Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

January 2, 2009

Paint Party at David’s House

Silence is Violence and NoLA Rising are teaming up for a Paint Party in order to protest the ineffectivness of NOPD and the D.A.’s Office on matters of crime within our city. This protest will take place at the home of Willow and Feather who have created a wonderful memorial to Willow’s son David who was murdered in ’01.

The reason for the choice of venue is outlined in an article from today’s T-P.

I think the neighbors, the Taylors, who so much want to have Willow remove her expressions of love are true fuckmooks, especially when they moved into the neighborhood years after Willow started on her memorial to her lost son. They feel it hurts their property value, but did they not notice the house next to the one they were purchasing at the time?

Yet another example of outsiders coming in, smacking down $$$ for a home in an old neighborhood and then going bat-shit insane when they finally realize that the culture they were surrounded by wasn’t exactly their cup of tea. And then they attempt to stop our cultural expressions to suit their desires. They will not win… you either “get” New Orleans or you don’t. If the latter is true, get the Hell out of our city.

To see pics, go here.

Sinn Fein


  1. Amazing. I was just reading about this story on another NOLA blog. It’s incredible how you NOLA bloggers really stick together and have formed a community. About the house. I hope all goes well. We had a similar situation here in SF when a grieving mother, who lost a child to leukemia, decorated her house and made a mosaic in her honor. Some protested but were quickly shouted down. I’ll never understand why someone would move to a unique, quirky and arty city like NOLA or San Francisco and expect the conformity of a gated suburban community!?

    Comment by Lisa Paul — January 2, 2009 @ 11:05 pm

  2. Lisa,

    Maybe it’s just because they don’t have a clue about anything or anyone outside of their sterile existence?

    And when it comes to the NOLA Bloggers, we may not agree on some points, but when it comes to the genii loci, Spirit of the Place, we seem to always be on the same page.

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — January 3, 2009 @ 12:27 am

  3. Actually, NOLA Rising is planning this in response to the SilenceIsViolence strike planned for Friday January 9th. We’ve asked for organizations to come up with their own actions and activities as part of a city-wide event for that Friday. Others are planning soccer matches, etc. Yard signs stating “Crime Happened Here” are available now at Sound Cafe. Businesses are pledging a portion of their proceeds to local charities. And everyone should wear red. For more detail, go to

    Comment by Ken — January 3, 2009 @ 7:51 am

  4. Ken, I know this. I just wanted to highlight the paint party due to the T-P’s article about the battle being raged over what Willow and Feather have done with the place.

    I plan to write up a piece on the Silence is Violence strike this weekend.

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — January 3, 2009 @ 7:16 pm

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