Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

October 21, 2007

Piyush is Now the Appointed Leader of Looziana and Is Sanctified By the Dark Lord of the Chimps

Well we are fucked for another four years. The last four found us with a woman guv’nor with no damn ovaries, and now we are saddled with an unproven syncophant of the Bushite crowd. (Hey Bobby! What’s it taste like? *wink, wink*)
Life sux, but that’s what you get in a polyglot culture that is less than half educated. Their GameBoys and IPODS take up all their time, and they cannot grasp Reality. (I thought Civics was still a required class along with U.S. History, but I could be wrong. Everything since Reagan is screwed by my measures.)

He can do as he wishes, but it will not affect us as long as we follow one of the Founders’ dictum: “We must hang together, or we will definitely hang separately”. I don’t care about the rest of the Gret Stet that hates us down here… I’m only interested in the Isle d’ Orleans and it’s environs. We will be facing an interesting next four years.

So I guess many of us down here in the swamps will have to redouble our efforts to free our lands from the rest of the state. At least we would keep the oil revenues and rebuild our levees and wetlands by contracting with the Dutch. It will be the Quebec of the South and the official language is Yat-speak. Doubloons and beads will become the official currency.

We will extend our LGBT protections to all of our little province since Jindal will be abolishing them on the state level. The rest of the state will sink into barbarity, but our culture and kindly ways here in the Isle will continue. We will do what we do best: live life to it’s fullest and be welcoming to all (as long as they go home after their sojourn here).

The Succession starts NOW!

Sinn Fein…

August 24, 2007

I HATE Materialistic Capitalists…

Some snippets from a current article in People For the American Way:

“As the nation reeled in shock at the destruction of lives and communities wrought by Hurricane Katrina, Americans from all political perspectives came together behind the mission of helping the victims and rebuilding the Gulf Coast. Sadly, however, it seems that a few influential right-wing think tanks, pundits, and legislators see the devastation as a “golden opportunity” (in the words of Jack Kemp) to push through long-sought components of an aggressive and regressive economic and political agenda. Controversial proposals and program cuts that have failed to pass muster in calmer times are now being prescribed as supposedly necessary measures during a period of national crisis.” 

“The Meese report called for the creation of a so-called “Emergency Board” to identify and remove industrial regulations, including environmental laws such as the Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act, financial regulations (to avoid “paperwork”), and worker protections like the Davis-Bacon Act, which mandates that federal contracts pay prevailing wages. Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, a foe of both regulations and organized labor, commented that the immediate gutting of worker protections is necessary because “[u]nions have never hesitated to line their own pockets with extra taxpayer dollars, especially at the expense of lower-skilled workers.”

“The feverish daydreams of the right wing—to shirk the responsibilities of the government to all its citizens and to shrink it to “the size where we can drown it in the bathtub”—have never been a secret, but neither have they been fully adopted under conditions that lent themselves to calm reflection. As the nation has its mind and heart focused on the Gulf Coast, now is certainly not the time to sneak through an extreme ideologically driven economic agenda that would sacrifice the well being of many Americans. On the contrary— the government must concentrate on rebuilding the lives and communities torn apart by Katrina and Rita, on the path of consensus, not opportunism.”

You know, I have always valued the Social Contract. It, much like the goal of having manners, is to provide the grease that keeps us from killing each other. This is how we obtain Social Justice in a widely divergent polyglot Culture.

All of us are different: varying circumstances, family connections, education… but the Social Contract in this country was meant as a leveling of the playing field. We, each and everyone of us have the Right “to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.  This is our right and responsibility to each other to uphold. It is the glue that holds us together.

For some folk to view the double catastrophe of Katrina/Rita and the Federal Flood of New Orleans a perfect time to subject the American people to a NeoCon social experiment is somewhat like the experiments of Dr. Mengele in Nazi Germany. This is about Human lives and dreams, not the Ruling Elite and their aquireing of more money and toys.

He who has the most toys and shit at Death is NOT THE WINNER. It doesn’t work that way in the ‘Verse. It’s about how and why we live our lives… that we see a little bit of ourselves in those we meet, and we honor their Right to be who and what they are, just as they should do in return.

