Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

October 11, 2006

I’ve Freakin’ Had It

Filed under: Aside,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:57 am

Tonight I learned what some folks thought about me. I’m not surprised by these revelations… I’ve been waiting for a year for this shit.

I don’t give a fuck about what others think. I’m myself, and I want my city whole. I’m the Pooka’s own whelp.  New Orleans is my only concern. (So  is my health, but I don’t care: New Orleans is more important.)

There have been many nasty emails sent to my direction lately. I don’t fucking care about your thoughts assholes. I AM both Male and Female, and my damn ovaries can more than overide your dammned Testies. My brain is functional, and it looks to what must be done. It ain’t about the fact that I’m a Lesbian and Intersexed. (you know who you are.) I am part of this city.

Track me, bio me, doesn’t matter… I stand on my work,and the rest of my work is breaking your power base.

Come on babies… you want dirt? I’ll give it to you, but it will come from the true depths. I will show you a world of lies and abundance. Stupid mother fuckers… no brain equals no thought train.

I’m asking for my compatriots to join me in cleaning up the cesspool that is New Orleans politics. Fuck your favs, it’s time for reality.

It’s unfortunate that I needed to use my Blog for this, but I cannot face writing different emails. My message is the same for all of you: FUCK OFF. I am a Human Being, and I’m from New Orleans, and I really don’t give a damn what they think.

Come after me now you little cowards. I’ll dance upon your graves in joy.


  1. Well?!?!?!? What happened? Does anyone need a 32-ounce can of whoop-ass opened?

    Comment by dangerblond — October 12, 2006 @ 12:44 am

  2. It’s just the Fundies doing their seasonal mindfuck. They have found many reasons to hate me and mine over the years. (Think it started when I helped egg Fred Phelps and his gang in S.F.)

    I’m just so not in the mood for this crap: my Initiation in the Fellowship of Isis comes at month’s end, we are busier than Hell getting the Treehouse Compound fixed, and I just want to spend my next days getting centered and ready for a momentous event in my life, one I’ve waited for for years.

    Guess its time to reveal my new slogan:
    “Witch by Nature, Bitch by Choice”.

    It’s going to be a long two years.

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — October 12, 2006 @ 1:46 am

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