Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

November 4, 2009

Remember “Maine”

Just fuck me now. Yesterday  the Christa-fux voted to dis-allow Same-Sex Marriage in Maine even though it was approved by the Courts, the Legislature and the Govenor. The recognition of equal rights for all Americans was negated by a bunch of cross-wearing fools that hate lives like the one Betts and I have together. Their “religion” tells them that people like us are evil and do not deserve the Rights of being a couple and living a life together. (Same shit went down in California last year with Prop. 8.)

They have decided that they can have Rights not available to other Americans that they deem unacceptable.  People like me and mine don’t count in America. We are to be discounted as Human Beings. This is wrong.

I’m not a slave to a “burning bush”. I do not believe in a book written by Mid-Easterners from as far back as 3,500 BCE.  I am a well-educated person living in the 21st Century. I’m a scientist, an engineer and a retail manager. I know how to live in the Reality that I’m presented with.

I’m a tax-paying citizen of this country and a Veteran. I don’t over-tax the Social network because I do things on my own. How fucking dare you cross-wearing mooks deny me MY RIGHTS just because you or your holy book don’t agree with my life. (I’m not the one birthing 12 kids when I can’t pay for them)

I gave almost ten years of my life to defend this country and Her ideals. I defended your right to live your life even when I disagreed with your choices. Never, NEVER, would it be in my soul to deny you your desires or beliefs.  “Different strokes for different folks”.  What makes you better than me? What about your life outweighs the life I live? Nothing that I can see.

My life with Betty is one where we work our tushes off to support community and other efforts. We are people that believe that unless you are a criminal, just live your life. Your lives are like ours; choices. How do we differ?

I have a solution to this entire problem- we get rid of all special benefits for married couples. We eliminate all benefits for kids. Hey, we are all just individuals and none of us should get more goodies than another. And let’s get rid of the tax exemption for religious companies?Let’s level the playing field.

Can you see an equitable Future that I see?

So you fucking Christa mooks, take your filthy hands off of our lives. Do not attack us for our ways and we don’t come after you for being Stone-Agers.  Let me and mine live our lives in peace.

Me and mine will eventually have full equality in this land… you may not like it, but FUCK YOU.  We are citizens of the United States.

January 6, 2009

Jindal Vs. LGBT/Progressive Folks

Well, Jindal has finally started showing his hand when it comes to Civil Liberties when it comes to the B/S concept of “Family Values”. Here’s something he started last month-

“In December, Jindal announced the formation of the Louisiana Commission on Marriage and Family, billed as “an entity within the executive department that serves to propose programs, policies, incentives and curriculum regarding marriage and family by collecting and analyzing data on the social and personal effects of marriage and child-bearing within the state of Louisiana.”

In other words, Jindal’s Commission is going to be looking at – and making recommendations regarding – marriage and family issues within the state. And a quick look at some of those appointed by the Governor to serve on the panel leaves no doubt that, in the end, the line-up will do nothing more than promote an extreme, anti-gay agenda that sets back, blocks and battles any attempts to recognize or respect Louisiana’s same-sex families.”

Jindal has brought in Tony Perkins(Family Research Council), Gene Mills (the fanatic behind the Louisiana Family Forum) and the excrable Mike Johnson (council for the Alliance Defense Fund).

These are the fuckmooks that are attempting to control our Society and place all of us under Biblical Law, laws that have no place in a modern polyglot culture. Our dear little Bobby Jindal is aiding these mooks in providing a governmental platform for their backwards philosophies. Jindal has already rolled back State protections of the LGBT crowd that ex-Gov. Blanco  had made as an Exectutive Directive. He is aiding our (LGBT folks’) enemies in their battle to undermine our rights and their pogram to “correct” us. This cannot stand.

I respect the true followers of the words of Jesus, but there is no way in all the Hells that I can stand for the Fundie crowd to attempt to strip away my freedoms and life to suit their twisted mores.

It’s time to be hammering Jindal on this shit- 225-342-0991. It’s only a matter of time before they will go after the protections Orleans Parish has for our tribes. Please don’t let that happen.

