found the timing ironic: At about the same time that police had scattered an authentic funeral march, near Esplanade and Claiborne avenues, Jazz and Heritage Festival-goers were lined up behind a band at the Fair Grounds, ready to follow a second-line recreated for tourists.”

Need I say more?

Senn Fein


Perfesser Ashley Morris, a determined lover and defender of New Orleans and Her Culture passed one month ago yesterday. I can almost hear him ranting about this. He did have his Second Line, and he’d be pissed that someone else couldn’t have their’s.
We have established a fund to help his family through this rough period in time. Please donate.

February 29, 2008

Raise the Drawbridge! Release the Gators to the Moat!

The peasants are revolting! (or they might not be… depends on your point of view.)
Lonely is the head that bears the crown. The Defender of New Orleans paces wearily upon the the ramparts of the Fortress of Orleans pondering the rumors that have been brought to light by his operatives in the Kingdom. He looks out into the fog-shrouded night for the glow from and armed crowd. He tries to listen for the creaking wheels of siege engines being moved into position, the sounds of marching feet or the whoosh of an arrow flying by, but alas, there are no sounds such as these tonight just as there is only the glow of street lamps.

The noble Defender stands guard through the night knowing that one day the end is coming. His End and the ending of all of the magnificent works which he so generously gave to the people of the Kingdom. Tears run down his cheeks as he wonders what went wrong…

I call B/S on the above narrative. Our Invisible Mayor is beefing up security at City Hall months after the fracas that accompanied the City Council Meeting that voted for the demolition of the Projects, but only a week after he informed the World that his picture is now on the Aryan websites. (I wonder if that’s what all the new cop toys must be for: protecting the his castle.)

Yes violent crime is up in the City, but since the Flood there have only been the aforementioned skirmish in the Council Chamber in December and the 5k+ March on City Hall to decry the upward spiral of murders here in Jan. ’07. Nothing bad happened at the march, and the probs during the skirmish was limited to a few “outside agitators”. Outside of the fact that City Hall is a bitch to get to work for your needs, it’s a fairly peaceful place (amazing, ‘eh?)

So why the beefing up of security at this time? Is King Amon-C. Ray going to spring some new crap on us in the near future? Will his minions announce the start of more stupid Nagin tricks upon the city? Or did he sell us to Disney?

I really wanna know.

Sinn Fein!

(Note to self: stock up on Greek Fire and arrows. Should get some more torches and pitchforks. Get boots… flats just won’t do for the assault upon anti-logic. Where’s my Captain’s hat? Hitch teh Katz to my chariot!)

February 21, 2008

Nagin Wants to Cold Cock the NOLA Bloggers (and everybody else with a brain)

“No-See-Um” Nagin, our transparent, or is that the invisible, Mayor took umbrage over the flap concerning his little play-time fun with “Do Nothing” Riley, our Chief of Police. He’s also bitchin’ because the media is against him and his sparkling record here in NOLA, causing Racists to come out of the woodwork and make him live in fear for himself and his family. He also talks about the “evil” Blogs, and how if he is approached wrongly he will cold cock the person(s) responsible.

Try to cold cock me you worthless piece of political trash, and I’ll sink my knee so deep in your genitals that you will sound like Minny Mouse for the rest of your life. That or I’ll stick a 7 inch pump somewhere (but you might like that, Bitch.). You always find a way to make yourself look so freakin’ silly, and by extension you soil the images of the folks here who are ACTUALLY doing the rebuilding. You are NOT an asset to New Orleans.

I was going to take this rant farther, but there are too many good NOLA Bloggers who have already weighed in on this poop:

Try Dr. Morris, or the Zombie, or DangerBlond, or Adrastos, Maitri, Think NOLA, We Could Be Famous… (and yes I know I missed some, but I’m busy hiring protection.)

And there are my pieces from last week.

I wonder if we Bloggers can get Restraining Orders against this congenital Repug lunatic?

Sinn Fein!

Update: I missed these few comments from Nagin’s interview this morning:

“Nagin: I don’t know. I’ll probably settle down and get to the business of the recovery. I’ll probably go talk to an attorney and the FBI about hate crimes and all that good stuff, but I’ll be back to business.

Roberts: Have you received any direct threats?

Nagin: I’m not going to get into that. I’m a fairly high profile person and I’ve made some pretty hard decisions and it’s made some people angry. So it is what it is.”

So I guess that “No-See-Um” Ray doesn’t believe in Free Speech, the telling of the Truth or Civil Disobedience. It’s just sad… he should return to the world of cable TV and spare the rest of us anymore of his insanity.

Curtsey to the Swampwoman for filling me in.

OMG! Colbert has us on his “On Notice” board.  Thanks Leigh! (I think…. need to get the Rad Faeries to protect me.)

February 7, 2008

I Am Torn

This Saturday will see us voting in the Primaries for Campaign 2008 here in the Gret Stet.

I am fucking torn. Do I vote for my hero John Edwards in order to give him, and by extension the Gulf Coast, leverage at the DNC, or do I vote for Barack Obama? This really sux.

In a way I see this as something we have to do every moment in Life: choose between our hearts or our minds. My heart screams for the thoughts and cares that Edwards expressed, but my mind says to vote for Barack in order to stop HRC.  (and no I can’t just do a coin toss on this one.) Yes I’m concerned about my Country’s future, but I MUST be adamant about getting the Gulf Coast fixed and prepping for what’s coming in the Future.

