Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

January 13, 2009

Aacckkkkk!!!! Bush Squeeks about NOLA and Katrina

I have spent all day listening to the Bushite referring to his Admins’ response to the damage from katrina and the Federal fuck-up we here call the Flood. Response? I don’t remember a true response.

Response? When 9/11 happened he sat staring a a child’s book for some minutes, but Katrina and the Flood? It took days before he did a “fly over” the disaster zones.  One of the oldest cities in the U.S. was drowning, many of those who wanted to return to rebuild were in freakin’ exile, and the bastard couldn’t land his plane and get his hands dirty digging out the remains of a dying city?

His excuse was that he didn’t want to interrupt the police from doing their jobs?

Fuck me! You have the Secret Service and you are the Commander-In-Chief of our military forces and you are worried about fucking up the cops in a devastated/depopulated zone? Are you fucking serious? Do you actually remember that week? How many fingers am I holding up? (wrong… I was just holding up my middle finger you mook.)

What exactly did you invest in the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast Mr. Lame Duck President? We sank almost $300K in rebuilding our part of the city and that still isn’t enough. We veterans still don’t have a true, full fledged hospital to honor the pledge made to those of us who gave up years of our lives in service to the country. The poor have no place to live since your HUD allowed the destruction of the Projects.

Mr. Bush (I never voted for you and you ain’t Prez in my book),  I happen to hate your guts. Fuck your storied Racist ancestors or that worthless bag of bones called your father (Gotcha! Thought I was referring to Babs ‘eh?) We are one of the oldest parts of this Nation and we have bled, not only in blood but in oil and gas for this country. We have been carved apart (physically) by the very companies you praise to fuel a Nation at the detriment of us losing the very soil underneath our feet, and you think we should be thanking you?

George baby, you are the worst creature I’ve ever run across, and I have seen the scum of the Earth.

Just STFU and vanish from the scene. We’ll find a way to have you takened to the World Court for war crimes and please forgive us if we yawn when they give you that lethal injection. (I’ll have a whiskey tonic and then just shrug.)

Sinn Fein


  1. Are you old enough to remember Hurricane Betsy that hit New Orleans back in the Sixties? Within a day, Lyndon Johnson was out in the water in hip waders up to his ass in cotton mouths, shaking people’s hands and saying, “I’m your President, we’re going to take care of you.” What a difference!

    Comment by Lisa Paul — January 13, 2009 @ 2:35 am

  2. Darlin’, I lived in the Marigny back then. Also did Camille whilst living in Biloxi.

    I remember LBJ’s words and his actions. (would that the Corps of Engineers have listened to him)

    I’m far older than you think.

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — January 13, 2009 @ 3:00 am

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