November 10, 2008

Prop 8 and Hatred

Filed under: American Culture,Family Values,Fuckmooks,LGBT,Religious Reich,Social Mores — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:33 pm

I’m still reeling from the passage of Prop 8 funded by the Catholics and Mormans and actualized by the Black community.

My query- how the Hell do I threaten your lives ?

I have my honey. I curl up with her when we go to bed. I scream at her when I think she’s on the wrong page and I hold her when she is hurt. She does the same for me. That is love.

Tonight Kieth Olberman did a special comment concerning this issue. I wound up crying because this is how I see my relationship with Betts.

Yes, I can get angry with her, but every moment I’m thinking of her and wondering what’s  going down. It matters to me if something bad happens to her. This is the person I trust to lay next to me at night. This is the person I trust with my life and my health care. Betty is my friend, and I trust her.

This is what Olberman was talking about- we are friends and live as a couple. We share a life… we have friends.

Never in my life have I felt so secure.

Never in my life have I felt desired and loved as I do now.

There is nothing that the two of us has that endangers what you others have. We laugh and cry together. We scream at each other. Some nights I sleep on the sofa, but in the end we have love for each other. What is wrong with that?

Why do I need the approval of some mythical creature in order to sleep and feel safe?

Why do I need to have the approval of Humans for that which I believe is Hallowed? That which my Goddess and my heart tells me is right?

What does it matter that I chose Betty as my partner? Any skin off your ass? Did it kill your Jesus?  No, it didn’t. I found someone I dearly love, and she is the light of my life. Hers will be the last face I will see as I die. She will be the last person who touches me as I head to another world. My soul is safe in her embrace.

So for you fuckmooks who voted for Prop 8 in Cali, and for the rest of you who only know what your minister tells you, I live in the holiness of a bond that can only be achieved by two people who are in love. Can only happen when YOU make that decision to love unconditionally.Maybe one day you can reach that standard.

So babies, curl up with your honeys tonight. And tell the cross-wearers to STFU and get out of your lives.

November 6, 2008

Well… America Has

Filed under: American Culture,Family Values,Fuckmooks,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:41 am

a Black President now. World is changing. Freedom rings across the Land. All is well, except…

The LGBT community came out in great support of Barack Obama nation-wide, but in California the Black community, at the urging of their ministers, voted for Obama and voted down the chance for Same-Sex couples to be married. They took away that which the Supreme Court of California granted us as citizens of the State and of the Nation. My community chose wisely as per a leader, and others chose their prejudices when it came to Social policy and their filthy religion.

I’m gonna tell you this now- most Black LGBT folks hang with the Whites because of their Black connections being so much enslaved to what their minister tells them. Black folks scream for tolerance and acceptance for their folk, but if one is Queer… fuck you.

This girl can never accept that viewpoint. I’m a colored person and I am Trans. I have fought for Racial rights for almost 4 decades. I never questioned my decision. Now I must.

If I support a community in America, and doing so by conviction, can I accept that community’s rejection of my folk? No Darlin’s, I can’t.Though I try to focus on many issues, my primary focus must be New Orleans and my tribe. I must grow where I’m planted. I must answer Truth to the multitude.

This is my life-

Alright, we do lie to each other (what couple doesn’t), Yes we play games just as much many of you do. We fucking live a life. And ya’s know what? It’s freakin’ good. We are friends, we are lovers, and nothing on this planet can alter that. In many ways, I think our community is is more realistic than the “Straight World”.

And our commuinty is more unaccepting of the B/S handed out by Christian ministers. Why is it wrong to kiss my baby Good Night? Why is wrong to worry about were she is going? When I can’t catch on her cell…

I’m sick and tired of this battle. If I fight for you, then it should work in reverse. That’s called the Social Doctrine the Contract. It’s what many of us in America live by. Welcome to  America kids, my tribe just got fucked again by the Bible-thmping fuckmooks.

I no longer will honor my Black ancestory. I will not vote for those that harm my community. Stick your minister and crosses up your asses. There is no reason why I should care for the likes of you.

