Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

February 3, 2008

Blogroll Amnesty Day (B.A.D.)

As a Blogger who is pretty much on the bottom of the food chain, I didn’t participate in the last two B.A.D.s. I mean Hell, all I do is mainly cover New Orleans and the Coast, write about daily life, my community, and once in a while delve into the National B/S.

For background on the B.A.D., try here , and here.
Today however, The Democratic Daily issued their post on B.A.D., and to my surprise and delight, two of the NOLA Bloggers were listed: Oyster and moi. *Blushes*  I guess that the thousands of hours I’ve spent since the Flood reading almost everything… thinking my way through all of the crap that goes down in this World… and the screaming of my soul against injustice actually is making a difference. (and no, I’m not going to go “Sally Fields” here.)
So in order to work with the concept of this day, this week I’ll be adding a new section to my Blogroll: Good Voices. These are Blogs which aren’t about New Orleans, but about day-to-day lives and thoughts of other folks making their way through Life and the B/S of the ruling 2%. I’m stepping up my campaign to help birth a more Progressive world.

Here’s to the Progressive Blogosphere: Salute!


  1. Hon, you CREATED the food chain of the Nolasphere, as far as I’m concerned. That makes you da Queen. :)

    Congrats for your recognition by The Democratic Daily. Both you and Oyster keep it real in a classy way. Bravo!!

    Comment by charlotte — February 3, 2008 @ 4:35 pm

  2. Hell Yeah! Go Grrrrl.
    Wannaful Wannaful
    You BAD Yeah…You BAD!
    Ya’know it Ya’know it
    Ya’show it Ya’trow it

    Thanks for lining them up and knocking them down.

    Comment by New Orleans News Ladder — February 3, 2008 @ 5:36 pm

  3. *still blushing* All I desire in Life right now is to win both a gumbo, and a red beans and rice cook-off, and Trans-Woman of the Year. Then I can lay my body down.

    I’d love to be a Queen at Mardi Gras, but I’m at the bottom of the list for that stuff. Maybe I could get to be Queen of Decadence. *giggles* Memo to self: time to become more twisted. Need more chains, fuck-me boots, skimpy dress and some killer jewelry. (and loosen up my predilection for being a school marm.)

    Seriously, the Nolasphere came from all of us working together, same as the neighborhoods came together for the rebuilding from the Federal Flood. ALL of us have created the best of the best in cyber when it comes to a community.

    All hail the NOLA Bloggers!

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — February 3, 2008 @ 6:49 pm

  4. Hi Gentilly Girl,

    We were honored you stopped by on Raybin’s “Rise America” post on The Wild Wild Left!

    I’m dropping a note to let you know I added you to my blog roll, and will be visiting here often to read you.

    If you would like to cross post, email me, & I will send the blogger invite (blogger is funny that way)


    Comment by Diane W — February 4, 2008 @ 12:20 pm

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