Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 25, 2007

Dem Looziana Boyz Are Helping the Nawlin’s Brand!

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has just recently released (Yeppers, something about a storm coming clouded my mind and I didn’t post on it then.) their Third Annual report on the Corrupt Members of Congress.

Good old brothers Dollar Bill and Sinnator Davy have stepped up to the plate and proudly represent that Nawlin’s Brand.

Brother Bill, Brother Dave… I would so very much like, from the depths of my Bohemian soul, standing here at the Pulpit, the Holy Pulpit of the Church of the Light That Is New Orleans, to say that the two of you have done so much for the Gret Stet by your actions ably representing us up in the District to embark upon a great mission for all of us parishoners here.

We humbly ask in the name of the Church for you two Wise Men to attempt a journey of thousands of miles and many, many years, in search of the Holy Elixir of Crustal Rebound that shall save the Gret Stet from a watery grave. We also please beg your Holy selves to take our Wise Man C. Ray with you.

We will also daily pray for you whilst you are on this perilous Journey, even though it might lead to the Depths of Hell.

Have a good trip jerks.

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