Just go here.
June 16, 2009
April 17, 2009
Is LSU Lying About the Condition of Charity Hospital After the Flood?
LSU claims that Charity Hospital suffered greater than 50% damage due to the Federal Flood of New Orleans, 8/29/05, as a justification for their abandoning the hospital in order to build a new medical complex in Lower Mid-City and thus displacing 20+ blocks of homes and businesses (not counting what the new VA Hospital will displace if LSU’s dream is realized).
Recently date-stamped photos emerged of Charity in the weeks after the Flood- here.
LSU is lying about the scenario as per the condition of Charity post-Flood. The tax-payers will have to cough up $100s of millions more so that LSU can get the glittering complex they have wanted for years and millions more to destroy a Historic neighborhood.
Just tell LSU- “NO”!
April 14, 2009
Save Charity & Lower Mid-City
Here’s a new website for renovating Charity Hospital and saving 16 blocks of Lower Mid-City from destruction.
And while you are at it, watch this video on the topic.
Both are creations of E at We Could Be Famous…
February 16, 2009
It’s Time To Reclaim Property Taxes
Back in ’04 I was trying to find a derelict property with which to create a Trans shelter/counseling center since many of my brothers and sisters have no place to go safely in the Metro area. I kept running across property after property that was idle, but most of them were “owned” by churches and no-name non-profits. It’s hard to line up funding for such projects if one can’t find a place to base the concept in.
In one of my more curious modes I started searching the property database for who owned what and whether it was tax exempt or not. I didn’t make it through the entire list, but my results showed that almost 50% of the properties I went through were tax exempt, yet nothing was being done with the property. Others had hair/nail salons or other businesses that had NOTHING to do with the mission of the “owners” of the properties.The City and the citizens of said city were getting fucked over by this situation. Why should I pay property taxes on my place only to see a salon operating on a tax free basis?
Last week the City Council voted 6 to 0 on ordering the Assessors’ offices to re-examine the uses to which these non-profit properties had been employed. This has been tried in the Past, but the howls from the cross-wearing crowd and the sham non-profits drowned out any chance of change being brought about. Their bottom line was being threatened. Their milking of those of us who actually did pay our fair share under the Social Contract was going to be dried up. Their gravy train would end.
All of these efforts to equalize the City’s tax base went for naught and our city has suffered for that.
Why the Hell must we tax-paying folk have to subsidize these tax-exempt fucks, especially when the properties in question are not performing the functions under which the limits for tax free usage demands? Why should someone like myself, who does not utilize “religeous” places, be forced to pay for their share of infrastructure costs? Parks, Public schools and government buildings I have no problem with funding… they exist for all of us, but why must I pay for that which does not mean a damn thing to me or my life?
Centers of religion I have no objection to when it comes to property taxes. It’s just the outside operations, both religious and secular, that have no purpose other than to generate money becomes a business to my mind. Businesses pay taxes.
It’s time we separated religion and City here in New Orleans. Fair is fair, and for those of us busting our tushes off trying to rebuild this is a necessity.
Support the City Council in this matter. Demand transparency when it comes to determine “use” of property. Don’t back down to pressure from those who will not shoulder their part of the burden when it comes to running our home.
This is fraud… and it is extortion. This is one of the ways that some can suck off the lives of the many. It is not right, and the problem must be corrected no matter how much a certain segment of the population screams and wails.
February 3, 2009
Nagin Must Go…
By Wednesday I will have the recall petition papers in order to rid New Orleans of the greatest hinderence to our recovery- Mayor C. Ray Nagin.
Right now I’m compiling data from others that show how Nagin is trying to kill our city. If you have data that shows the machinations of the Nagin Administration, please send them to me.
This is for the Marigny/Bywater/French Quarter. This is also for the 70 acres of homes in Lower Mid-City. It is also for each and everyone of use busting our tushes to rebuild post-Flood. This is about saving the soul of a city we love.
Ray Nagin needs to go back to Dallas.
January 13, 2009
Aacckkkkk!!!! Bush Squeeks about NOLA and Katrina
I have spent all day listening to the Bushite referring to his Admins’ response to the damage from katrina and the Federal fuck-up we here call the Flood. Response? I don’t remember a true response.
Response? When 9/11 happened he sat staring a a child’s book for some minutes, but Katrina and the Flood? It took days before he did a “fly over” the disaster zones. One of the oldest cities in the U.S. was drowning, many of those who wanted to return to rebuild were in freakin’ exile, and the bastard couldn’t land his plane and get his hands dirty digging out the remains of a dying city?
