Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 27, 2008

Tossing Out the Trash (the Rich)

All week we have been subjected to tales of the mayhem to come if our Nation doesn’t bail out several investment banks. “The World will stop spinning”, “There will be a Recession”, “America will go down the tubes”.

Sorry fuckers, it’s time to make the 5% pay the piper for their excesses, greed and speculations. I mean, fair is fair.

Ya’s want a bailout because of your beliefs? Fuck you. You threw the dice and there is no reason for the taxpayers to bail your sorry asses out. Say good-bye to your 5,000 square foot McMansions, your collection of fine cars. Tell Jason and Tiffany that there will be no more special lessons and clubs.They have to walk to school and pray that they can get loans for college.

I don’t just mean this for the Execs of the sinking firms, but also for the shareholders who have driven this insane path. I want all of you to take it in the ass as you have done to the 95% that actually works to survive and puts up with your fucking bullshit. Those of us that you look down upon now hold your balls and ovaries in our hands at this point in time. Payback is a Bitch, ‘eh?

Is this about bitterness on my part? Hell no. I made my way in this world without screwing folks. Ya’ll fucked everything in sight for your “profits”. The Law of Returns states that for every evil action, you will get it back three times. You freakin’ money-pigs have a lot of atonement coming.


No safety net for these mooks that screwed us and the economy. No quarter… they have made their beds, and screwed us in the process. Mo mercy and no forgiveness. They will become part of the 95% that actually gets things done in this country if they can actually handle a real job.

Welcome to the real World assholes. I hope you like flipping burgers at the local fast food eatery.

And you had better get my order right.

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