Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 25, 2007

Dem Looziana Boyz Are Helping the Nawlin’s Brand!

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has just recently released (Yeppers, something about a storm coming clouded my mind and I didn’t post on it then.) their Third Annual report on the Corrupt Members of Congress.

Good old brothers Dollar Bill and Sinnator Davy have stepped up to the plate and proudly represent that Nawlin’s Brand.

Brother Bill, Brother Dave… I would so very much like, from the depths of my Bohemian soul, standing here at the Pulpit, the Holy Pulpit of the Church of the Light That Is New Orleans, to say that the two of you have done so much for the Gret Stet by your actions ably representing us up in the District to embark upon a great mission for all of us parishoners here.

We humbly ask in the name of the Church for you two Wise Men to attempt a journey of thousands of miles and many, many years, in search of the Holy Elixir of Crustal Rebound that shall save the Gret Stet from a watery grave. We also please beg your Holy selves to take our Wise Man C. Ray with you.

We will also daily pray for you whilst you are on this perilous Journey, even though it might lead to the Depths of Hell.

Have a good trip jerks.

September 18, 2007

What the Hell is Going On Here?

Filed under: Crime,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:50 pm

The T-P’s violence report for last weekend.

Either we get some cops, or we’ll just have to do this in a vigilante fashion.

September 12, 2007

Sinnator Vitter Fucks Up…

Filed under: Crime,Louisiana,New Orleans,Politicians — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 7:34 pm

It will not be a shock to my readers that I hate David Vitter. I won’t call him a pervert because many of us have some form of kinkiness (or should have) in the bedroom, but I’ll admit my little “special” things. (Mine are a little more “physical”.)
He fucked up some years ago in an interview: “Thank you for repeating all these vicious rumors that my political enemies are trying to bandy about,” Vitter had responded on the show, adding, apparently mistakenly, that “those rumors are absolutely true,” and continuing,”they really don’t belong in any political campaign and I’ve stated very clearly that they’re lies…”

Thanks to the Flaming Liberal for forcing that admission.

So Davy boy, why don’t you come to visit Momma Morwen and she will put you in nice soft nappies, some mittens and booties, a sweet little bonnet and a cute baby dress with yards and yards of petticoats so you can just be your baby self and not have to deal with your wife Wendy whilst you go Goo-goo and gaa-gaa until I fill your mouth with a passifier.

Sound good Sinnator? You know how to find me.

Justice for the Jena Six

Filed under: Civic Blogging,Crime,Louisiana,Racism — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:07 pm

From the Humid Haney Rant:

I’m in on this. Are you?

August 23, 2007

Former Corps Employee Accepts Bribe

Freakin’ just color me surprised. The jackass is from Houston too!

From WWL.

Update: The T-P seems to have the straight skinny on this criminal.  (Thanks Sandstep!)

Greg Palast on the Drowning of New Orleans

Once again Palast digs the freakin’ dirt on the assholes who fucked New Orleans when the levees failed under conditions that were way below spec. Read it and weep America… one day soon this kind of dog and pony show may just visit your locale.
Here’s a snippet:

“That leaves the big, big question: WHY? Why on earth would the White House not tell the city to get the remaining folks out of there?

The answer: cost. Political and financial cost. A hurricane is an act of God – but a catastrophic failure of the levees is a act of Bush. That is, under law dating back to 1935, a breech of the federal levee system makes the damage – and the deaths – a federal responsibility. That means, as van Heeden points out, that “these people must be compensated.”

The federal government, by law, must build and maintain the Mississippi levees to withstand known dangers – or pay the price when they fail.”

Link to his article.

Curtsey to Ana Maria for this.

Nagin’s “Branding” of New Orleans

Filed under: Crime,Nagin's Minions,New Orleans,NOLA Politics — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:04 pm

Mark Fiore sums it up quite well.

Curtsey to Humid Haney.

August 13, 2007

Oliver Thomas Pleads GUILTY!

Filed under: Crime,New Orleans,NOLA Politics — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:07 pm

Here’s the Summary of the Government’s Case.