The NeoCons cannot understand this. They are stunted developmentally as Human Beings, and the kindest act we can perform for these creatures is to place them in a safe place and keep them from preying on each other. Watch over them and hopefully bring some enlightenment to their dark little psyches.

This is why I’m a Progressive Socialist.

July 21, 2007

This Time the Idiot Comes From Nebraska…

Well, two weeks of not having to hammer the Moronic Inferno of “don’t spend MY tax money on New Orleans” has helped since Betts and I have been way too busy getting the final details on getting the house and cottages running. I would like to state that my mind, my four-letter vocabulary and my soul has NOT rested during this period however.

From the bustling hot-spot of mental giants (?) called Fremont, NE comes this little gem from the Sports Section of the Fremont Tribune. (No, one can’t leave comments there, but go figure… how many up that way could make an intelligent response (or want to) for this kind of tripe?

As it is past 5 AM and as the witchy Night Owl my existence has bequeathed , I must repair to my bed in order to escape the deadly rays of the Sun. I’ll “get on my diatribe” later in the day.

Check out this view of the area, and though they may be 1,023 feet above sea-level, the dump is still on the flood-plain, and therefore the river is right at their feet. Flat-landers = “Flat-liners”.) You know I’m going to whack them very hard… the Corps and the Bureau of Reclamation had much to do with river control up that way so it may be informative for the folks of the Mid-Lands to have an understanding about what they may have to face in time.

July 5, 2007

Another Idiot Trashes Our Home…

From Hartford comes another freakin’ “know it all” editorial.

Y’all just know that I made my thoughts known at the paper’s site.

July 4, 2007

Happy Fourth!

Filed under: New Orleans,Seccession,Sinn Fein — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:24 pm

Community, food and the enjoyment of being friends in a Free society… that’s my kind of celebration.

Have a great day, and if ya’s get wet, remember that we are New Orleanians and we usually are “wet”.

Yeppers! I’m flying the only flag that matters anymore. Sinn Fein!

July 3, 2007

Hidden Titheing For Christian Groups in New Orleans

This is a post I never wanted to write (even though I’ve seen the signs of it for several years), and I must apologize to my friends who are good Christians for what I’m doing right now: I’m attacking the “business” of religion, the subtle ways in which “Christianity” is milking American taxpayers for their own needs, even when the taxpayers are NOT of that faith. This is not an attack on someone’s personal Spiritual beliefs.

In today’s T-P is an article concerning Xavier University and 21 properties that it owns. I’ve been following the circumstances of many house demolitions on Squandered Heritage since the Blog was established. I’m seeing that many of these homes slated for Federally-payed demolition belong to various Christian organizations, and that most of these properties owned by these organizations have been their properties for years and they have let them rot.

They are now demanding their pound of flesh from all of America’s taxpayers for these demolitions, even if some of us are not “believers”. This is NOT right.

Also, consider the loss of property taxes when these “companies” buy up land.

Our property taxes pay for city services that we count on to keep our locale clean and safe. Remember what our city was like prior to the Flood: rotting streets and houses, crap for police protection, decaying playgrounds and a failed education system that should have produced educated people instead of the criminal element that we all have lived with for years. (yes there were crooked politicians, but I’m looking for a bigger culprit.)
That was the cost to all of us in New Orleans when around 60% of the properties here were considered “tax exempt”. Nothing has changed on that front except that now… Federal money is being demanded to tear these places down, and the “companies” reap another harvest of money from those that are not theirs. They don’t have to pay for their failures of purpose. (If they were failures, which I really doubt.)

The answer is that it shouldn’t come out of the purses and wallets of those not involved with those “businesses”. I gain nothing from the product offered, and yet I must pay for their stuffs?

(One glaring example is St. Francis Cabrini Church in Gentilly: expensive to the Arch Diocese to maintain prior to the Flood, and boarded up with no mitigation post-Flood. It was left to the Feds to foot the bill for removing a building that the Archdiocese didn’t want when Holy Cross decided to rebuild there.)

