Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

August 10, 2007

Retro-active Abortion is a Neccessity…

Filed under: New Orleans,NOLA Politics — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:14 pm

And this is especially the case when it comes to the matter of “No-See-Um” C. Ray Nagin.

Today’s T-P has a piece on this shit-for-brains Mayor that is destroying our city and his damned opinion that the murder rate in the city is good and bad for New Orleans.

Only a Black corporate-type of shit can see this situation as a win. His damned family lives in Dallas, far from the carnage in the city perpetuated by his Black brothers, whilst those of us who are trying to rebuild our homes, lives and city suffer this crime wave.

As a woman of Color I am fucking damned outraged by this drugged-out, ganga smoking, bald fucking piece of shit-for-a-Mayor. (and no… I never voted for this piece of crap)
Don’t get me wrong… I cherish my bloodlines, my connection to so any different kinds of folk, but I cannot condone or approve of the actions of some of my relatives or of a Mayor that thinks this is a PR ploy. Where the Hell does this clown get off?

I can’t walk the streets at night, which is my wont, without a serious risk of getting robbed or killed. That I have to scope the situation out when I’m taking the garbage out at night. That I have to survey the street before doing errands because of the swarms of hoodlums making their way to the Marigny/Quarter on their way to the “hunting grounds” every evening.

Why do I have to live my life in fear? It’s because I’m Black and White, and my Black relatives are out of control, especially due to the inaction of Ray Nagin, Warren Riley and Eddie Jordan.

I’m beginning to hate my fucking relatives.

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