After Bush’s treatment of New Orleans post-Flood, I become very much a local Patriot. Our motto here is “Sinn Fein”. This is a hard row to hoe for me since I am a Patriot and a Veteran, but my part of this country must not be forgotten. I have traded my “America First” hat for a pirate’s tri-corner. My allegiance is to the Isle d’ Orleans, the Coast. This is the land of my people, and I have lived all along it. These last 29+ months have been Hell.

(been rereading some posts from ’06) Screw it, I’m voting my heart in the Primary, and I’ll vote for Obama in November.

I MUST stand for the folks along the Coast. (And Hillary, Bush-in-a-dress, ain’t getting my vote.)

February 4, 2008

“We Don’t Need No Stinking Corporate Sponsors…”

It seems that our “wonderful” invisible Mayor was trying to sell out OUR traditions to the Corporate Pigs.

Mr. Nagin, OUR city’s gov’ment ain’t no freakin’ company: it belongs to the citizens. You are not a fucking CEO, you are OUR servant. Same holds true for anyone who works for OUR city gov’ment. You work for US.

The Social Contract states that we help each other, that we care for each other, and that we arrive at a common scheme of governance. Those who are part of that governance structure obey US. Get that one you jerks?

Not one of you fuckers have the right to sell our culture, our souls, our lives to the highest bidder. We will not allow any company’s “Brand” on us. We are not serfs.  And you and those misfits you have placed in City Hall are not overlords. (Remember the term “Civil Servants”?)

There will be no “Muses, sponsored by Monsanto” or “Proteus by Phillips”. Or “Comus provided by Chevrolet”.

We are the people of this city. This is our culture, our way of living… it is our heart. It is alive, just as it’s been for three centuries. This city is ours, you corporate whack-job.  We are New Orleans, and without us all that will exist is a freak-show Disney version of the real thing. New Orleans, the city and the soul, belongs to US, not you and your corporate B/S.

In other words you SOB, we ain’t for sale.

My ancestors helped found this city, carving a place to live out of the swamps. Some of my family were “Free People of Color”. A few others were Haitians that drove the French from their island. Some of my forebearers were pirates, others fished the seas. Many are my elders that died fighting for our country and the reason for it’s existence. They lived their lives, just as I do.
“This Land is My Land, this Land is Your Land…”. Get the fucking picture you fucking corporate slaves?

Why don’t you, Mr. Nagin and gang, stop trying to brand and sell us, and instead actually do your damn jobs as OUR servants? Otherwise we will storm the Bastille, and you fucks will be toast. (Remember last year?)

New Orleans is OURS. We ain’t for sale. OUR culture belongs only to US, not your corporate masters. We will not be “Branded”.

Sinn Fein!


January 14, 2008

One Can Never Be Too Old To Be Stupid

Filed under: Fools,New Orleans,NOLA Bloggers,Sinn Fein — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 9:15 pm

Yet another fuckmook hates New Orleans, and he’s 80 years old. (And he was a cub reporter for the T-P, yucko.)
Some people… *shakes head* can always find a way to piss the living freakin’ Hell out of me. I think I’ll rant on this later.
Curtsey to New Orleans Ladder.

Sinn Fein

Update- Seems the piece was actually a satire and a play on words. I over-reacted since I wasn’t in the humorous way last evening.

January 13, 2008

Kindly Thoughts (?) From the “New” America

Yesterday some syphilitic ass decided to type a piece that is another slam job against our city and the folks that live here. It is a vile and putrid screed originating from a  “Conservative mind” that relies on USA Today for the information.

Oyster weighed in, and then asked Ashley to take out the garbage. Cousin Pat did his thing, and me… well I just posted some comments. (had crap to do yesterday concerning our house.)  All in all, I think the fuckmook and his little allies got an eyeful of the real truth about New Orleans as they hurridly tried to find the Back key.

BTW- The mook even trashed our cuisine and our coffee. What a piece of work from a “New Amerikkkan”. Many of the comments are also from this herd of brain dead blobs of protoplasm.
Don’t fuck with us swamp people. That’s the lesson for today.

Sinn Fein!

January 11, 2008

There is Blood in the Dust…

There’s blood in the dust
Where the city’s heart beats
The children play games
That they take from the streets
How can you teach when you’ve so much to learn
May you turn
In your grave
New world.

There is hate in your eyes
I have seen it before
Planning destruction
Behind the locked door
Were you the coward who fired the last shot
May you rot
In your grave
New world.

There is death in the air
With the lights growing dim
As those who survive
Sing a desperate hymn
Pray that God grants you one final request
May you rest
In your grave
New world.”

(The Strawbs, 1972)

As I wake up today, these lyrics fill my soul.

One year ago today there was a march against violence to the steps of New Orleans’ City Hall demanding that something be done to reduce the levels of violence and murder in the City. After the rally promises were made, plans laid, and nothing happened even though our Public Officials still got paid. What can we do?

Storming the Bastille in order to directly confront these fuckmooks and demand a change peacefully, or just tear the place apart? I choose the latter. Violence to fight violence. If the City officials cannot do the jobs they are paid for, then they must fucking go away.

Sinn Fein

November 12, 2007

Crescent City Stories

Harry Shearer is still plugging away for New Orleans. These are wonderful vignettes of life post-Federal Flood here in the city.

I read everything that Harry writes about the area, but I missed this, so thanks to Chris Rose for the heads-up. I cried through all of them… tears of Joy.

I love New Orleans.

Once again, it’s Sinn Fein.

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