This is the same Archdiocese that owns many properties in the city that have been moth-balled, so to speak, before the infamous Flood.

These parcels should be owned by families and businesses. They should contribute to the common welfare. They could be assets to the community as a whole, not sink-holes that community money disappears into for their “needs” one morning per week. The monies required for the “businesses’” schemes rightfully belong to the PEOPLE that lived here and are trying to rebuild their lives and communities.

These are the people and the causes that the Christ believed in, not the creations of those of power and money.

In the New World the playing field shall be leveled: no business, including the religious ones, will have tax-exempt status. We are a polyglot culture, very diverse, and there is no reason for those of us who aren’t believers to be tithed for that which means nothing to us and gives nothing to the entire community.

This is one of the basic tenets of our Republic, and we must live by that.

July 2, 2007

Bush Commutes Libby’s Prison Time

Filed under: Neo-Fascism,Seccession,Sinn Fein — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 6:11 pm

Yep, the cock-sucking, un-Veteran Commander in Chief, cross-wearing asshole has just commuted Libby’s prison sentence.

Sucession from this filthy, criminal freakin’ Nation.

Sinn Fein.

June 30, 2007

22 Months…

And we are still not “home”.

22 months and the Corps of Engineers still can’t create a proper drainage system.

There is no silver lining in this dark cloud.

Sinn Fein.

32% of New Orleanians are still NOT HOME 22 months after the Federal Flood of our city.

It’s time to secede and prove Jefferson’s fears about what New Orleans means to the U.S..

June 18, 2007

ICF’s Fun on the Yellow Brick Road Home

The Gret Stet’s Legislative Auditor’s Office just released an audit of travel monies paid to ICF for travel expenses… why am I not fucking surprised at the damn results?

“The state has paid the private contractor running Louisiana’s Road Home program $770,000 more for travel expenses than its actual travel costs so far, according to a review of the expenses by the state Legislative Auditor’s Office.

The audit, released Monday, said the state has paid ICF International Inc. $770,449 more for travel than its estimated costs for the travel of ICF employees and Road Home subcontractors from October through March 31.”

And ICF’s answer?

“ICF officials said that over the life of the three-year contract their travel costs could be larger than the $19 million it will be paid for travel by the state. They said they developed the travel budget in compliance with federal travel reimbursement standards.

“Given the high level of uncertainty in what the actual travel cost would be for such a large and dynamic Program, and over a nearly three-year period, the fixed-price nature of the arrangement presented high financial risk to ICF,” the company said in a statement responding to the audit.”

Round up these carpetbagging Virgina hams and send their asses back to an orbit around the Beltway. Freakin’ ICF earned less than $50M per year prior to taking on the Road Home Program, they’ve done a lousy job doing it, and they’re carving out more profit based on “possible travel expenses”? Travel to where you freakin’ money pigs? Are you going to take separate flights to visit each of the exiles who aren’t home so they can get their grants? No mooks, you will never do that.

Is this how you were able to “reward” your executives with large bonuses when all you’ve done as an administrator is screw the Program up? When you have strung out so many for so long in getting their Block Grants given by Congress for those victims of the Federal Flood of our City? (Like the 11 months we’ve been waiting to fix our house under this Program?)
Where is the Humanity in these Virgina fucks? How can they sleep at night? (Oops… forgot: have 10 Scotch & Sodas, take the Penial Recovery drug, and drop a sleeping pill. This way you can do your old lady for all of 3 to 8 Minutes, and then just roll over and enjoy the sleep of the unfairly enriched Carpetbag crowd)

Oh to Hell with giving these Carpetbabbers travel fare back to Old Vir-”ginny”.

Let’s hang these mooks, fight for our Reparations, and commence with secession from a culture that breeds these kinds of demons.

Sinn Fein!

June 14, 2007

Flying the Flag Proudly… NOLA Style

Filed under: Civic Blogging,New Orleans,NOLA Bloggers,Sinn Fein — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:31 pm

Oyster reminds us that it is Flag Day. I’m flying ours now.

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