Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

June 15, 2008

Where Are Our Kid’s Parks?

Filed under: Community Planning,New Orleans,Rebuilding — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:19 pm

Right down the street from us is Perry Rhoem Park. Kids played baseball and football there. Some days you would have trouble getting down Abundance street since there are games going on and every one is parked near there. Folks drag grills to the field in order to make burgers and dogs, and they don’t have kids playing there. It’s a little gem of a place. Nothing but good vibes.

Now I don’t have children. Raised my sibs, and that was enough for this girl. But now, I look at this park, seeing the smiles and frowns of the kids competing in the Past, and I am saddened. FEMA used this place for a trailer park post Federal Flood, and even though the trailers have been gone for many weeks, there is still gravel covering the grounds, power poles and a freakin’ septic system. Where do these kids get to play?

I can’t be an advocate for every park in the city, but Perry Rhoem is now my project. FEMA must restore the park, and I’m looking for good souls to help make it better than before. I want it to be expanded: the kids have a baseball diamond and a football field, but I want basketball courts and more picnic tables so that folks can watch their kids compete. I also want the perimeter treed. I want these kids to have the best, and I will not settle for less than the best for them.

I have seen the private parcels that housed FEMA trailers restored. What about our freakin’ children’s parks? Ya’s know me: I cover many things in the city. Many FEMA trailer lots have been redone, but they are not our children’s parks. They are privately owned properties. I happen to see this as total Bullshit.

Sounds strange coming from the Trans witch, but ya’s know the look on these kids’ faces when they field a grounder or catch that pop fly or hit a home run. The voices of the folks cheering on their little players just playing the sports. I miss that, and I am determined to make things right and better for these kids.

I will fight to get things fixed, but if any of you have an “in” with the Saints or the Hornets, please clue me in. My desire is to get these kids their playground back. And if you find me dragging a grill to the ballpark, just know I’m going to be feeding folks amongst the cheering.

“is feeling a lot like intimidation and harassment.”

Here’s an editorial from the Times-Picayune concerning the spending of our “missing” Mayors staff.

A snippet from the piece, and then I fucking go off-

“Neither is his communication director, Ceeon Quiett, nor his director of intergovernmental affairs, Kenya Smith. Those two charged $81,268 of the more than $150,000 that the administration spent on travel, hotels and restaurants in a six-month period from September to February — more than the other 17 aides who use the account combined.

Mr. Smith said in a May 17 e-mail that documentation supporting his expenses would satisfy any criticism of his spending. A month later, there are still no documents. Mr. Smith responded to a reporter’s questions about the lack of paperwork with an empty assurance: “I’m sure our folks have provided you what there is and would be happy to accommodate you if you think there is more.”

He also said that the inquiry “is feeling a lot like intimidation and harassment.”

Kenya Smith is the epitome of fuckmookery that Nagin and his idiots have given to the folks of New Orleans via City Hall. Intimidation and harassment? Fuck you asshole. You are spending our money, and you will not provide the details on what and why you spent taxpayer’s money?

This little colored girl believes that you should be burned at the stake for these statements. I will personally preside over the lighting of the brush under your feet. Thou shalt burn merrily.

Whilst we CITIZENS of New Orleans are fighting tooth and nail to rebuild our lives and the life of the city, you fucks are wining and dining without explanations as to what you are doing in our name and with our purses. This is OUR MONEY Mr. Smith. It is to be used for the people of the city and not to fill your gullet or inflated ego.

The people of this great city desire an explanation, and you had better deliver baby.

Sinn Fein!

June 13, 2008

Ashley Morris Remembered

Filed under: Ashley Morris — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:46 pm

I cried me a river over Ashley’s death, and here comes a piece concerning the creator of “The Wire” and his dealings with the Great One.

Please donate to the Morris Family Fund.

June 12, 2008

Vote For the New Canal Lighthouse

Filed under: Memories,New Canal Lighthouse,New Orleans,Rebuilding — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:13 pm

Jeld-Wen, maker or doors and windows is having a contest to see which lighthouse on their final list of contenders gets free doors and windows. Here’s the link.

Heres another way to help out locally.

June 11, 2008

McCain: The Manchurian Candidate

Filed under: Campaign 2008,Politicians,Progressive News — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:45 pm

McCain didn’t drink the kool-aid, he was programmed years ago and his captors just pulled the trigger.

Go here.

Yes, I’m going to be very involved with the election now. (but you expected that)

I’m Voting Republican…

Filed under: Elections,Family Values,Fools,Insanity,Neo-Fascism,Politicians — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:49 pm

Yeah, fucking right!

From the Suspect Device comes this little video gem.

June 9, 2008

America’s “End of Days”?

Filed under: American Culture — Morwen Madrigal @ 7:19 pm

Varg over at the Chicory “nails it”.

Need Your Help- Part Three

Filed under: Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,My Community,Trans-Feminist — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:07 pm

I started screaming about this a month ago-

If you are concerned about the direction the DSM V is moving in, please sign this petition if you haven’t already.

Thank ya’s kindly Darlin’s!

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