Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

June 16, 2008

Speak Truth Obama

Filed under: Barack Obama,Campaign 2008 — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:49 am

Fucking damn straight.

Obama lays the path down. It’s about time for a voice to speak the truth.

Curtsey to Suspect Device.

May 18, 2008


Filed under: Barack Obama,Campaign 2008,Politicians — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 10:11 pm

Take a look at this post from Suspect Device on Obama’s rally in Portland, OR today.

February 29, 2008

Finally, I’ve Heard What I’ve Been Waiting…

to hear.

From the Bilerico Project comes this letter from Sen. Obama on LGBT issues.

This is not the time to make comments outside of me saying that I am pleased by his statements. Doesn’t mean shit will actually happen, but at least Barack put it in print. (Like Hill could do something like this? Remember “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”?) Obama actually mentioned Trans folks and Gender Identity…. *Damn!* Is that a Log Cabin Repug falling apart?

Oh yes baby… that was better than sex.

February 7, 2008

I Am Torn

This Saturday will see us voting in the Primaries for Campaign 2008 here in the Gret Stet.

I am fucking torn. Do I vote for my hero John Edwards in order to give him, and by extension the Gulf Coast, leverage at the DNC, or do I vote for Barack Obama? This really sux.

In a way I see this as something we have to do every moment in Life: choose between our hearts or our minds. My heart screams for the thoughts and cares that Edwards expressed, but my mind says to vote for Barack in order to stop HRC.  (and no I can’t just do a coin toss on this one.) Yes I’m concerned about my Country’s future, but I MUST be adamant about getting the Gulf Coast fixed and prepping for what’s coming in the Future.

After Bush’s treatment of New Orleans post-Flood, I become very much a local Patriot. Our motto here is “Sinn Fein”. This is a hard row to hoe for me since I am a Patriot and a Veteran, but my part of this country must not be forgotten. I have traded my “America First” hat for a pirate’s tri-corner. My allegiance is to the Isle d’ Orleans, the Coast. This is the land of my people, and I have lived all along it. These last 29+ months have been Hell.

(been rereading some posts from ’06) Screw it, I’m voting my heart in the Primary, and I’ll vote for Obama in November.

I MUST stand for the folks along the Coast. (And Hillary, Bush-in-a-dress, ain’t getting my vote.)

February 1, 2008

I’ve Been “Obama”-ed

Another reason to vote for Obama and not a “Bush” in a skirt.

This little Creole girl is not voting on the basis of Race, but what she thinks is best for the Country. I also think having another Clinton in the White House is almost as bad as having another Bush.

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