Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

March 7, 2007

What Freakin’ Fresh Hell?

Oh sweet zombie jezus! Look at this report on Citizen’s Insurance in our state: LINK.

You know… if I’d run any multi-billion dollar businesses as the State is allowing Citizens to run, my career would have been toast in three damn months. (I did million dollar concerns, but… that was the Reagan Era.)

Do you get the impression that any of us commoners would be light-years choices of these political appointees? Mega light-years beyond the limited evolutionary tendencies of those who are our elected officials?

Am I the only one seeing this? (I don’t think so… others are losing their minds over this shit.)

Maybe it’s past time to toss the entire lot, elected and appointed, and OBTW, screw seniority…. we’ll let you know if you still have a job.  You are freakin’ killing all of us you idiots!

I call for a People’s Revolution here in New Orleans. It’s time to take control of this poop.

Sinn Fein 

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