Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

July 10, 2006

Thousands Return to N.O. on Katrina Anniversary to Demand Housing

This could be something that we NOLA Bloggers could help support via our work during the Rising Tide Convention:

“Survivors of Hurricane Katrina and the People’s Organizing Committee are organizing a Come Back Home Campaign for the week of the one-year anniversary of the devastating hurricane. Displaced survivors who are living all over the country will gather in Washington, DC from August 24th through 26th. They will pitch tents and camp out on the federal government to demand their right to return home. On August 27th and 28th, these survivors will be pitch their tents in Baton Rouge, LA, in front of the state capitol to put pressure on the state government of Louisiana for their right to return home. On August 29th, 2006, the anniversary of the Katrina Disaster, survivors will make their demands to return home heard by the city council of New Orleans, and they will camp out on city hall.”

Read more…

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Rising Tide Convention

July 9, 2006

Bloggers Wanted For Geek Dinner!

Filed under: Civic Blogging,Event,New Orleans — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:06 pm

Five days to go folks, and then we will have the first Geek Dinner Friday night. (No, this is not a Hellenic dinner.)

Contact Maitri, Alan, or me for details and RSVPs. You can also check out the event here.

See’s ya’s there!

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