Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

April 3, 2008

Part of New Orleans is Missing

Filed under: Ashley Morris,Blog,New Orleans,Update — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:32 am

Tonight we came home and found out that one of the bright lights of New Orleans is gone. Doctor Ashley Morris died yesterday in Florida.

His wit, thought, sarcasm and the ability to do strange, but appropriate, things with expletives boggles the mind. Often I would wake, power up the monitor and bust out laughing over his latest piece. One never knew what was going to appear on those pages.

In person Ashley was a person that could make you feel good about yourself even when you couldn’t see it. He was energy, good pure “juice”. He loved New Orleans and his family. He also had many good friends. The NOLA Blogosphere is somewhat reeling right now: our drummer is gone.

Of all the things I remember about Ashley (not counting the cigars) was the time I referred to the streetcars running here again as “trolleys”. Ashley lost no time in informing me that I had spent too many years living in San Francisco, and that in New Orleans they were “streetcars”. I still giggle when I think of that comment.

Ashley, Great Mime? Rock the Summer Country Darlin’!


Update- Adrastos has a few great pics up of the “Perfesser”.

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