Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

March 6, 2008

I’ve Crossed the Threshold…

Saturday I crossed the line by becoming 51 years old (yes, it’s this life only). Now I enter the Crone phase of my life.

The Maiden phase was sweet, the Mother stint was loving, but now I get to really be THE BITCH.

So, let’s start this part of my life off and talk about David Vitter.

David, David, David… diapers galour and getting your little rocks off, and you still proclaim “Family Values”.

Now you want the Native Americans to keep their babies? I thought you were part of the crowd that wanted to limit birthrates for non-Whites in this country. To keep a proper majority in our land.

The only thing I can see is that you are now allowing Wendy (your wife, not the hooker) to play within your parameters of being. Now that you can get your rocks off it’s time to screw with other folks’ lives, ‘eh?

Yes, you get to be a slut behind closed doors, but the rest of us? We’re fuckin’ screwed under your watch.

Mr. Vitter, you are a sexual deviant (welcome to the Club) and in being so you have no right to determine the sexual relations of people, dogs, catz and box turtles. And you have no right to make a stand concerning the outcome of such excursions in the game of Life. You are a twisted sexual being… get over it and enjoy.

Take your Family Values B/S and shove it up your diapers baby. You’ve shit yourself so many times that you really don’t have a political future (well, GOPers are stupid morons… who knows?). Let Mama Wendy create a nice little nursery for you in that big house and you can resort to all the infantile thoughts you desire.



  1. Hello, Morwen Madrigal,

    I originally dropped by to blogroll you as part of the Blogroll Amnesty Day celebrations (late as usual, yeah), and then found your post on David “ShittyVitty” Vitter. Oh, yes!

    Anywho, could you please add me to your ‘roll while I go back to reading your delicious blog? So many thanks.

    I blog over at La Casa de Los Gatos and CultureVultures as ThePoliticalCat.

    Comment by thepoliticalcat — March 6, 2008 @ 9:03 pm

  2. Darlin’, I’ve seen you before online. I like your view point.

    I’ve Blog rolled you under Culture Vultures. The Los Gatos place will take some time as I don’t speak Spanish. (I can do some Gaelic and Welsh, but Romance languages floor me. Must be my Celtic hatred of Romans.)

    BTW- our favorite bar has a blythe spirit there named El Gato. I call him El Gato Negro because he’s a big black cat.

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — March 6, 2008 @ 10:23 pm

  3. OK I hate to disagree, but sex with a box turtle isn’t a good thing to do. Not only do I have trouble knowing what sex the turtle is, but I can’t find their fucking ears to whisper nasty little things. Also, my weenie got scalely and I didn’t know whether to go to a doctor or a veterinarian.

    Comment by D-BB — March 7, 2008 @ 3:43 pm

  4. D-BB, I ain’t gonna touch this one, (and my affairs with box turtles remain a secret.)

    BTW- Don’t mess with Snapping Turtles.

    You have been warned.

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — March 7, 2008 @ 4:40 pm

  5. Thanks for that tip about them snapping turtles. Been there and was tempted but I used my God given good judgment.

    However, I use to tell my girl friends that I was a snake expert. I taught them how you needed to suck the venom out of snake bite wound. I can’t tell you how many times I would leave them in the living room, go out and pretend to get the mail or something, then run back inside holding my dick yelling “SNAKE BITE, SNAKE BITE, SNAKE BITE”!

    That worked fine until one of girls did a bit of reading up on that procedure and saw where you also have to make 2 crisscrossing incisions with a knife before you suck the poison out.

    Wish I had known that as I dropped my draws thinking I was about to have a good time only to have my dick sliced up like a fucking pig in a slaughter house. I screamed so loud, 4 people in a 3 block radius called 911.

    Comment by D-BB — March 7, 2008 @ 5:35 pm

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