Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 8, 2006

And Folks Wonder Why I’m a Witch…

Filed under: Aside — Tags: — Morwen Madrigal @ 9:12 am

I have spent the last forty years struggling with this stupid issue, but Crooks and Liars have the proof of the pudding.

How the Hell can anyone be this deluded?

Mr. Phelps? If you come down to New Orleans I’m not going to egg you like I did in San Francisco, I’m going to be using C-4. Westboro Baptist Church is nothing but a den of worthless fanatics, and a tactical nuclear strike is the solution.

Thanks Fred: I’m going to be sageing myself all day long in order to get the shit you spued into my ears and eyes removed. Asshole fanatic mutha!

1 Comment »

  1. So this is what has Phelps and his bunch of fundamentalist whack jobs are up to these days? The WBC has made real progress from their early days of writing hateful letters to Jewish children. I remember when their members came to Sapulpa to protest a diversity event at a local high school. While many Oklahomans are opposed to any form of state sponsored recognition of gay marriage they don’t like being told what to think by a group of religious fundamentalists. Then there are the protests and pickets at soldier’s funerals these really get under my skin, as a soldier and as a citizen. While I respect their inherent right to protest I think their methods are beyond the realm of what is acceptable as a form of expression. It should be noted on their public website they seek the protection of the so called fag enabling government they despise “Any messages containing threats of physical violence (including death) will be immediately reported to the FBI and your ISP”. Ones of these days they are going to start their nonsense near a soldier’s funeral and get more than they bargained for; but I think that would play into their favor. On another level you can’t help but raise an eyebrow or two at some of their denunciations of homosexuals. Many people who have committed violent crimes against gays or transgender citizens are indeed struggling with their own sexuality. Perhaps Phelps just needs to come out of the closet and deal with the fact that he might be gay. Then again according to Erick Ericksons psychosocial stages of development old man Phelps must have had a more than a few negative resolutions that might explain why he is so testy.

    Comment by thbourland — September 9, 2006 @ 12:41 am

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