His excuse was that he didn’t want to interrupt the police from doing their jobs?
Fuck me! You have the Secret Service and you are the Commander-In-Chief of our military forces and you are worried about fucking up the cops in a devastated/depopulated zone? Are you fucking serious? Do you actually remember that week? How many fingers am I holding up? (wrong… I was just holding up my middle finger you mook.)
What exactly did you invest in the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast Mr. Lame Duck President? We sank almost $300K in rebuilding our part of the city and that still isn’t enough. We veterans still don’t have a true, full fledged hospital to honor the pledge made to those of us who gave up years of our lives in service to the country. The poor have no place to live since your HUD allowed the destruction of the Projects.
Mr. Bush (I never voted for you and you ain’t Prez in my book), I happen to hate your guts. Fuck your storied Racist ancestors or that worthless bag of bones called your father (Gotcha! Thought I was referring to Babs ‘eh?) We are one of the oldest parts of this Nation and we have bled, not only in blood but in oil and gas for this country. We have been carved apart (physically) by the very companies you praise to fuel a Nation at the detriment of us losing the very soil underneath our feet, and you think we should be thanking you?
George baby, you are the worst creature I’ve ever run across, and I have seen the scum of the Earth.
Just STFU and vanish from the scene. We’ll find a way to have you takened to the World Court for war crimes and please forgive us if we yawn when they give you that lethal injection. (I’ll have a whiskey tonic and then just shrug.)
Sinn Fein
December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas From The Church of Our Lady Of Gentilly
It’s 78 degrees, humid and thunder clouds are amassing. It’s supposed to be cold and snowing, but the Nagin Administration is in charge of scheduling the weather (because C.Ray “controls” the vertical and the horizontal in order to help us buffoons get by. Evil minion Blakely probably had this job since he’s the Recovery Czar.) Well the snow came two weeks early, but at least Nagin and his minions actually made something happen. We should give thanks for at least that I guess.
Enough of that snark.
Tonight Betts, our dear friend Elaine and I will be holding court at Le Cote Brasserie on Tchoup. Then we head out to see friends at the Starlight and play games, come home for “A Christmas Carol” with Alistair Sim and then your’s truly gets to start prep work for tomorrow’s dinner- Prime rib on the Weber and the fixens.
To you my Gentle Readers and for everyone in the New Orleans area, have a Merry Christmas (Bill O’Reilly liked that) and may you and yours have a great time. (Carpetbaggers are not included since they work for the Grinch) And to the NOLA Bloggers- I give you all a big hug and a kiss.
This bitch will be back on the 26th.
Be Blessed!
December 19, 2008
The City Council Speaks and the Mayor’s Minions Still Go His Way
Here’s the latest, and I ain’t saying anything until it all blows up next week.
Fuck it, Nagin is NOT getting the money for his “glittering jewel” (probably wants it named for him).
November 25, 2008
Petition To Remove Warren Riley NOW!
Eli inspired me, so here it goes-
A petition to remove Warren Riley now from the NOPD.
We are the NOLA Bloggers. We fight for our city, and it’s time to throw some weight around. The future of New Orleans depends on this.
November 13, 2008
Methinks They Doth Protest Too Much
More fun and games down at City Hall and our idiot Mayor’s administration. The other day the City Council held a budget hearing concerning the Sanitation contracts and the huge cost it is to the taxpayers. Council woman Stacey Head got into with Sanitation Director Veronica White over White’s lies to the Council.
Today Mayor “No-See-Um” Ray Nagin sent an email to the Council. He berated them for mistreatment, Racial verbal assaults and profanities. The tape recordings show no such things. Nagin admitted later that he hadn’t listened to to the recording.
What a fucking utter moron.
Nagin’s minions are unqualified for their positions. That’s one reason they cannot, or will not, answer questions about the the details of their departments. The other reason may well be the interesting contracts and questionable dealings of the Administration and certain contractors. Just read the stuffs the American Zombie has been posting for years. (I refuse to list all the links to the posts because there are just way too many of them.)
If someone is the head of a Department, they had well better know what is happening on their watch. Their inflated paychecks come out of our wallets and purses. I’ve run major businesses and if I responded to the company as these mooks do to our elected Council, I’d be out looking for another job or facing an indictment.
We who live and are rebuilding our damaged city cannot wait until 2010 to see the departure of our bald, demented, punch-drunk fool of a Mayor and the trash he has brought into City Hall. All of them must go.
UPDATE- Eli over at We Could Be Famous has his take on this.