Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

April 5, 2007

Now It’s Pipe Poop and Rust…

From “Fix the Pumps” comes the newest information on how well the ACOE is looking after the tax dollars they are using toget NOLA’s protections up again since the failure of the Federal levee system.

A snippet:

“What is obvious, but somehow has escaped everyone’s notice until now, is that the pipes are unpainted, and have been since they were installed almost a year ago. Naturally, they’re rusting.”

We need lots of Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs, a bunch of batteries, and rubber bands. We locals could build a better system for drainage and protection compared to the Corps’ juvenile attempts.

March 28, 2007

GAO Looks Into MWI Pump Poop

From WDSU comes this piece by Cain Burdeau-  LINK

May the shit storm begin!

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