I started out after the Federal Flood of New Orleans to defend the City and Her folks. I dug information on the causes of the Flood and also went for data concerning the rebuilding of people’s homes. Energy sustainability was also high on my list as it could help the bottom line for those of us returning to a place with a shattered infrastructure. I went after any shred of print that would offer insights or give aid to my neighbors and get it to them.
After three years my partner and I moved back into our home.Then last year she died. Now the City is in very capable hands and under scrutiny by those who watch, always watch.
Here it is, October ‘11, and I am watching a Movement, a growing expression of the frustrations of the bulk of the folk in this country who live under the control of 1% of the population. I am a part of the 99%, and I will continue to fight the best way I know how: I AM A BLOGGER.
I swear to do my very best furthering the cause of Occupy and the 99%.