Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

October 19, 2007

Foster Campbell, Not Bobby Jindal For Guv’nor of the Gret Stet

Fist off, I’m voting for Foster Campbell for governor this Saturday. I like his style, and he ain’t stale toast like the other candidates.

Here’s 37 reasons not to vote for that Bushite Jindal.

Curtsey to Cenlamar for the latter.

October 18, 2007

Jindal Gets Worse

Bobby (The Exorcist) Jindal found a way to honor the wishes of his Lord and Master on the attempted overturning of the veto on the SCHIPS bill by just NOT showing up for the vote. (Seems the weather was bad and he didn’t want to risk missing the debate tonight. (Like he’s made many others)

Vote for Foster Campbell this Saturday. Hell vote for anyone but Jindal this election. This is about the kids and Healthcare. Don’t let the Dark Lord install one of his minions as Looziana’s next Guvner.

September 18, 2007

More on Foster Campbell…

Today’s T-P covers another candidate for Governor: Foster Campbell.

This guy reminds me of several of my older relatives. Down to Earth and freakin’ real. Here’s the part concerning Campbell’s proposed Tax on the oil and gas industries:

“There’s nothing hidden about Campbell’s belief in his oil processing fee, and that’s disturbing to the refinery industry.

Larry Wall, spokesman for the Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, said no industry could survive a $5.5 billion tax. And a tax on energy would place a burden on all businesses, he said.

The tax would impede interstate commerce and probably violate the U.S. Constitution, Wall said. The industry, which employs 20,000 workers in Louisiana, would over time move assets out of state, eroding Campbell’s proposed tax base.

Campbell said other states do not want refineries, so the plants in Louisiana will have to stay. To those that pare down, good riddance, he said.

“It’s not like they’re the best thing that’s ever been invented,” Campbell said. “It’s a polluting deal. They use our air, they use our water, they’ve torn our coast up. And what are we supposed to say? ‘Well, thank you for the refineries?’ “

So Mr. Wall, a “spokesperson” for the oil and gasbags says his industry will be hurt? That they will pick up their toys and run to another state? My dying tush they will. They have destroyed so much of our wetlands in order to make huge profits that they can’t leave, and it’s time for the people of the Gret Stet to get back something for almost 40,000 miles of pipelines, over 20,000 miles of canals carved into our wetlands (thus destroying them), the damned air pollution and the general poisoning of the area in which all of us must live.

These industrialists environmental rapists should count themselves lucky that Mr. Campbell only wants $5.5 Billion a year… I would demand their firstborns, especially the ones of their major shareholders and $20 billion per year. They will probably move away? Fat freakin’ chance: they aren’t going to pay for new facilities AND ship “our” oil and gas to a new location. Besides, we are the only ones crazy enough to not force them from our back yards. (They’ve already screwed the neighborhood up.)

(Yes, that was a redundant paragraph, but it’s 10 in the morning and I should be asleep.)

Read about Foster Campbell, ponder his plans for the Gret Stet, and VOTE for him come late October.

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