Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

July 17, 2006

True Definitions….

I read a story on the New Orleans Sun site and my blood began to boil. Though many of the Block Grant monies to Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi are gifts of the American taxpayers to help folks who have been affected by the biggest Natural disaster to hit our country, the monies appropriated for New Orleans are the down-payment of the reparations we so obviously deserve.

Reparations is the operative term for those from New Orleans. Right now it’s the homeowners who are getting payed for the damages caused from the faulty levees, soon it will be time to re-emburse those who were renters. The Federal Guv’mit has so much to atone for their failures and lies to those of us who call New Orleans our home.

The levees failed, plain and simple. It wasn’t even a storm surge that they were “built” for. We
were freakin’ screwed by the Corps of Engineers. We were hung out to dry, or in this case, to drown.

Our house is not in a Floodplain, but the failure of the London Ave. Canal did us in. I lost five years of research, and Pirate Princess lost over $10K of material and equipment. My friend who founded Pirate Princess deserves reparations, as do us all. None of us did anything wrong. The actions, un-actions, of the COE were what hurt us.

We trusted, and now we know we were lied to. We put our faith in a Federal program, and later learned that it was a sham. Over 1,400 people died becuase of those mis-truths. This is unacceptable.

We need another $5B or more to answer the injuries to New Orleanians. This IS required. We were lied to and screwed…. now it’s time to pay the piper.

I stand for New Orleans.


  1. Hear hear!

    I stand with you.

    Comment by oyster — July 17, 2006 @ 10:59 pm

  2. I knew you would hon!

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — July 18, 2006 @ 6:15 pm

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