Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

January 5, 2009

Wear Red Comrade!

Filed under: Crime,Event,New Orleans,NOLA Politics,NOPD,Politicians,Sinn Fein — Morwen Madrigal @ 10:53 pm


January 9-
“Strike Against Crime”

One week from today, on January 9, 2009, we will Strike Against

Crime to send a message to the New Orleans city leadership—

and to each other—that we continue to stand in solidarity as a

city, determined to defy the violence that grips our streets and

neighborhoods.  The year has not begun well: Three murders

scarred the city during the first 12 hours of 2009, and armed

robberies have been prevalent over the past week.

What would happen if the fear and danger we all live with

were to shut down our participation in the amazing energy

that defines New Orleans?  What if every business that

feels threatened by crime were to close, and every

frightened citizen to stay home?  These are the

questions that moved us to call for a “Strike” next week.

We are not asking that citizens necessarily stay home

from work—that would be too detrimental to many

families and to the small businesses that fill New

Orleans. But we are asking that you find some way

to express the toll violence takes on your individual

life, the lives of your family and neighbors, and your

jobs and businesses. We have already heard from

many of you who plan to take public, pro-active

actions that speak both to the crushing violence,

and to the under-served community needs that

could challenge this violence.

Beginning this weekend, we will post a list of planned

actions and activities for Friday, January 9 and the

Strike Against Crime.  For now, we have two specific

requests for participation:
1. If you are a retail business owner, please join us in

contributing 5% of next Friday’s sales to a public safety

or social justice-oriented non-profit organization.

This amount will mirror your city sales tax contribution

for one day.  SilenceIsViolence will provide a list of

suggested non-profit organizations, with brief

descriptions of their missions, to be beneficiaries

of these donations.
2. We have printed yard signs that will serve as crime

self-reporting tools for next week and beyond.

“Crime Happened Here” signs will be available

beginning today at Sound Cafe and through

neighborhood organizations.  We ask that people

use them to mark known crime locations before

next Friday’s strike.

If you have an activity or demonstration that you are

planning for next Friday, please let us know what it is

and we will share the information as part of this citywide

event.  Some examples include: youth resources tables

in playgrounds around town; a community soccer event

to highlight the need for community activities; a Peace

motorcade through violence-ridden neighborhoods; a

public film screening with an anti-violence message.

Use your imagination and send us your plans.

Wherever you are next Friday, wear something red.

This is how we will signal our pledge to each other to

start the peace within our own families and communities.

This speaks for itself Gentle Readers. I’m a member

of the Irish Channel Republican Army and I will be

wearing red to show solidarity with my brothers and

sisters in the battle for our city and the fight against

unbridled violence.

It’s up to us Darlin’s- Sinn Fein!

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