Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

August 4, 2006

UNOP is Insane

Oh my yes! The so very “democratic” UNOP Plan… freakin’ B/S!!! I can fuck their voting system 10,000 ways from Sunday.

This is another facet of the screw-job that the people of New Orleans are getting from the State and our local morons in our city guv’mit. These monies were given to the people as part of the Reparations due to the failure of the Feds’ botched levee job, and they are skewing the system for those whom Congress DID NOT INTEND THESE FUNDS FOR.

Alan at Think New Orleans has the story straight on the latest round in the battle:

Outsourcing Democracy


The citizens of New Orleans have been asked to choose the planners that will guide them through the process of developing a city wide plan for rebuilding. The method to record the response of the neighborhoods is an online poll. The online poll is open to fraud.

  • Suffrage is determined by the possession of an email address.
    • For many residents an email address is very difficult to obtain.
    • For anyone with knowledge of email, infinite unique addresses can be generated instantly.
  • An email address does not define a resident of New Orleans.
    • Anyone can vote without any indication of residency in New Orleans, let alone a specific neighborhood or planning district within New Orleans.
    • Anyone on the Internet can vote, even people living in other countries.

It is a childish implementation of a poll, easily gamed, impossible to verify.

This voting is being conducted under the contract of an architectural firm, Concordia, LLC. It presents and obvious conflict of interest.

Any neighborhood, dissatisfied with the results of a process that hinges upon this poll, can reasonably insist that the results of this poll be discarded.


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