Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 5, 2008

The Wonder That Is New Orleans

Filed under: New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 9:34 pm

Yes we stayed and survived. I got really sick with no power in the house, but trips to our friends at the Starlight helped out greatly.

Much of the food supplies went to help feed folks who headed to the bar for friendship and information. This is what New Orleanians do… help each other. Once again I am freakin’ blown away by the kindness and care that the “Faithful” provide to each other in this most special and sacred of cities.

Last night we ran more food to the Starlight and then went to Fahey’s to meet up with some of the Bloggers who stayed and a few who were just returned. (Here’s the list of the usual suspects- Bec, Maitri & D, David, Jeffery, Sarah and the two of us. If I forgot anyone, please accept my apologies.)

Today I walked the neighborhood greeting folks that were just returning home. I love the folk around here, and they like us. Seeing children come back was so very special. I felt like the Welcome Wagon without a cake for each family, but there were smiles all around.

There is more that I wish to say, but the damage to my body through the week is sapping what energy I have. Over the next few days I’ll have much more to tell about the “Ten Thousand” our fuckmook Mayor denigrated. We watched out for folks and our neighborhoods. All of us stood tall, and that’s what this city engenders in those who love Her.

Gentle Readers, time to think about a drink and see who else has gotten back. It’s just what we do.

As always, Be Blessed!


  1. Once again another hurricane, Ike, is bearing down on you and your incredible city.

    Once again we’ll be lighting a candle and praying.

    Once again, if you choose to evacuate, you and Betts are welcome here.

    Comment by Desiree' and Helene — September 6, 2008 @ 8:46 am

  2. Thanks darlin’, but we will never run again. The Fortress has proven Herself, and by next season we will have total self-reliance as far as survival goes.

    I will never leave this Sacred city again. My family helped start this place, and if She must die, then I go with Her. It is appropriate.

    Soon there wil be another post that explains my views.

    Be Blessed our dear friends.

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — September 9, 2008 @ 1:40 am

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