Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

August 26, 2007

“Hurricane George” is Coming This Week…

Or “How to FUCK an entire region in one easy lesson”.


Curtsey to Suspect Device.

July 21, 2007

This Time the Idiot Comes From Nebraska…

Well, two weeks of not having to hammer the Moronic Inferno of “don’t spend MY tax money on New Orleans” has helped since Betts and I have been way too busy getting the final details on getting the house and cottages running. I would like to state that my mind, my four-letter vocabulary and my soul has NOT rested during this period however.

From the bustling hot-spot of mental giants (?) called Fremont, NE comes this little gem from the Sports Section of the Fremont Tribune. (No, one can’t leave comments there, but go figure… how many up that way could make an intelligent response (or want to) for this kind of tripe?

As it is past 5 AM and as the witchy Night Owl my existence has bequeathed , I must repair to my bed in order to escape the deadly rays of the Sun. I’ll “get on my diatribe” later in the day.

Check out this view of the area, and though they may be 1,023 feet above sea-level, the dump is still on the flood-plain, and therefore the river is right at their feet. Flat-landers = “Flat-liners”.) You know I’m going to whack them very hard… the Corps and the Bureau of Reclamation had much to do with river control up that way so it may be informative for the folks of the Mid-Lands to have an understanding about what they may have to face in time.

July 5, 2007

Another Idiot Trashes Our Home…

From Hartford comes another freakin’ “know it all” editorial.

Y’all just know that I made my thoughts known at the paper’s site.

March 6, 2007

Last Chance- Part Three

Here’s the link for the last of the T-P’s special report on Coastal Restoration and the dire need we have down here in the swamps.

March 5, 2007

Last Chance- Part 2

Here’s the second installment in the T-P’s “Last Chance” series. Same old info, but at least it’s all in one piece.

Another piece was in the paper today concerning Industry and it’s continued damage to the wetlands. These various concerns are the opponents to Coastal Restoration which will help protect the inhabited areas of SE Louisiana.

March 4, 2007

The Other Shoe Drops…

Good morning!

Well, the T-P has started a special to the paper, Part 1 of 3, entitled “Last Chance”. It’s about the slow growth by Nature of the SE Louisiana coast, and the rapid destruction of the River’s work by the hand of industry and shipping. For those who don’t understand the factors at play in this drama, it’s a very good short course in what our part of the U.S. is dealing with at this time. For those more steeped in this field, it’s a gut-wrencher: our base fears illustrated right in front of us, and the possible loss of all that we hold dear and cherish.

The interactive graphic tells the story in a very cogent way. If some grand projects are not started in 10 years, we very well may lose the battle to save this part of the American landscape. If we lose this one, America is going to become a different world, and one it doesn’t want to confront.

There are those of us who have been trying to get this point across for almost 30 years. Our voices have pretty much fallen upon deaf ears. The visual evidence has been viewed by blinded eyes. Minds have been closed to a possible fate that could badly damage the country. All that is needed is the heart to understand the scenario and to go to work on solving the problem. It ain’t rocket science.
The truth is out there kids. All you need to do is open your minds, ears, eyes and hearts. That’s all I can ask of you.

SAVE SE Louisiana!

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