I am White and Black. The line is drawn- I fight for my community. Fuck you if you don’t get it. You fucks wish for a new world, ya’s better accept us. We are your best allies.

October 31, 2008

Ignorance = Bliss?

Spare my panty-clad tush. Ignorance is preferable to knowing or at least attempting to “know”?

This explains the whack-job Repugs who are still trying to rule our country. It explains “Voo-Doo” economics, home schooling and the need for a leader to be anointed by some mythical creature. (Yes, a Phouka guards me at all times, but I’d never let him run an entire Nation.) In this day and age people who ascribe to this “Ignorance is Bliss and Sanctity” shit are utter fucking morons. “I have Faith” does not work in a technological world. (In the nuclear Navy some folks just couldn’t get the physics, so the instructors created the “I Believe” button. Thank the Goddess I didn’t have to serve with those fools.)

Don’t get me wrong- I do have faith in people. I have seen this each and every day in my life the goodness, tenacity and heart of many, many folks. They aren’t stupid like the fools that fawn incessantly upon mooks such as McCain and Palin. The folks I like to be around are the ones who actuate themselves and their lives. We may fuck up once in a while, but we can admit the mistake and move forward. The Repug faithful cannot do this- it’s either Fate or an act of God.

So Gentle Readers, where the Hell am I going with this? Well try this one- “The Triumph of Ignorance”.

Here’s a snippet-

“On one level, this is easy to answer: Ignorant politicians are elected by ignorant people. U.S. education, like the U.S. health system, is notorious for its failures. In the most powerful nation on Earth, 1 adult in 5 believes the sun revolves around the Earth; only 26 percent accept that evolution takes place by means of natural selection; two-thirds of young adults are unable to find Iraq on a map; two-thirds of U.S. voters cannot name the three branches of government; and the math skills of 15-year-olds in the United States are ranked 24th out of the 29 countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.”

1 in every 5 adults believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth? Sweet zombie Jebus! Didn’t ya’s learn anything from Copernicus or the Space Program? I have no idea how many of these congenital idiots still believe the World is flat. (Psst… for you morons, I’ve sailed the World, She ain’t flat. Never did our ship go over the lip of the plate you think is our world.)

“But this merely extends the mystery: How did so many U.S. citizens become so dumb and so suspicious of intelligence? Susan Jacoby’s book The Age of American Unreason provides the fullest explanation I have read so far. She shows that the degradation of U.S. politics results from a series of interlocking tragedies.

One theme is both familiar and clear: Religion — in particular fundamentalist religion — makes you stupid. The United States is the only rich country in which Christian fundamentalism is vast and growing.” (My emphasis)

99% of the World’s population does not live in the Middle East. We haven’t witnessed burning bushes or had a volcano god hand us golden tablets. (Or in the case of Mormonism, Joseph Smith having golden tablets dropped on him. That had to hurt.) Our World is not the world of 3,500 B.C.E.. We have toilet paper and ‘puters.

This article stirred an old memory in me. Kept thinking that this had happened before, and yes, I found it- The “Know Nothing” party from the 1850′s. They started in the early 1840′s and merged with the Republican Party in 1860. Here’s Paul Krugman’s assesment of this in current time-

“Economist Paul Krugman, in a New York Times opinion piece dated August 7, 2008, writes

[K]now-nothingism — the insistence that there are simple, brute-force, instant-gratification answers to every problem, and that there’s something effeminate and weak about anyone who suggests otherwise — has become the core of Republican policy and political strategy. The party’s de facto slogan has become: “Real men don’t think things through.”

Though I take umbrage about the fact Krugman uses the term “men”, he’s freakin’ spot-on with his thoughts. As far as being effeminate goes, the saying “being a girl does not mean you’re a pussy” really has to become a mantra of ALL THINKING PEOPLE. The milk-toast mooks who are trying to run our world and lives from their stupid superstitions and fears are just cowards. They aren’t ready to face the World, that multi-cultural, multi-race Tech-driven World. (and tech is what raised us out of the realm of apes, thank you. Well, except for the Chimp-In-Charge.)

