Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

May 5, 2007

Opus Lives!

Filed under: Aside,New Orleans — Tags: — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:01 pm

Today I found a wonderful Newsweek piece that was a breath of the Past for me. It’s an interview with Berkeley Breathed about his new children’s book “Mars Needs Moms!”. In reading the article, I found out that he still does a Sunday strip called “Opus” in the WaPo.

I thought he had given up news cartoons some years back, so this was like a present for me. “Bloom County” was a staple of my days living, or what passed for living, during the Reagan/Bush Sr. days. Even when the topic was one that made my blood boil, reading each day’s adventures with Milo, Opus, Bill and Steve Dallas brought a smile to my face.

There’s a link on Breathed’s Official Site that’ll bring old Bloom County fans some nostalgia and a weekly dose of the new strip.

Long live the Meadow Party! 


  1. His children’s books are priceless. I especially love “Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big”.

    Comment by liprap — May 6, 2007 @ 12:14 pm

  2. Breathed had retired Opus and “Outland” in 1996, but decided to come back in 2003 after being asked to contribute cartoons for the movie “Secondhand Lions.” Since then, he’s done “Opus.” I have the first few strips in a recent book of his, and they’re a lot more defined than in the past. But the storylines are just as funny and topical as ever (“I wonder if anything’s changed in America since I left here?”).

    There’s a dream panel where Condoleezza Rice is feeding Opus grapes. If that doesn’t compel you to run out and find “Opus,” nothing will!

    Comment by Ian McGibboney — May 6, 2007 @ 10:42 pm

  3. I had all of the Bloom County books, (including a signed hardback of “Bloom County Babylon”, but alas the Flood got them.
    Even my Opus stuffed animal is gone.) and the “Outland” stuff.

    I just figured he retired.

    Wait, I did have a copy of “A Wish For Wings…”.


    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — May 7, 2007 @ 12:04 am

  4. I saw “Secondhand Lions” and I soooo wanted to get hold of yhe cartoons he drew for that! The man is incredible as an artist and a satirist.

    Comment by liprap — May 7, 2007 @ 6:13 am

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