Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

July 14, 2007

Rising Tide II

August 24 – 26 is our second Rising Tide Conference for New Orleans. Details here. (Yes, we are still putting it all together… no cans or jars in our kitchen… we cook from scratch to give you the best.)

Here’s our theme for this year:

June 14, 2007

Flying the Flag Proudly… NOLA Style

Filed under: Civic Blogging,New Orleans,NOLA Bloggers,Sinn Fein — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:31 pm

Oyster reminds us that it is Flag Day. I’m flying ours now.

April 2, 2007

Geek Dinner III

Filed under: Event,NOLA Bloggers — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:21 am

Last night we attended the third Geek Dinner at Dangerblond’s casa. Everything was so just tres kewl: great food, good folks and the Blogger spawn seemed to be entertained.

I sampled different dishes and they were killer. (We do seem to take our food very seriously, don’t we?) The best thing though, is just being around such a wonderful group of dynamic people and groovin’ on it. I really needed the lift from this. I think all of us needed this little evening.
When’s Geek Dinner IV?

Betts and I will host GD V: the “Bastille Project”, at the Treehouse in June (fingers crossed).

March 23, 2007

I’m Going to Be on Internet Radio…

Yes… I’m going to do an interview with Ethan on his TransFM Network at 6 PM CDT on Sunday. He wants to hear about New Orleans and I’m going to be playing catch-up on the Trans community. I think this will be educational for all of the listeners.
Betts and I have an Internet station based here in the city, but we have yet to do the live broadcasts that we dreamed of. Advice, talks, tech help would be wonderful in getting another stream of voices and hearts from New Orleans out there to the rest of the world.

March 12, 2007

Danger: March 31st…

Just when you thought it was safe. A moment to catch your breath from the trials of living in Nolantis… comes the demon from the swamp, rising….

“It’s the Apocalypse! The Apocalypse!”

GEEK DINNER III! ” The Gathering Gabbering” Where the NOLA Bloggers dine, drink and socialize with each other. (and create things like The Rising Tide.)

BTW- Scout from First Draft will be down with some volunteers too!
Check out DangerBlonde on this friends.

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