It is time for Reason, thoughtfulness and responsibility to become our virtues. “God” has nothing to do with this. If this belief messes with your mind, so be it. I am after all an intellectual, escargot eating Elitist.

October 13, 2008

No More McDonalds For Moi

Last March I was tickled pink (of course) over McDonalds decision to make a donation to the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC. I ended an eight year hiatus of eating their junk food in order to be supportive of the company’s outreach to the LGBT community.

Today I must swear off spending money at McDonalds- They caved to the American Family Association’s (AFA) boycott concerning the “The Big Mac attack on family values.” The Church of Our Lady of Gentilly has now black-listed McDonalds.

I guess that the rabid cross-bearing fanatics eat mainly fast food, because that boycott would not have worked if they frequented these kinds of eateries in a manner which intelligent people do- which is rarely.  These people must be so short on time to home-cook meals due to their rabid attracts on anything/one that does not swallow their Cultural donkey poop.

I guess I’ll just have to wait until clogged arteries and obesity claim the fools at the AFA. (Maybe this is McDonalds secret and cunning plan- kill the Religious Reich by poisoning them. One can only hope…)

September 25, 2008

The Bushites Are At It Again (Same Old Song)

Will these fucking religious fools ever quit with their putrid freakin’ “Beliefs”?

From the ACLU, and do it today-

Subject: 25 days to protect women’s health services

George W. Bush has launched a new assault on birth control and reproductive freedom.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently proposed regulations that could seriously undermine access to basic reproductive health services — including birth control and abortion.

Instead of striking a careful balance between individual religious liberty and patients’ access to reproductive health care, the Bush administration has taken patients’ rights and their health care needs out of the equation.

This far-reaching proposal doesn’t need congressional approval.  But, it can’t go forward without allowing for public comment.  That’s where you come in.

The deadline for public comments is fast approaching — September 25 — and we have to generate intense opposition to these dangerous regulations.

I just sent HHS my comment urging them to stop efforts to block women’s access to basic reproductive health services. You can do the same here:

September 24, 2008

Jefferson Parish Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em

Whilst the U.S. “seems” to be rivited on this whole bullshit Socialism bailout for the investment bank industry, gnashing their teeth and wringing their hands (mainly the executives and politicians who created this mess) I’m burned out on doing research on the whys, wheres, whos and the final outcome of the rush to save the rich and greedy mooks out there in money land. I’m holding out for a few days to really get into it since I need to build up my source links for the post. (Yes, I’m very anal over the situation.)

So Gentle Readers, I’m going to go over an unbelievable outrage being “researched” right now in our beloved neighboring Parish, lovable, fun-loving, family-values oriented Jefferson Parish… Land of David Duke and his honorable supporters. I tried to write about this last night when the story broke, but my dictum of “Read, Vomit, Delete” kept getting in the way. This hits way too close to freakin’ home for me. Writing from a slow simmer sometimes works better than from a roiling boil.

Consider State Rep. John LaBruzzo, a fun-loving family-values sort who is so very concerned about the impact of the poor folks on State finances and he’s coming up with a solution- State sponsored sterilization. (I guess this might be considered better than “Are there no workhouses? Are there no debtor’s prisons?”) No, our whimsical LaBruzzo wants to “decrease the surplus poor population” with a $1,000 bribe to undergo losing one’s ability to have children.

Here is his rationale for this current attempt at Eugenics Jefferson Parish style-

“LaBruzzo said he worries that people receiving government aid such as food stamps and publicly subsidized housing are reproducing at a faster rate than more affluent, better-educated people who presumably pay more tax revenue to the government. He said he is gathering statistics now.”

Is this the 21st Century way of saying “We don’t want those kinds of folks around”?

On the other hand, he desires perks for the “right” kinds of people-

“It also could include tax incentives for college-educated, higher-income people to have more children, he said.”

Like this world needs more freakin’ Yuppies.

