Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 20, 2006

The Day of Reckoning…

Filed under: Aside,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:18 pm

On Sunday friends came over to clean out our house and start the gutting process. It was so wonderful to have the gang there helping us and try to keep me sane. I guess I got a little sicker than expected to, but I seem to be perking up now. My depression has still not  lifted  since Sunday evening though.

Late last night I woke up crying and shaking. I’m still shaking today. Part of me wants to scream and shout about the Deluge and how many lives were damaged. So many of us got screwed big time  when the levees broke. So many are still not home.  Hell! We aren’t even home per se.

The weather is gorgeous today, and I cannot bring myself to just outside for a while. I would so much rather spend a day like today in our old courtyard and watch the kittens running around like maniacs. Maybe a nice cup of tea and a scone could top it off. Just be at peace for a time. Life has been non stop for almost 13 months, and I expect that it will continue that way for the next few months. I can’t wait to get back into our home so I can rest.

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