This is from SoCalDem over at the Democratic Underground and I couldn’t resist-
February 25, 2009
February 1, 2008
October 21, 2007
Piyush is Now the Appointed Leader of Looziana and Is Sanctified By the Dark Lord of the Chimps
Well we are fucked for another four years. The last four found us with a woman guv’nor with no damn ovaries, and now we are saddled with an unproven syncophant of the Bushite crowd. (Hey Bobby! What’s it taste like? *wink, wink*)
Life sux, but that’s what you get in a polyglot culture that is less than half educated. Their GameBoys and IPODS take up all their time, and they cannot grasp Reality. (I thought Civics was still a required class along with U.S. History, but I could be wrong. Everything since Reagan is screwed by my measures.)
He can do as he wishes, but it will not affect us as long as we follow one of the Founders’ dictum: “We must hang together, or we will definitely hang separately”. I don’t care about the rest of the Gret Stet that hates us down here… I’m only interested in the Isle d’ Orleans and it’s environs. We will be facing an interesting next four years.
So I guess many of us down here in the swamps will have to redouble our efforts to free our lands from the rest of the state. At least we would keep the oil revenues and rebuild our levees and wetlands by contracting with the Dutch. It will be the Quebec of the South and the official language is Yat-speak. Doubloons and beads will become the official currency.
We will extend our LGBT protections to all of our little province since Jindal will be abolishing them on the state level. The rest of the state will sink into barbarity, but our culture and kindly ways here in the Isle will continue. We will do what we do best: live life to it’s fullest and be welcoming to all (as long as they go home after their sojourn here).
The Succession starts NOW!
Sinn Fein…
October 19, 2007
Foster Campbell, Not Bobby Jindal For Guv’nor of the Gret Stet
Fist off, I’m voting for Foster Campbell for governor this Saturday. I like his style, and he ain’t stale toast like the other candidates.
Here’s 37 reasons not to vote for that Bushite Jindal.
Curtsey to Cenlamar for the latter.