Here’s a little bit from the New Orleans City Business News-

LaBruzzo- “If both the welfare and Social Security system keep growing, one day we’re going to have a small minority of people working to fund and finance everybody else who isn’t working or producing,” LaBruzzo said. “Our kids, who will be working, will be the minority and any vote of theirs will be canceled out. If your livelihood is based on government handouts, why would you ever vote for somebody who is going to lower taxes? They never would. So once we reach that breaking point there’s no return.”

And from Shana Griffin, interim director of the New Orleans Women’s Health Clinic-

“If someone doesn’t have a car and needs to utilize city-assisted evacuation, that makes them a social burden? The fact that he feels so comfortable and entitled to make these statements is a reflection of our society, that we’re OK with the most vulnerable of our community being blamed for the social, economic and political crises that we’re experiencing,” Griffin said. “If we really want to improve the lives of people in our communities we would think about raising the minimum wage, holistic health care, improving labor laws, employment opportunities for all people and the educational system.

“Instead he wants to use a form of medical experimentation and forced sterilization on poor women of color, using their economic status as a way to make them more vulnerable to the offer.”

I also read an article last night where LaBruzzo is worried that because of differing birthrates between the Haves and the Have-Nots will alter voting patterns here in the Gret Stet. He was worried that his kind would lose elections. Sadly, any and all links to articles containing that admission are gone from the Web. I know I read that statement. Can we say “purge an unwanted statement”?

Rep. John LaBruzzo is a major fucking FUCKMOOK!

Now, why does this tale affect me much more than just the Racist aspect of the entire exercise? I AM a victim of Eugenics… the things medicine did to Intersexed people years ago in the name of Social stability and normalcy was horrible. We had to be corrected, and often said corrections render my tribe sterile. “Lord knows we don’t wany any of those teratologies (Medical= monsters) in our neighborhood. Think of the children!”. (Screw that shit.)

It has been found that my kind of body may very well have been fertile if the surgeons would have lopped the mis-formed Boy parts off and allowed me to be Female. Did the concept of Eugenics lead them to forever close the door to me reproducing? The answer is- wait for it… YES!

So though I’ve never been on Welfare or Food Stamps (outside of the Gustav food aid), and besides my utter outrage concerning LaBruzzo’s “thoughts” on Social Engineering, I have now developed a healthy hatred towards any one, any one, who voted for this prick or David Duke in the Past. You creatures are the ones that need to face extinction, not those who just live and let live.

May the Goddess have mercy on your wretched, twisted souls.. I can’t.

July 9, 2008

I’m Dining At McDonalds Tonight

Filed under: Family Values,Food and Drink,Fools,Fuckmooks,Insanity,LGBT,Religious Reich — Morwen Madrigal @ 6:43 pm

No Gentle Readers, I haven’t lost my sense of taste or my culinary prowess… I just doing my citizen duties in order to piss off the Religious Reich.

“McDonalds Makes Jesus Cry” from the Huffington Post.

In that post is a really bizarre collection of comments from those wonderfull fuckmooks over at the American Family Association- AFA. (I’ve been banned from posting there for years. Wonder why…)

It’s not that I like McD’s that much. Had 1 burger there in the last 7 years, but from now on I’m getting a burger and fries once a week (might not actually eat it all) in order to thank the company for not being Homophobic shits and treating everyone like real people and not demonize them. Hey, maybe the decor will be a little more chic and the uniforms cuter.

Besides, I don’t like being around the kind of cretins that are members of the AFA. <shudders>

The Culture War In Looziana

Get over to the American Zombie for the latest threat to OUR freedoms in the Gret Stet. Here’s an excerpt:

I urge my fellow bloggers and every other rational human being in the state (or for that matter the planet) to keep their radar tuned to LFF’s maneuverings and machinations….473 is just a small victory in what this increasingly powerful organization sees as a holy war to turn Louisiana into a righteous, evangelical empire. If anyone is going to organize against these fuckers, it’s going to be us…the blogs. It’s time for us to start paying attention before they criminalize homosexuality, pre-marital sex, Islam, and Dambala forbid…Voodoo, in the next legislative session.

I just signed on for the war.

Senn Fein!

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