August 11, 2007

Oliver Thomas Goes Down…

Filed under: Crime,New Orleans,NOLA Politics — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 10:47 pm

Our City Councilperson At-Large is to be arraigned Monday on Federal charges of corruption.

The one time favorite for Mayor in 2010 is now going down in flames. The word is he will enter a guilty plea on this matter and resign from the Council.

Good-bye CROOK! (And yes… I want these ministers who keep showing up to “vouch” for their crooked heroes to be investigated too. Same goes for the Progressive Democrats and the Black Organizaton for Leadership Development *BOLD*)

Who are the other pieces of criminal trash to be taken out of our City government…. Hmmmm…. ?

August 8, 2007

Night Out Against Crime…

Filed under: Crime,New Orleans,Racism — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:29 am

Tonight was the Night Out Against Crime in the Mid-City, and b.rox had this to say about the event.

I was writing a comment to his Blog, and then realized that my comment was really a post about the problem of unbridled crime and how I see it in New Orleans. I decided that here is where it belongs.
Here’s what I wrote:

We ARE on our own in this aspect of the City’s rebuilding.

I’m looking forward to getting back into our place in Gentilly, but I do know the neighborhood will be less than 10% re-populated by then. This is not a welcome scenario as our neighborhood pre-Flood was probably the safest area outside of the Isle of Denial, (in truth, it was…), but no longer does that hold true. I see the incursions of those who hold nothing decent or Sacred. To those whom Life means nothing outside of their warrior games.

We are putting in security cameras and automatic gates. We have now opted to go with shatter-proof glass in the windows for both storms and thugs. Our fences, both property and security, will be very hard to deal with if bad creatures decide to break into one of the few lit houses around.

There will be an arsenal at the house: shotguns, rifles, and two pistols. Both of us, and some of our upcoming tenants, are crack shots trained by the military. Most of us have been hurt by these thugs before.

When the sensors are tripped, the lights will blaze, and whilst the aggressors are blinded, the hailstorm begins.

When the NOPD shows up days later (’cause it will take them that longer to find our neighborhood), they’d better be carrying body-bags, because we will have done their J.O.B..

I have seen the swarms as they roam the Marigny and Bywater… seen the same in the 7th Ward. Watched them set up their traps on the edges of the Quarter and the Treme. (I’m not seen as I can walk the shadows.) These conditions cannot be allowed to stand as it is nothing more than preying upon innocents that probably have nothing to do with the cause of the horror.

Social failures and situations cannot excuse these kinds of actions. Many of us who are trying to rebuild in my roaming areas are poor, or at best, Middle-Class. We do not avail ourselves of the barbaric solutions they have chosen in order to correct their or our problems. We are not responsible for the lack of teachings about Human Dignity and Decency… how we function as a group in order to survive the task of living in this World. Those who’s job it was to instill these lessons have totally failed in their task as concerns their folk.

Part of this was the failure of Society, partly the bullshit that came from Racist attitudes (on both sides) and the indifference to our Constitutional mandate to provide for all in Equality. Much came from the indifference of family groups to teach the basic lessons of Humanity when living in a polyglot Culture.

Many of the possible/probable victims in the Future/Past had nothing to do with these failures. Many of us have tried to help eliminate these problems, but all too often we are destroyed, not those who created the situation. (And here in NOLA, we are being left to our own devices when it comes to this scenario.)

I will stand on this issue and the performance of my duties to neighborhood and friends. Same goes for many folk here. Our city’s rebuilding is up to us who ARE rebuilding our homes and lives. Those who would stop or hinder our efforts to save New Orleans must be stopped, one way or another.

The corporations, the rich, the privileged…. they can afford Blackwater to protect their worthless moneyed asses. We common folk must defend ourselves against the horde, and in doing so we save our homeplace and the legacy of place.

New Orleans exists to train the Faithful… and the faithful believe in the importance and Sacredness of this most unique city and Her people. It’s our job to protect Her.

Like I’ve stated before, I believe in St. Joan, and we are her city and people.

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